|8|: Thinking of quitting

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  The next two weeks were extremely awkward. Marinette and Adrien avoided each other every time they saw each other.

  After Marinette rejected his confession, both were heartbroken. Of course Marinette would never tell Adrien of her true feelings.

  All she had wanted since she was 13, was to be in a relationship with Adrien Agreste. And she had finally had her chance, yet she passed it up. While she felt quite a bit of regret for how things went down, she decided that she needed to focus on her baby more than being in a relationship with someone.

  Marinette had told her closest friends about what happened, and while Alya thought she was crazy for turning him down, she understood where her best friend was coming from. At the moment, Marinette was 10 weeks pregnant.

  Chloe had gotten suspended for an entire month for what she had done to Marinette. While people would've preferred if she had been expelled, her father managed to talk down her punishment. However, he was in fact angry with his daughter for her violent actions. In response, he stopped buying her everything she wanted, and took away her phone. It was only temporary though. Soon enough, she would be back to being spoiled rotten, and back to tormenting her classmates.

  Adrien had cut off his friendship with Chloe. Her knocking Marinette unconscious had been the last straw. Even though Marinette had rejected him, he would never wish her injury or pain. And as much as it pained him to admit, he still truly cared about her. Even though things were quite awkward between them right now, he hoped that they would be able to be friends again one day. Even if what he really wanted was to be in a relationship with her.

   As Chat noir, he and Ladybug had become rather distant from each other. Not just because Adrien was dealing with his shit personal life, but also because Ladybug had seemed to be come more closed off and secretive. He still considered her a friend, but his feelings for her had all but faded.

  He often wondered what was bothering his friend, but whenever he asked her about it, she would avoid the question. It broke his heart that the two girls he cared about most in the world, refused to let him in. Even though he had other friends, such as Nino, Adrien felt quite alone at the moment.

  Marinette as Ladybug, had become more cautious in her work. Even though her suit was protecting her and hiding her growing baby bump, she still chose to be more careful. Unfortunately, her suit couldn't protect her from her nausea. Tikki assured her that it would eventually pass.

  Due to her desire to protect herself and her baby, she had become rather closed off from Chat noir. She hated keeping secrets from her partner, but she felt that it was for the best. However, she had noticed that he seemed to be struggling with something the past two weeks, but she never asked him about it. She had her own problems to deal with.

   The Akuma attacks were becoming more frequent, and the villains more powerful. Hawk moth had really been stepping up his game; making up for lost time she guessed. Because she was trying to focus on maintaining her personal life and preparing for her baby, she hadn't made much progress in finding Hawk moth.

   Her goal of catching him before her baby was born was becoming less and less of a reality. Although she still had at least 34 weeks left of her pregnancy, the way things were was making her regret her decision to go after Hawk moth. Tikki and the others tried to help and reassure her, but it didn't do much good. The more days that passed by, the worse things seemed to get.

  However one day, everything seemed to come to a head, when Marinette reached her 12 week mark.

   At 12 weeks pregnant, Marinette was now growing a proper baby bump. It was small, but still somewhat  noticeable. Her parents had informed all the staff members of her situation and they agreed to look out for her. Adrien and Marinette were still rather distant, but were steadily improving their relationship.

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