|6|: Ketchup and Mustard

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   I walked into school a few days later, and I felt absolutely sick to my stomach. The past few days, my morning sickness had been especially bad and my parents were growing increasingly concerned. They had wanted me to stay home, but I had a Spanish test today and I had already missed too much school. So I made sure to bring my medication with me, and I left home.

  I trudged into class at a slow pace and sat down next to Alya, who looked worried. "Are you sure that you're okay to be here?" She questioned. I nodded slowly. "I'll be fine for a few hours." I responded before a feeling of nausea washed over me and I got up and ran out of the room.


   Marinette rushed to the girl's bathroom and threw up in one of the stalls. As she threw up, she suddenly felt someone pull back her hair and looked up to see Juleka. She felt relieved to see her there and smiled weakly. "Thanks Jules." Marinette said, using her friend's nickname. Juleka simply nodded in reply with a sympathetic smile on her face.

   A few minutes later, Marinette washed out her mouth and cleaned her hands. "This sucks. I feel like New Jersey shit in my mouth." (A/N: Sorry to all the people who live in Jersey, it's just a joke.) Juleka chuckled slightly. "Are you ready for the Spanish test?" She asked and Marinette nodded reluctantly. "Let's get this over with so I can go home afterwards."

~small time skip~

  The Spanish test was rather easy and Marinette managed to breeze through it, but she was fighting the urge to puke the entire time. She just had to hold onto the hope that she could go home and rest as soon as she finished her test. Unfortunately for her... it just wasn't her day.

  Shortly after Marinette completed the test, there was an explosion across the street. Everyone got up and ran away, but Marinette stayed put as she fought off her nausea.

  "Marinette you have to transform!" Tikki exclaimed. "One moment, I just need to catch my breath." Marinette responded before standing up and calling on her transformation.


   The villain was lame to say the least. It was just a hot dog vendor who had his special sauce recipe stolen by a rival hot dog vendor. He literally just sprayed mustard and ketchup all over the city. Granted, the villain had grown to gigantic proportions and the ketchup and mustard covered entire buildings.

   Ladybug and Chat noir managed to avoid getting covered in ketchup and mustard and at the end, they were able to break the mustard bottle where the Akuma was. Afterwards, they managed to get the recipe back from the rival vendor.

  "Seriously, some people have the lamest powers." Ladybug complained. Even though the Miraculous ladybugs had returned everything back to normal, the smell of ketchup and mustard still hung in the air, making her nauseous.

  "Are you alright M'lady? You don't look so good." Chat noir said, noticing his partner's state. Ladybug took deep breaths in and out, and then waved Chat noir off casually. "I'm fine, don't worry about me."

  "Ladybug, Chat noir, as a thank you for helping me, have a hotdog on the house. It has my special sauce on it." The vendor said as he held out two hotdogs to the superheroes. Chat noir took his gratefully, but Ladybug took one whiff of the sauce and ran to the nearest trash can to throw up.

  Chat noir looked terrified and ran to his partner's side. "Are you alright M'lady?!" He asked worriedly. Ladybug wiped off her mouth with the back of her hand. "I'm fine, the smell of that sauce just made me a bit nauseous." She replied, with a weak smile on her face. Chat noir arched a brow in suspicion of her choice of words, but nonetheless dropped the subject. "Okay, if you're sure." He said skeptically.

  "I should get going before I transform back." Ladybug said before swinging away.


   Marinette sat in an alleyway panting in exhaustion and she rubbed her stomach. "I don't know how I'm gonna do this." She said weakly. "It'll be alright Marinette. Once you're farther along, the morning sickness will go away and the suit will protect you from physical harm." Tikki assured. 'I wish time would speed up so I could move past this stage.'

~two days later~


  After some tough morning classes, I sat at the lunch table with Alix, Juleka, Mylène, Rose, Adrien and Nino. Alya said that she had something to take care of, and that she would be a little late to lunch.

  Everyone was eating their food and chatting away, while I merely picked at mine but didn't eat it. I had no appetite for pasta with meat sauce.

   Adrien stared at me curiously. "Aren't you gonna eat Marinette?" He asked. "I'm not in the mood for pasta." I replied.

  Juleka looked at me in concern. "You should try to eat Marinette. It's important for you to get enough food, especially with your condition." She said.

  "What condition is that?" Adrien asked and I froze. "It's nothing you need to worry about." I replied nervously. 'Great, he looks even more suspicious now.' I thought.

  "I'm here!" Alya called as she walked up to us. "What took you so long?" Nino asked as he planted a kiss on her cheek.

  "I had to get these for Marinette." She replied before tossing me a brown paper bag. I looked at in confusion and then hesitantly opened it.

  The last time she gave me a brown bag, I ended up finding out that I was pregnant. But to my surprise and delight, it was a bag full of pickle chips.

  I smiled happily and hugged her. "Thank you! I've been craving these all day." I said before popping a chip in my mouth. Alya laughed. "I had a feeling."

  "Since when do you like pickle chips so much?" Alix questioned curiously. I once again froze. I had forgotten that before I got pregnant, that I used to dislike pickles. "Um, it's a new thing." I replied.


  Adrien looked at Marinette suspiciously. 'She's been acting so weird lately.'

  The bell soon rang and everyone filed out of the lunchroom and headed to their next class. But Adrien stopped Marinette as she was leaving.

"Hey Marinette, can I talk to you for a second?"

  Marinette nodded hesitantly. "Sure, what's up Adrien?"

  "What's been going on with you lately? One moment you look sick as a dog, then the next moment you're fine. Not to mention that you barely had anything to eat before Alya brought you those pickle chips. Is everything okay?" He asked.

  Marinette's eyes widened and she looked away in embarrassment. "It's nothing you need to worry about." She said sadly. Adrien looked concerned. "But I do worry. You're my friend and I care about you." He said.

  Marinette rolled her eyes. "If you were really my friend, you'd stop asking about things that are none of your business." She snapped before storming out of the lunchroom.

  Adrien stood there stunned. "What the hell set her off?" He muttered in confusion.


   As Marinette made her way to class, she stopped and sighed deeply. 'Okay, maybe I was too harsh.' She thought guiltily before frowning.

  "Man, these damn hormones are making me crazy." She muttered. 'Time really does need to speed up. I'm not sure how much more of this I can take.'


  * Crappy chapter... I know.

Timing is everything: Miraculous ladybugWhere stories live. Discover now