|3|: In mourning

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~one week later~

It had been a rough week for almost everyone. Luka's death didn't just affect his friends and family, it also affected the citizens of Paris.

This was the first time that Hawkmoth had caused someone's actual death during one of his schemes. Sure, people had been injured in the past, but they always recovered. But now someone had actually died, and it had thrown everyone for a loop.

The civilian identity of Misery Counsler, who was actually named "Roman Delphos" barely remembered anything about his time as a villain. And upon finding out that he killed a teenage boy, he had a mental breakdown and was put in the hospital. But no one blamed him for Luka's death, he was being controlled by Hawkmoth after all.

The efforts to catch Hawkmoth and bring him to justice sped up quickly, and soon it wasn't just the authorities and Ladybug and Chat noir searching; it was now practically all of Paris. No one wanted to live in a Paris that had Hawkmoth in it.

Ladybug and Chat noir went on nightly patrols, and they had yet to come across another akumatized victim. Which was good since they were still trying to recover from the trauma of witnessing Luka's death.

Marinette was in an utter depression and didn't attend school for an entire week. She retreated into her room and closed herself off from the world. Not that anyone could really blame her. After all, her boyfriend was just murdered. But what most people didn't know, is that Luka had died in her arms, which made the situation hit home 10x harder. Marinette couldn't stop thinking about Luka's final words to her.

She couldn't believe that he knew that she was Ladybug. She had to wonder how long he had known, and why he didn't confront her before. All these thoughts in her mind weighed her down and made it hard for her to get out of bed in the morning. And all the Kwami's, were quite concerned about her.

"Marinette please, you should eat something." Tikki urged. Marinette ignored her and rolled over in bed. "Even if I could, I'd just throw it up again. This whole situation has made me sick to my stomach."

Tikki and Wayzz looked at each other in concern, before flying to the corner of the room to have a discussion.

"What do we do? She can't keep living like this." Tikki asked worriedly. Wayzz sighed. "I don't know if there's anything we can do. Ladybug has never failed to save someone before. Luka's death has dealt a great blow to her psyche." He said.

"So we just have to sit back and watch her waste away?" Tikki said sadly. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes. "I can't bear to see Marinette like this. She's always been so lively, but now she's just an empty husk of who she used to be."

Wayzz gave Tikki a hug. "I have faith in Marinette, as did the former guardian. We just have to give her a little more time." Tikki wiped away her tears and smiled slightly. "I hope you're right Wayzz."

~two hours later~


As I laid in bed moping, another feeling of nausea washed over me and I ran to the bathroom and threw up.

After throwing up, I rested my head on the toilet bowl and started to cry. 'How is this my life?' I thought in despair.

Just one week ago, my life was perfect. But now I'm sitting on my bathroom floor with my head resting on the edge of a toilet. I can't seem to get over my sickness and it's taking all my energy just to stay awake right now.

Tikki flew over to me and hugged my face. "I'm here for you Marinette." She said in her cute little voice. I smiled weakly at her. "Thank you Tikki, I'm lucky to have a friend like you." I responded before once again throwing up.

"Marinette, hey girl are you in here?" I heard a voice ask. I managed to lift my head and see Alya walking into my room. She took one look at me and rushed over.

"Girl, are you alright?! You look sick as a dog!" She exclaimed worriedly as she knelt down beside me.

"I-I'm fine." I said weakly. Alya frowned. "You're clearly not fine. Let me help you to bed." She said as she helped me stand up. Alya walked me over to my bed and tucked me in.

"How long have you been feeling ill like this?" Alya asked me. I thought for a moment. "It's probably been a little over a week now. At first I was just really tired, but now I can't stop throwing up." I responded.

Alya had a concerned look on her face. "Stay in bed, I'll be back in a few minutes." She said before walking out of the room.

~15 minutes later~


Alya came back in a few minutes later, and called out Marinette's name, waking her up from her nap. "Not so loud." Marinette said in a tired voice. Alya rolled her eyes and shoved a paper bag in Marinette's face.

Marinette looked at her curiously and took the bag and opened it. Her eyes widened in shock at the contents. "Are you serious?!" She exclaimed. Alya sighed. "Just trust me."

Unsure, but relenting nonetheless, Marinette made her way to the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

Once she had closed the door, Marinette removed the contents from the bag. She looked down at the item in her hands and sighed deeply. It was a home pregnancy test.

"This is so stupid." She muttered to herself. Sure, she had had sex with Luka, but they had always used protection. Marinette thought Alya was being ridiculous. But the more she thought about it, the more she realized the slight possibility of pregnancy. So with a heavy sigh, Marinette walked over to the toilet, dropped her pants, and took the test.


After taking the test, Marinette opened the bathroom door to let Alya in and placed the test on the sink while she waited for the results.

Marinette sat on the floor and Alya sat next to her and held her tightly. "What if I'm pregnant? What the hell do I do then?" Marinette asked worriedly.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it." Alya replied. "This is the longest three minutes of my life, and I sat through that boring movie trailer for that alien chick flick with you." Marinette said impatiently. Alya chuckled slightly. "Yeah, that was a pretty cheesy thing to watch. But the payoff was worth it."

Marinette sighed. "I doubt the payoff of this particular wait will be worth it." She said bitterly. "Try not to think like that." Alya said.

The timer went off and Alya squeezed Marinette's shoulder encouragingly. Marinette stood up and picked up the test. With a deep breath in and out, she looked down at the results. She felt her breath hitch in her throat and she wanted to pass out then and there.

"Well, what does it say?" Alya inquired.

Marinette tried to gather her thoughts. And she prepared herself to speak the words that she knew would change her life forever.

"It's-it's... positive."


* I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry if it was a little short.

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