|7|: Too late?

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  At 6 weeks pregnant, Marinette was starting to show more symptoms. Her mood fluctuated even more than usual and her morning sickness's severity had increased ten fold. She felt that the term "morning sickness" was incredibly misleading however, as she threw up all hours of the day.

  Alix, Rose, and Mylène now knew of her pregnancy, and they were lending their support. In fact, each one of them carried around a small pale in their book bags, on the off chance that Marinette became sick and wasn't able to make it to the restroom in time. Needless to say, Marinette was extremely grateful to have such thoughtful friends.

Adrien had noticed Marinette's sluggish behavior and mood changes and often wondered what was wrong with his friend. After Marinette had apologized for snapping at him previously, he started to grow even more suspicious of her.

He had noticed that she often seemed unwell, and that she made frequent trips to the restroom. He had also come to notice that Marinette had become even closer with the clique of girls that she hung out with. They all seemed so secretive and they shut everyone else out. For Marinette's male friends who wanted to know what was wrong with her, it was extremely frustrating.

One day, Marinette and the others were sitting in class during a free study period, when Adrien noticed Chloe approach Marinette. Ever since Marinette had insulted her a few weeks back, Chloe had it out for her even more. However, Marinette always managed to win their verbal sparring.

"So Marinette, I've noticed that you seem to have gained weight lately. You know, if you don't stop binge eating, no boy will want to go out with you. Although it's not like any boys are that desperate. I mean, the only reason Luka went out with you, is probably because you're an easy lay. But now that he's gone, your one chance at romance is dead too." Chloe taunted.

A few people gasped at Chloe's nonchalant comment about Luka's death. Everyone knew it was a sore subject, yet Chloe had no problem taunting Marinette about her heartbreak. It was a low blow to say the least.

"What the hell Chloe?! That's going too far, even for you!" Alya shouted angrily. Adrien found himself just as, if not even more angry with Chloe than the others were. He looked to Marinette, wondering what she was feeling. He imagined that she'd be at the verge of tears, but instead, she simply smiled slightly in response to Chloe's taunt.

"You know Chloe, I could say the same thing about you. All the money in the world couldn't buy you a boyfriend due to that horrible personality of yours. Just look at how Adrien flinches away from your very touch. He's the only boy you want, but you'll never have him. Even the model himself knows that you're a poisonous little bitch. The very thought of touching that plastic body of yours probably makes him want to vomit. You're nothing but a fake, the only reason you look good, is because your daddy probably pays for your botox injections. I'm all natural, whereas you're nothing but a cheap little slut. So tell me, who is really the more pitiful person between the two of us? Because my feeling is that it's you." Marinette retorted in a biting tone.

Almost everyone looked shocked. It's not everyday that you hear Marinette viciously insult someone. Although it had become more common in recent weeks. Everyone was surprised at Marinette's biting insults. But luckily, they were only ever directed at Chloe, and even then, she didn't feel the need to insult Chloe, unless Chloe started it first.

Confrontation was not something Marinette would usually choose, but she knew how to take care of herself if needs must. And no one could deny that she was good at putting Chloe back in her place.

However, this had been Marinette's harshest insult yet. But seeing as how Chloe had just insulted Marinette's dead lover, no one could really blame her for going off on Chloe like she did. Plus, no one could deny that it was quite entertaining to see. The look on Chloe's face was quite satisfactory.

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