|4|: Freak out

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  "I can't believe this is happening to me!" I exclaimed with tears pouring down my face. My life was absolute crap.

  After the first test had come back positive, I took the remaining two that were in the box, hoping that the first one had just been a fluke. But they both had the same result as the initial test.

  "What am I supposed to do now?! We were careful, how could this happen?!" I continued to rant and pace back and forth. Alya just sat on the chaise watching me with a blank expression, unable to contribute anything to the conversation.

  "I can't have a baby at 17. Plus my boyfriend is dead, how the fuck am I supposed to raise a baby on my own?" I fell to my knees and started crying.

  Alya knelt down and put a hand on my shoulder. "You're not alone girl. You have so many people who love you and who will stick by your side, no matter what you choose."

  'How can I be Ladybug, if I'm having a baby?' That was the thought that concerned me the most. I'm supposed to be a superhero, how can I fight crime and save Paris from Hawkmoth, if I'm pregnant? I could put the baby in danger if I did.

  I could consider abortion, but I don't think that I could ever take an unborn life. Plus, this baby is my last little piece of Luka. I was completely at a loss. This was really bad timing, but deep down I already knew what I needed to do.

  "I'm keeping the baby." I said. Alya looked surprised. "Are you absolutely sure that's what you want?" I nodded. "This baby is my last piece of Luka. It just feels right. It's gonna be really hard and there will be a ton of obstacles along the way, but I'm not gonna get rid of this baby. I'm going to be the best mother possible to it."

  "Good for you girl. I'm here for whatever you need." Alya said with a smile. I hugged her tightly. "I'm so lucky to have you Alya."

  "Now all you have to do is tell your parents." Alya said. I immediately frowned. "Way to kill the mood." I deadpanned. Alya shrugged. "Sorry girl, but it needed to be said. If you want, I can stay with you when you tell them." She offered. I smiled gratefully at her. "Thanks, I appreciate it."

  ~small time skip~


  "So, you said that you needed to speak to us?" Sabine said with a smile. Tom and Sabine stood in the kitchen with Marinette and Alya.

  The bakery had just closed for the day and Marinette had told her parents she needed a to speak with them. But now she was completely frozen.

  "Come on girl, you can do it. Just tell them." Alya said as she squeezed Marinette's shoulder. Sabine and Tom looked at their daughter curiously. Marinette took a deep breath in then sighed. "Mom, dad... I'm pregnant."

   Tom turned pale as a sheet and Sabine looked like she was about to faint. "Are-are you sure?" She asked  in disbelief. Marinette nodded slightly. "I took three tests."

   She could see the heartbreak in her parents eyes. "I'm so sorry! I swear that I was being careful, it just happened!" Marinette started to cry and Sabine and Tom instantly hugged their only child.

"Oh Marinette, we know that you didn't plan this. We're not mad at you, we're just in shock. It's just gonna take a little time for us to adjust." Sabine said reassuringly.

   Marinette sniffled and wiped away her tears. "You mean, you're not gonna kick me out?" She asked nervously. Tom's eyes widened. "Of course not Marinette! We'd never do that to you." He said.

  Marinette breathed a sigh of relief and stayed in her parents embrace for a little while longer. 'That went much better than I thought.'

  ~that evening~

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