Chapter 11: Broken Leg? What About Fame?

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Rob payed the bill and we left the restaurant as quietly as possible. We headed straight for the car and hopped inside. Rob started driving Aunty and I back to the hotel, and the drive was pretty normal.

Than I decided to finally answer Marie's text.


Hey, I saw that post that's pretty epic
But guess what else..

I don't know why but I felt my stomach drop when she said that and I didn't even know what she was meaning yet..


Thank you, but hey, sorry for not responding sooner, what's wrong?


I broke my leg, and have trauma..


Oh my god, are you okay?
What exactly are you saying?!


A home invasion.. two guys entered the house and attacked my mom and I, and my dad wasn't home. I'm in the hospital and same with my mom.. She got hurt more than I did though..

I couldn't believe what I was seeing.. A home invasion?! Soon as I finished reading her message I called her right away.

"A home invasion?! SERIOUSLY WHAT THE HELL- I- WHAT HAPPENED?!" I yelled-

Then there I was, in the car yelling at my phone. Aunty turned around with a concerned look. Aidan gave the same.

"What's wrong dear?" Aunty asked with worry. Seeing as how terrified I was.

"I'm fine Y/N, the police searched the house and found fingerprints so they're trying to hunt the guys down, but now I have to go to therapy. I'm horrified to go back home.." Marie said sounding almost like she was dying.

"Okay that's good, good that you're getting help, but still.. That's so awful Marie.. I'm so sorry." I whimpered quietly.

"It's not your fault.. Those things happen sometimes. I'm just glad you're living your dream, I'm really happy for you. I love you okay? I'm going to try and get some rest.."

"Okay.. I love you too. Good luck and feel better. I'll check up on you later."

"Bye Y/N.."

I hung up.. With a frown.

"What was that about kiddo?" Rob spoke with worry.

"A close friend of mine was in a home invasion.. They attacked her which caused her to get a broken leg, but she's okay now. She's in the hospital.." I spoke looking down. Still shocked.

"Marie?!" Aunty gasped.

"Yeah, she's going to therapy now because of the trauma.. I feel so bad." I spoke with me still looking at the car floor.

"Geezus, I can't hardly imagine going through that. Tell her I said feel better." Aidan said rubbing my back for comfort.

"I'm pretty sure she'd like a facetime call at least, she's a big fan of yours as well."

"I'll gladly do that." Aidan said with a weak grin.

I smiled, all I could do was wait and see if she'll ever get better. Until than. I want to try and focus on making this dream.

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