I am speed

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So, before reading this chapter, I have a small announcement. I had a new one shot fanfic idea which I thought about writing. I am going to tell you right now what it is so that later you know what you get. The plot is the Ayanokouji Kiyotaka dies in the second year. What happens after that in the school and how does it affect everyone? If you want me to write this story comment "Yes" and if not then comment "No". Voting is open till I upload the illegal fanfic which is in about 2-3 days so look forward to that too. On that day, I will be counting all the votes and if there are more "Yes", I will upload it the next day. Now let's start the chapter.

"Before starting the next video, do anyone want to guess what it is about?" asked Kushagra. I had a pretty good idea what it was about as he just asked that before showing the previous video which made Horikita realize just how naïve her thinking was. Even with all the potential she had, if she does not use it, she was not better than anyone else in Class D.

"It's Ayanokouji-senpai's race!" shouted Amasawa after which all the first year girls were cheering along with her. I noticed that now they are more girls than before.

"You are correct. As a price, Ayanokouji will do anything you want him to do after all these videos end," said Kushagra.

"Oi, I never agreed to that."

Even though I know it would not work since Amasawa is going to forget about all the anyways. I think she realized it too. No wonder Kushagra is being glared by her with a sweet smile. I did not even know anyone could do that. I am sorry my cheeky Kouhai.

"That was indeed a sight to behold. I never expected him to be that fast. I did expect him to be fast but that was on another level," said Manabu. For some reason, Kushagra decided to make that his permanent seat right in the middle of the Ayanokouji group.

Kushagra kept standing there with a smile on his face and did not move at all. No video started, no one was sent to black hole chan and no one came back from there. Now that I look closely, Kushagra was standing more stiffly than normal. Is it what I think it is?

Out of nowhere, a girl appeared next to him. She had long black hair and purple eyes. She was accompanied by a boy with messy black hair and green eyes. The girl looked in confusion and could not understand what was going on. She looked at the boy and he, for some reason was really uneasy by her stare as he retracted his steps back from her but she quickly moved forward and grabbed his hand and said something. The only thing everyone could hear was, "Kininarimasu." What is she curious about?

The boy finally gave into her request and started thinking and was scanning the room but his train of thought were broken by Mashima-sensei.

"May I ask who you two are?" he said.

The girl looked at us and was a little startled as if she did not realize we were even there. Is she an airhead? She panicked a little seeing us and quickly bowed down.

"Pardon my rudeness. My name is Chitanda Eru and along with me is Oreki Houtaro-san."

The boy looked at us and just raised her left hand and said, "Yo." The question was why they were here and why is Kushagra not here.

"Kiyotaka, do you have any idea, what is going on?" asked Kei.

"As of now, I don't. I think someone has an answer for that but he is not here at the moment. It maybe just one of the things he does for fun."

"You mean Kushagra?"

"I think so."

Oreki looked as if he realized something and was pulling his bangs in the front. He sighed and said something in Chitanda's eat and she looked confused by the moment and also excited for some reason.

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