The person who knows piano and calligarphy

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"Okay everyone. For a change let me show you a bit action," said Kushagra.


We were back on our seat. The arrangement changed a bit and the elder Horikita was sitting behind me. He was sitting right in the middle of the Ayanokouji group. Airi got scared by this little turn of events while Haruka tried calming her down. On his other side sat Keisei and Akito. Seeing that I looked forward.

"Hey, Kushagra by action do you mean..." Ike was making perverted smile.

"Some hand to hand combat."

"Wait that's no fun."

"Really Ike even I am a boy but I don't think about that 24/7. It will be fun. Trust me," he says that while looking at me.

"This is one of my favorite scenes Ayanokouji."

(Yes, now the communication in ability will be italics. I found out I am even lazier than I thought.)

He is really obsessed with me.

"Yes, I am. But not in the other way. I am straight."

Didn't ask that but, okay.

I couldn't get to sleep, so I got up and left.

"Hey why is it in Ayanokouji's perspective again? If you want to show then show Hirata-kun." (You know who can say that.)

"Now, now. If he is showing it from his perspective then it means that something really interesting is going to happen."

Hearing Hirata, his fangirls calmed down. I feel like I know where this is going. That is why the elder Horikita is behind me and the younger one--- well let's say that she is just existing for now.

I bought some juice form the lobby's vending machine and headed back for the elevator.


I could see that the elevator had stopped on the seventh floor. Curious, I decided to check out the CCTV, which showed what was happening inside the elevator car. I saw Horikita, still dressed in her school uniform.

"Suzune, what were you doing in the school uniform so late?" asked Suduo.

"You will know." The look on Horikita's face showed that she knows what will be happening next. If this make his brother being called out, I don't think Kushagra will be forgiven by her. I don't think he has to worry about that as both of them live in different worlds and right now she is powerless in front of this god.

"Forgot to tell you Ayanokouji but I will not erase your memory as you are in all of them so there is no reason and I don't want you to forget me."

"Well, I don't really need to hide, but..."

Seeing her might be awkward right now, so I hid behind the vending machine. Horikita arrived at the first floor.

"Did you use to hide a lot senpai?" asks Amasawa teasing me.

"He didn't need to hide his presence was like air," says Shinohara. That hurts a little.

"Really? I cannot imagine Ayanokouji-senpai to be this way."

Looking wary of her surroundings, she exited the building. After she'd vanished into the night, I decided to follow after her. However, I instinctively hid again after I turned the corner.

Horikita stopped in her tracks. I sensed another person was with her.

"Suzune. I didn't think you follow me this far," he said.

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