Dimentio's Forbidden Love (pt.2)

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AN: The same thing, slanted words are flashback. Pic is of what Dim looked like~ (I drew it >W<) This part was SUPER LONG, so I split it again.


Third Person POV:

Everyone in the classroom, including the teacher, went wide-eyed. Kahlan grasped for words as Clement stood unfazed.

Kahlan: I-I'm... The Chaos Heart's true host?

Clement nodded.

Kahlan: W-wow... But... Why me?

Clement pulled out a scroll and looked it over.

Clement: Well, for starters, your grades definitely show your prowess in the field of magic. You show much promise in the area of controlling power.

Kahlan still stood aghast.

Kahlan: This is such a huge honor, sir...

Clement: Then I shall expect you at the temple at the top of the morning.

Clement turned and left, shooting a glare at Dimentio. Kahlan and the rest of the room remained in shock. The teacher went back to the front of the class.

Teacher: W-well. That was exciting! C-class dismissed!

Everyone went to return to their dorms except for Dimentio and Kahlan.

Dimentio: Are you okay?

Kahlan: Yeah, it's just a l-lot to process... L-let's go.

Kahlan got up and Dimentio followed close behind him.

A few moments later they were in their dorm, each doing their own thing.

Dimentio: I hardly believe that my father's offer was genuine. There must be some hidden motive...

Kahlan: Are you sure that you're not just jealous?

Dimentio: Please. My grades are still better than yours despite teachers lowering my score because I'm an impure blood.

Kahlan raised an eyebrow at him.

Kahlan: Are you SURE that you're not jealous?

Dimentio: Perhaps... I don't know! I haven't been given a reason my whole life to trust him! And I have the scars to prove it!

Kahlan looked up from the book he was reading.

Kahlan: Scars? You never showed me any scars.

Dimentio chuckled.

Dimentio: They're on my face. That's why.

Kahlan became curious.

Kahlan: I've never seen you with your mask off. May I?

Dimentio chuckled again.

Dimentio: It's not a pretty thing to see... I've never been allowed to take off my mask in front of others...

Kahlan scooted to the edge of his bed.

Kahlan: How about you show me, and I promise to not go. Whatever you look like won't change how I feel about you.

Dimentio sighed as he also scooted to the edge of his bed.

Dimentio: Don't make me regret this.

Kahlan waited in anticipation as Dimentio slowly peeled off his mask. Kahlan's mouth went wide as soon as Dimentio removed his mask.

His face was extremely pale from having on the mask all the time, he had one black eye and the other pure yellow, and there were slash marks across the left side of his face.

Dimentio: I know... It's not that great...

Dimentio went to put his mask back on but Kahlan stopped him.

Kahlan: No, no! It looks... nice.

Dimentio lowered his mask.

Dimentio: R-really?

Kahlan: Yeah! But why do you have all those scars?

Dimentio: My father claimed that he was 'disciplining' me. My magic was always abnormally strong. He told me that using my magic was dishonorable to the purebloods who spent their whole lives trying to get to the level of my abnormal strength. My mask is also able to handicap my magic, making it weaker...

Kahlan: That's terrible... You should be allowed to use all of your magic!

Dimentio: Just another fun thing about being me... But I need to use my magic constantly to prevent build-up. If I don't, then my magic can get out of control at any moment. Which is why my father punished me so many times... *Sob* I'm just so afraid of myself! Everyone always calls me a monster... W-what if they're right?! What if this face is just another mask for a demon?!

Kahlan: Don't say that! You're not a demon! Demons are incapable of love or being loved. But I know for a fact that I love you.

Dimentio looked him dead in the eyes.

Dimentio: I love you too. That's why you can't go tomorrow. I don't want to lose you.

Kahlan leaned back onto his bed.

Kahlan: Okay. I won't go. Just gotta hope your dad doesn't 'discipline' me! Haha.

Dimentio chuckled at his joke as they both laid back in their beds, getting ready to sleep. Kahlan went to turn the lights off.

Kahlan: Y'know... You look good without your mask.

Kahlan turned the lights off and laid back in his bed. Dimentio went to put his mask back on, but hesitated. He looked it over and then smirked.

Dimentio: Maybe... It's time that I stop being afraid of myself...

Dimentio sighed and then set his mask to the side. Both of them dozed off moments later.


Mr.L's POV:

I was on the verge of tears now. That's so terrible! Why would someone do that to their SON?! Even Blumiere's father wasn't THAT bad!

Mr.L: I-I thought that you said Kahlan died? H-he heeded your warning? RIGHT?!

Dimentio sighed and shook his head while looking down at his feet. Dimentio began to shake as he sobbed, tears streaming down his masked face.

I began to feel bad for him... It must have been terrible to live through all that trauma...

I took a deep breath as I choked back tears of my own.

Mr.L: What... *Gulp* What h-happened to him?

Dimentio: I woke up early in the morning... He was trying to sneak out without me knowing...

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