Dimentio's Forbidden Love (pt.1)

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AN: Slanted words are apart of flashback. Video is by Man on The Internet. While listening to this, recommended time to start listening is at the beginning flashback, imagine Dimentio singing and Chara=Kahlan. This chapter is SUPER LONG, so I split it.

Mr.L's POV:

I ran and ran. Not knowing where to go. I could hear Dimentio trying to chase after me.

Dimentio: L! Please come back!

He sounded upset...

Well, he deserves that after making me think that he actually cared!

I sprinted towards an open staircase and climbed up until I reached a balcony. With a shout of frustration, I sat on the edge of the balcony, my legs dangling through the wooden polls. My face was hot with anger and tears that streamed down my face. I buried my head in my hands as I continued to sob. 

Why was I so jealous of someone I don't know?!

I heard the door behind me open and close behind me. I immediately knew who it was.

Mr.L: Go away, Dimentio...

Dimentio sighed.

Dimentio: L, please. Give me a chance to explain. After you hear my story, I shall do what you want.

I turned to glare at him.

Mr.L: Fine.

Dimentio floated over and sat down next to me.

Dimentio: It all started over 3,000 years ago. When I first started writing the Dark Prognosticus. I was an outcast to the tribe, my mother being a human, making me impure. Everyone looked down on me, ridiculing and tormenting me for nothing. My own family rejected me. I was given up to be a jester for the higher-ups in the tribe. Life was a living hell until I met... him....


Third Person POV:

Three kids in robes were laughing while walking down a vast hallway, holding books in their arms. They had just gotten out of their daily magic lessons. One had a grey cloak, one had a blue cloak, and the third had a green cloak.

Grey Robed Kid: Did you hear what happened, Kahlan?

Kahlan/Green Robed Kid: No, I didn't. What happened?"

Blue Robed Kid: Teacher caught that impure blood kid trying to listen to the magic lessons. The teacher sent some kids out saying he'll give extra credit to whoever can teach the kid a lesson."

All of them except Kahlan chuckled.

Kahlan: I think that's mean...

Grey Robed Kid: But he's an IMPURE BLOOD! You know what they taught us in history class. Impure bloods are dangerous, evil, power hoarding, magic-using, humans! And you can NEVER trust a human with magic!

Kahlan stared at the floor.

Kahlan: Yeah, I guess your right...

Grey Robed Kid: Anyway, I gotta go!

Blue Robed Kid: Yeah, me too. See you Kahlan!

Kahlan waved them away, saying goodbye. He began to walk back to his home, but an odd noise distracted him.

Kahlan turned the corner and saw two small black legs sticking out of a garbage dumpster. He rushed over to the dumpster.

Kahlan: Oh my gosh! A-are you okay?!

One Heart To Rule Them All! (DaisyXLuigi/Mr.LXDimentio)Where stories live. Discover now