The Amazing World Of Pokémon

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Third Person POV:

Mr.L&Daisy&Luigi: POKÉMON?!

Luigi: I thought those things were a myth!

Daisy: You better explain!

Dimentio: And I shall. Once we get inside.

Dimentio floated towards the castle. Mr.L picked up his Jolteon and followed him, trailed closely behind were the other two.

Daisy had eventually taken the lead and escorted everyone to a closed-off room, so no one could listen in. Everyone was now seated in a chair surrounding a coffee table.

Daisy: Alright, we're inside. NOW will you explain?

Dimentio crossed his legs and placed his hands on his lap.

Dimentio: Yes I shall. It all began long ago when I was traveling the dimensions in search for a perfect world...


Super Dimentio: So let me get this straight, those things that stole my Heart are what is referred to as Pokémon?

Super Dimentio was stalking through the back allies of Sarasalands capital town, where the castle was, the book tucked under his arm. The Dark Prognosticus spirit hovered slightly beside him, still being connected to the book.

DP: Yes. You are correct.

Super Dimentio: And since when have you been an expert on these creatures?

DP: Since I traveled to one of their dimensions.

Super Dimentio stopped dead in his tracks.

Super Dimentio: Wait. How did you travel there?

DP: Back when Dimentio was in possession of the Dark Prognosticus, he traveled through many a world in an attempt to find a 'perfect one'. Which at one point, brought him to a collapsing pocket dimension...


Dimentio: In the middle of my travels with my book, the Dark Prognosticus, I came across a pocket dimension that was on the verge of collapsing.


DP: Inside that dimension were creatures known as Pokémon. They were of every kind, shape, and form. All of them trapped there against their will.


Dimentio: The place was known as a Bank. There were over MILLIONS of Banks, each containing many of these creatures. A newer more expansive version of these dimensions had just been created. Many incompetent trainers had left their Pokémon behind to rot in their eternal prison while they moved on without them.


DP: This was a time when Dimentio still had faith in people, or creatures in this case. He pitied them, knowing what it was like to lose the ones closest to them.


Dimentio: And so, I used the Dark Prognosticus to save all of them. I transferred them all to the Lost Soul Realm. A realm for those who have been erased from memory or for one who has forgotten the will to live.


DP: Every single type of Pokémon was transferred there. But he knew that doing this could rip apart the fabric of the dimensions.


Dimentio: With my action came a prophecy. It came to me in the night, in my nightmares. I proceeded to write it in the Dark Prognosticus.

One Heart To Rule Them All! (DaisyXLuigi/Mr.LXDimentio)Where stories live. Discover now