The Rule Of Two

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AN: Super Dimentio is now abbreviated to SD to save time lol

Mr.L's POV:

Mr.L: So... You've REALLY never taken that thing off for almost 3,000 years?

Dimentio sighed.

Dimentio: Yes. No one except Kahlan and Clement has seen my face... And it's probably for the best.

Mr.L: Well, since Kahlan saw, can I see? I'm sure it's no big deal anyway!

Dimentio chuckled.

Dimentio: Easy for someone with a mask still on to say.

I grunted.

Mr.L: Fine! We'll both take them off at the same time!

He appeared taken aback.

Dimentio: Really?

Mr.L: Yeah! I've never shown anyone MY face after all. Who am I to deprive you of its glory?

Dimentio chuckled.

Dimentio: Alright. If you insist, L.

We turned to face each other, both of us ready to peel off our masks.

Mr.L: Ready?

Dimentio nodded nervously.

Mr.L: GO!

I yanked off my mask, revealing a pale top half of my face with a black heart-shaped marking on my forehead.

Dimentio didn't take his mask off.

Mr.L: Oh, come on! I took off mine! Now it's YOUR turn!

Dimentio: Promise not to laugh?

Mr.L: ...Why would I laugh?

He sighed as he slowly peeled off his mask, revealing his pale face with scars. He chuckled as he lifted some of his hair off of his forehead, showing a mark similar to mine...

Dimentio: Ah ha ha... We have the same heart! Heh...


Super Dimentio's POV:

DP: You're going to miss them.

SD: No I'm not.

DP: You're going to miiiiiiiiss~!


I took aim at the two idiots on the balcony. I could sense love coming from them. BLECH!

My attack was fully charged. I was ready to launch. I brought my arm back and...



Mr.L's POV:

Mr.L: How is that even possible?

I reached for Dimentio's marking, but he backed away.

Dimentio: My power is quite unstable at the moment. It would not be advisable to come within close contact.

Mr.L: You sound like you think you have a disease!

All of a sudden, I could hear the wind whipping up and a projectile was heading straight for us!

Dimentio: L! Lookout!

Dimentio dive tackled me and we went careening off of the balcony. He pulled me into a tight embrace and the surroundings seemed to change.


Third Person POV:

Luigi: And so I said, 'Go take mushrooms from someone else!' Hahaha!

Daisy rolled her eyes at Luigi's story.

Daisy: Great joke Weegee. -_-

Suddenly, Luigi stopped laughing and seemed to stare off into space.

Daisy: Um... Are you okay?

Luigi: I think... Mr.L is in trouble.

Daisy was about to question him, but Luigi had already run off. She followed him close behind as Luigi ran outside the castle.


Mr.L's POV:

As we fell, I couldn't feel Dim holding onto me anymore.

Did he teleport away without me?!

My thoughts snapped back to attention as soon as I saw the ground coming up fast. I lifted up my arms to block some of the impact and closed my eyes. But it didn't come. Instead, it seemed that I was floating above the ground. I could still sense Dimentio somewhere close.

SD: NO! I had them!

I stood up to see Super Dimentio! He had the Dark Prognosticus and... Someone else with him. Super Dimentio was scowling at me.

SD: You two make me sick!

Two? Where was Dimentio at?!

I'm right here!

There was his voice! Where is he?

Where are YOU?! That's what I would like to know!

I stopped having a mental breakdown as soon as Super Dimentio lunged at me. I was somehow able to dodge to the side.

Well, wherever you are, Super Dimentio is attacking me!

This was getting too weird.

Super Dimentio was throwing punch after punch, and I was somehow able to dodge all of them.

Mr.L: Alright, that's it!

I activated my Thunderhand and threw my fist at him. I hit him square in the chest and he was knocked backward into the dirt.

How did I do that?!

You didn't! I did!

Super Dimentio quickly scrambled to his feet and ran off with the Dark Prognosticus.


I lurched forward but stopped myself. It felt like someone was tugging on strings.

Luigi: Mr.L!

I turned around and saw Luigi and Ms.OrangeDress running towards me and then stop dead in their tracks.

Luigi: M-Mr.L?! D-Dimentio? I-i-is that you?!

I raised an eyebrow at him.

Mr.L&Dimentio: Uh... yes? Where is L/Dim?

Daisy walked forward.

Daisy: Um... Have you... taken a look at yourself...s?

Mr.L/Dimentio: What do you mean... 'Ourselves'?

Daisy then pulled a hand mirror out of a previously hidden pocket. I snatched it out of her hand and looked myself over.

I looked like Dimentio...

And I looked like Mr.L...

Mr.L/Dimentio: WE FUSED?! HOW?! We do not have the Chaos Heart! And we don't look like Super Dimentio does, either!

Luigi: Well, Super Dimentio... Wait, we can't call you that anymore!

Daisy: Yeah! You're now... Dimenti-L! Hahaha!

I screamed in frustration.

One Heart To Rule Them All! (DaisyXLuigi/Mr.LXDimentio)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant