Part 14 : Mischief managed

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Dumbledore summoned the Order again. After listening to Harry and Hermione, he thought about the nature of the next Horcrux and suddenly remembered the memory of the house elf named Hokey.

"It must be Helga Hufflepuff's cup indeed, besides Naggini,, Tom was fierce towards that house elf."

That night, Harry had a vivid vision of the Gringotts Bank; he saw the location of the cup, but unfortunately it was unclear whose vault it is in.
Sirius was lost in his thoughts, staring into space. Harry wondered if he had even listened to his dream. Suddenly, Sirius stated, "It's Bellatrix's vault, Harry. I remember her announcing it proudly when she received it more than 18 years ago. I remember my dead parents were proud." He was ashamed of how his parents were Death Eater supporters. He rose from the chair to brush the memory away. "But I didn't know it was still being kept by her. I had forgotten about it until you told me that dream.
Harry stared at Sirius, "We should do something, Dumbledore cannot have it alone this time, we should help him with this."

Sirius asked jokingly, "A break in to Gringotts? It will cost you your life, Harry; they have a big dragon there."
Hermione entered the room. "Who said we will break in? We will let Bellatrix enter her vault."
She showed them a black curly hair that had stuck on her clothes since the day the Death Eaters attacked the wedding; she was the only woman who fought there, this only hair was the key to a Polyjuice Potion.
As it was the only hair they got, only one person could play the role of Bellatrix Lestrange: Hermione Granger

The next day Gringgots Bank , Diagon Alley :

Hermione and Harry were hiding in a dark avenue near the bank , and rehearsing their roles , Hermione as Bellatrix , it wasn't hard to find a similar dress, especially at Walburga Black closet. and Harry as a random death eater who dressed with dark cloak and expensive leather trouser.
"Remember, you will take the cup and leave. That's all, Hermione, and do it fast."
She took a sip of the potion and headed to Gringotts bank. She never broke a rule in her life, and now she is going to rob a bank.
Hermione, as Bellatrix Lestrange, Her chin was high , and walked in a careful unbalanced steps through the hallway of the bank. She couldn't walk in the heels, her back ached her so much , and her long curly black hair that smelled stinky was covering her face .. as the Silence fell the place due the presence of such a wealthy woman.. the goblins were suspecting her a little , due her weird behavior.
, Harry behind her was eyeing every goblin , he was not relaxed at all.

"Ehem, I wish to enter my vault," she said to the bank goblin with arrogant tone, pretending to be Bellatrix.

The goblin didn't give a glance towards the visitor talking and answered:
"Identity and key."
She went silent, she didn't even know about this requirement.
"I don't think this is necessary."
The goblin raised his head and greeted Bellatrix Lestrange, apologizing to her for such questions.
He bowed and guided her towards her vault.
She went inside and immediately noticed the vault was filled to the brim with hundreds of golden cups and antiques. "Bloody Hell! Bella is very wealthy!" she thought to herself as she casted "Accio cup."
But the spell didn't work. She saw a small golden cup placed at the top shelf,
She turned at Harry , who also fixed his eyes in the same cup , he could hear some whisper and buzzing radiating from it , he nodded a small nod at her .
She and Harry pulled a wooden chest and Hermione climbed over it , she quickly took the cup and put it in her case.
They left with the goblin, they reached a zone where no magic can affect anything.

The Polyjuice potion effect was gone, and she was back to her original body. The goblin immediately set the emergency alarm, causing an uproar about what had happened. The scandal of Hermione attempting to rob a vault in Gringotts Wizarding Bank had begun.

Hermione sprinted toward the hallway, running in a zig-zag motion to prevent the hexes but was interrupted by the large dragon protecting the bank.
"Oh shit!"
The dragon destroyed the roof of the bank and nearly everything in its way. She and Harry ran and hide themselves in a small corner under the debris as everyone was searching for the thief who pretended to be Bellatrix Lestrange.Their breath shallow from exhaustion of running away too fast As the guards ran closer, Harry was throwing hexes , " Expelliamus ! " he yelled to disarm as many of them as he could .
Hermione was shaking behind him, her heart pounding in her chest and her anxiety made her completely paralyzed , what if she get caught ? What would she say to her parents? Or the Order?
She wished she could die immediately but not to think about the failure results.
" No No Stop stop! " she shook her head , and took a deep breath and gathered all the power she have , and showed her head up and fought beside Harry.
" Reducto ! " She exclaimed, pointing her wand at the Goblins and running away from the Dragon tail that was destroying the columns over their heads.
A loud hooves sound hit the ground mightily . She heard a familiar bird's voice as the horse galloped through the corridors. People started to shout and the mess she was in became grander. She heard someone yell, "Catch him! He is Sirius Black!"
Buckpeak ran nto this chores, with Sirius attacking with his wand fiercely anyone who stopped at his way , He saw Hermione and his godson under the marble chunks , protecting their heads from the Dragon swinging tail
Buckpeak floo over the Dragon tail and landed near them :
"Sorry pets , forgot to tell you about the magic-free zone, so I thought you will need help of some sort."
they jumped from her hiding place and straddled right behind Sirius. As for Hermione Breaking the rules wasn't her thing to do, but she found the professional ones at the rescue. Buckbeak flew over London, proudly and freely Sirius and Hermione were laughing and shouting as they escaped the bank. They had pulled off the biggest heist in the history of wizarding Britain
Dumbledore reached the bank with the new Minister of Magic. The minister was very angry :
"Dumbledore, I know you know about this so please be helpful--they say it's Sirius Black and miss Hermione Granger, and Mr.Harry Potter ! ." , Dumbeldore stood side by side to the minister ,keeping his tone low and relaxed , gazing at the sky.
"That's not possible, Minister. Black died; and Hermione Granger with Harry Potter at Hogwarts currently taking their history class."
The minister insisted, "But they saw them riding a hippogriff, headmaster, the goblins never lie! You never mistaken more than 50 peoples' testimony ; I must search the grounds! "
Dumbledore fixed his glasses and commented, "search the skies if you must, Minister. As for me, I want a nice cup of tea." And with that he dismissed himself casually.

The evening Daily Prophet didn't miss the picture of them breaking free and titled the article: "He's Been Sighted!" Fortunately, Hermione's face wasn't very clear.The Photo showed The Hippogrif flying from the destroyed dome , and Sirius laughing face was visibly clear to the camera , followed by Hermione and Harry behind him holding each other and their faces were covered by their hair

After they arrived back, they received dozens of shouts, "You could've been killed!"s, and "No one will leave this house again!"s from the elder members, and Lily was crying and sobbing while hugging Harry.
. Molly pinched Sirius's and Hermione's ears as though they were children and told them to not forget the letter from Hermione's parents that berated the action, which stated that Hermione would not be going back to Hogwarts after this. While all this commotion was happening, Dumbledore and James stood to the side while staring at the trio proudly. It was worth it.

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