Part 5 : The Arrivals

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Just a quick note about the casting here : Aaron Johnson as James Potter
And Sophie Skelton as Lily Potter!
Sirius Black you could choose Gary Oldmen or Ben Barnes as you prefer!


In the Department of Death - Ministry of Magic

Severus possessed the elixir of felix felicis and clutched the Resurrection Stone, accompanied by a note containing precise incantations. Before the veil, he positioned a cauldron while reciting spells, submerging the stone within. With a flick of his hands, he gracefully summoned the stone, causing radiant ribbons of light to unfurl throughout the room.

Within the veil, the realm of the afterlife
James and Lily Potter, forever frozen at the age of twenty-one, strolled through an ethereal garden resonating with infinite melodies. The misty weather allowed glimpses of gently emerging sunlight. Suddenly, an enigmatic portal materialized, beckoning them towards an uncertain destination.
James, gripped by fear, exclaimed, "What sorcery is this? Lily, stay back. Let me pass through."
Lily refused to yield. "No, James, this is not normal. I'm going with you." She grabbed his shoulder.

He halted her progress, and to their astonishment, the figure of Snape materialized before them.
"Snape! Are you dead?" James asked, looking at Snape in disbelief.

"No, I stand here behind the veil to guide you back," Snape replied.
Both James and Lily, taken aback, retreated a few steps in apprehension, doubtful of joining Snape beyond the gate.

"No! You, a Death Eater, cannot be trusted!" James bellowed at Snape, their tumultuous relationship persisting even in the afterlife.
Snape sighed, he was expecting this to happen, " It is safe to venture forth. You shall return as living beings, fully restored. Dumbledore trusted me in this" He looked at Lily, " and Harry too ," Snape implored, his gaze fixed upon Lily. "Both of you."

"Harry, My boy!" Lily cried, beseeching James. "I must reunite with Harry, James. This may be our sole opportunity." She shook James and tried to pull him with her as she slided slowly to Snape.
James paused, his thoughts racing. Was this reality or a mere illusion? No one had ever returned from beyond the veil. His wife clasped his hands, pleading for him to join her. Before they could leap into the portal, Sirius swiftly grasped James' sleeve and followed them.

"Hold on," he exclaimed, and the three of them were transported back to the realm of the living.
A lengthy corridor materialized, resembling a spacious, deserted train station. Snape was absent, but they could not become lost, for the path was unidirectional.
The trio cautiously traversed the corridor until they reached a window, revealing Snape and a formidable structure of dark bricks behind him.
"Thats look like the  Ministry, where I died "
They rushed towards the window as it gradually shrunk, ultimately crossing over the veil successfully.

The Arrivals  , A slow Burn Romance [ Edited Version 2022 ] Where stories live. Discover now