Part 20 : some things never change

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On the train, Remus informed them that Severus had resigned from his Headmaster position but decided to stay as the head of department for Slytherins and former Potions professor, due to Ministry obligations and being a convicted an ex-Death Eater.

"Dumbledore did his best to not let him die in Azkaban," Remus said.
"But it's not fair, He was the reason for our winning," Hermione said.
"I know, it's the ministry after all," he placed his newspaper aside, "and Minerva will do well."
The train stopped at the desired destination. Hagrid showed a large flag.
"Everyone, follow me."
As they walked through the magical carriages, all stares turned towards the Heroes. Well, not all the golden trio attended, but Hermione, Ginny and Lupin were enough to make a scene. After the welcoming speech and the Sorting Ceremony, everyone departed for their houses, As the students made their way to their respective houses, Minerva called to Hermione from the middle of the crowd, "Miss Granger, Miss Granger!"
Hermione turned back toward her ex-professor, who was currently the Headmistress.
"What are you doing here, Miss Granger? You have the privilege to stay at home after attending the desired classes," she said with wide smile. "Sirius asked..."
""I don't have any home now, and I wish everyone would stop linking us together!" She was enraged and almost exploded.
Minerva became weary; she was surprised by her reaction.
"As you wish, my dear. You are always welcome here." She walked away, glancing at her with pitiful stares.
The next day there was a huge mess at 12 Grimmauld Place. Sirius went mad--he almost tore his clothes at the idea of Hermione leaving,
"How could you be so stupid? How?! " He shouted at the elf who pretended to be deaf, and mopped the floors while ignoring his roars.

"What's going on?" Harry asked as he and Lily showed up in the sitting room, following Sirius screams
"That bloody Kreacher saw Hermione leaving to Hogwarts and kept me in the dark!" He cried louder.
"Nobody told you to mess with her. I warned you before that she won't thank you for that," Lily said
"Erm, Sirius, w-why are you so-" Harry hesitated to ask, "keen on Hermione's staying?"
Black froze in his place and thought for a second, should he spit out everything to his godson now and make everything settled? Or will it start a new problem if his godson finds out that he is in love with his friend.
The emotions were ignited in his chest and he was so weak to control anything, so he just confessed: "I love her," he paused, "and I want her back!"
Harry's eyes went wide. He opened his mouth to say something but his mother interrupted, "She's not yours to control."
Harry turned at her with disbelief, "Mom, you knew?"
"Of course, since the beginning," she said with proud demeanor.
Sirius kept spinning around his place mumbling "What I am going to do?" and "I've shouldn't done that."

This didn't help with figuring out a solution.
As Lily packed her books and went to the Floo to attend her first classes at Hogwarts, she promised Sirius to give it a try with his stubborn lady.
Sirius stood in front of her.
"Good luck, dear. Now remember, if that greasy git did anything upset you, just owl me, I will be right there before you can say Gryffindor."
Lily laughed at him.
"Send kisses to Ginny, Mom." Harry said as she Flooed to Hogwarts.
Lily crossed her way through the dungeons, her heart beat very fast and the excitement in her soul recalled her first time entering Hogwarts when she was 11.
As first year children ran under her robes, she excused them to pass, she heard them saying, "Look everyone! She is Lily Potter, the one back from the afterlife and the boy who lived's mother!"
She smiled her bright smile as one of the children gave her a hand to shake. She gently shook the hand of the little blonde Gryffindor when a silky deep voice interrupted from behind.
"Miss Parkinson, don't you have classes to attend?" The children vanished with a blink, terrified from the Potions master.
Lily turned to see her first friend. "Severus."
He bowed a light bow like the royal way of greeting a woman. "Lily."
As Severus spent most of his life in the Wizarding World and never socialized with Muggles, he still adhered some old royal traditions.
Lily walked by him like the first time they met, but this time older after 20 years.
Severus said, "Care for a cup of tea? You will have the first class with me by the way."
Lily said, "With you? You are no longer a Headmaster?"
Severus responded, "Not anymore... the Ministry..." He raised an eyebrow and rolled his eyes. She nodded in understanding.
As they entered the empty classroom,
She reached out and grabbed the newspaper, flipping through it with her hands.
"I didn't read it this morning; I was busy packing." Lily opened the font page, and her eyes went wide in shock. Severus attempted to prevent her from seeing the front page by reaching out to snatch the paper from her, but Lily was too fast. She jerked back and saw the image Severus hoped she would not see: James holding Angelina's hands walking down the streets. The title read:
James Potter Is Dating A 17 Year Old Witch, Leaves Family For Good
Her eyes went down to read the article which described the situation due to his newfound family

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