Part 12 : The first Hocrux

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As the house emptied out from the guests, the trio and the headmaster discussed the next Horcrux, Slytherin locket!

"Harry and I found it in the dark cave; it was fake, with this note written inside." Dumbledore showed them the parchment.
Hermione took the note and read it:
"To the Dark Lord,
I know I will be dead long before you read this, But I wanted you to know that I discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intended destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in a hope that when you meet your match you will be mortal once more...RAB."

"But who is..."

Ron cut in. "Regulus... Sirius' brother, his name is written on his room door upstairs."
"So," Harry pondered. "He has the real Horcrux. We must ask Sirius."
Sirius and Kreacher showed up, at which Kreacher decided to talk after the permission of his master after they asked about the real one,
"It's Master Regulus' locket, oooh, Kreacher doesn't know where the other locket is."
Sirius shouted, "Yes, but did you see it?"

He answered, "Yes it was here, in this house, the most evil object."
"How do you mean?" Harry inquired.
"Before Master Regulus died, he ordered Kreacher to destroy it but how hard Kreachers tried he could not do it."
Sirius asked him firmly, "Where is it now? Did someone take it?"
"He came in the night and took many things including the locket."
Kreacher tried to remember. "Ummmm... Mundungus Fletcher." Dumbledore ordered the elf to find him.
They were fortunate enough to find in Knocturm Alley ! Kreacher showed up in a small pop in Grimmauld place holding Fletcher who was shaking out of fear , the elf throw the man at the kitchen table and Harry, Sirius , Ron and Hermione surrounded him ..
They all pointed their wands at him ,
" Fletcher, you coward fraud ! Did you rob anything from here ? Any sort of locket or a jewel?" Sirius threat him
He was shaking and begging them to let him go , " No ! No I haven't steal it ! The elf gave it to me because of the dark magic that locket had! I swear he gave it to me by his own will! " He raised his hands covering his face.
" He is an elf he don't decide what to give from my house , he passed it to you behind my back ! Show the locket now or I'll call Madeye ! "
He started to cry , " No ! Not madeye ! " and he took the big case and opened it , showing all what he got and the golden yellow locket was showing in the middle of his robbed antiques.

The next day, it was Dumbledore's idea to destroy it with the Sword of Gryffindor. Harry who was in the courtyard with Ron immediately had a flashback to the Dark Lord, who was very terrified and angry, Harry fell on the floor and he was writhing with pain, his head veins was pulsing and he screamed , painfully begging this to stop. ,

"He knows. He knows we are destroying the Horcruxes."

Ron helped him to get up , " Block the connection , Harry! Don't let him get into you!"

A fast pictures were going through Harry's mind, he could see a large mansion floors , a very clean marble , a large french windows, another fast picture of a woman , wearing a clock, and holding the locket that was destroyed and playing with a child with it , he then saw Sirius, hugging him in Grimmauld place , and this scene was interrupted by Voldmorts screams , again, the marble floors , the long marble stairs , a sound of hissing and Parsletoung language that thrived into his ears , a thick tall snake crawled, Harry sighed heavily and opened his eyes..

"Yeah, he knows, but it wasn't a hard task to do; Dumbledore is here! I mean, look, it was smooth going process, easier than the Tri-Wizard Tournament!" Ron said while helping him to get up.

he next is Nagini, and something metallic is... just I can't tell what exactly it is. Honestly, Ron, I prefer the dragons."


The school was filled with Aurors, and the sky was filled with dark flying figures like smoke, Death Eaters flying, followed by a green ribbon light. The Aurors attacked to catch them, the whole view was a battle.
However, inside the school was quite warming. Quidditch was canceled of course, and curfew was passed through the whole grounds until the end of term. And no visits to Hogsmeade.

"No visit to Hogsmeade! That's insane," Neville complained.

"All the shops are closed, Neville, what the hell the purpose of going there?" Dean replied.

As the new Headmaster, Severus used new rules and limitations; it was hard to have a fulfilling leisure time. Harry and Ginny went to the Room of Requirements, having their first date, playing music and dancing. He was charmed by her fair skin, and silky red hair. She was wearing a violet dress that reflected her beauty, and he cursed himself for all the years he ignored his beautiful Gryffindor lady. Harry didn't give Ginny any time before, as either he was in trouble, or he had some other issues to attend to.
Candles flickering and soft music playing, Harry cupped Ginny face with his hands while slowly dancing, he rested his chin on her shoulder , as he was slightly moving back and forth
"Ginny, I was wondering if this gets over, will you stay with me? Or you will choose someone more, ummm... maybe "safe" and have a quiet withoutme?"

"Stop being a jerk, Harry, of course, I will be with you. There's nothing wrong with your life except you are hunted by the darkest wizard of all times, and your parents came back from the death," she laughed, while continuing dancing with him very softly like a swan. She leaned closer to his ears and whispered, "I will fight with you until the very end."

Small pink flowers started to form a shape of an arch, coming down from the ceiling, the Room of Requirements provided them with the best romantic theme they need, and they raised their heads to see the flowers with magical sprinkles. He kissed her very deeply.
They stayed there for many hours, chatting and laughing about the old days when Ginny dated other boys just to get Harry's attention, how the other week she hexed them with bat-bogey hex, and she also confessed to him that she was the reason for Cho's leaving him, telling her that Harry suffered from blood curse, and stated in a loud tone, "And I am not sorry about that, Harry Potter."
He gasped laughing, "That's why I love you, you gusty, strong, catchy witch," he folded his arms on her back embracing her. "And you are a big threat to the guys out there."

The days went by slowly. Depressed students had nothing to do but study, and sleep. Despite Snape's strict nature, he had to be even more because of what's happening. The curfew was passed around Hogsmeade, and no students were allowed to gather in the dungeons nor the outside grounds as he ordered them each year. Houses travelled in packs, from common room to class, from class to the Great Hall and that's all. Hermione spent her course studying hoping for N.E.W.Ts, and missing her secret crush; how she longed to be with him once more.

the next morning, after the breakfast feast at Hogwarts was done , Severus Snape left the staff table and head to his office , crossing the packs of students walking from the great hall to their classes, he greeted with a nod one of the aurors who guard as well , " Good day , Headmaster " the Auror answered back.
He arrived to the Headmaster office , saying Dumbeldore's password " Sherbet lemons " , and entering the office that hasn't changed .
He took a seat in Albus place , and before fulfilling today's duties as a temporary headmaster , he showed something small and round from his pocket , something wrapped very well and placed it at the desk.
He then opened the windows magically for the owl who bought two daily prophet newspapers, he took one of them and attached it with the wrapped thing he showed earlier.
He secured them into the owl leg again , and whispered " you know where , just like every morning "
The Owl traveled all over the green lands , crossing all over Scotland and finally lowered her wings across London, landed in a small window bars.
The Owl peaks the window bars, and a beautiful red head woman with a shiny green eyes opened the window , Lily.
She gave the owl a treat , and accepted the newspaper and the wrapped thing, she smiled and opened it, finding the orange almond cake that Severus promised her.

The Arrivals  , A slow Burn Romance [ Edited Version 2022 ] Where stories live. Discover now