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"Hey Mama, you talked to the doctor?"

In the room that looked more like as one booked in a five star hotel, the open windows let in a small breeze that made you want to stay in all the day forgetting it was a clinic, the vibe it gave had Sandra emotional, she always wanted to give her children that kind of place to live in especially Eleanor since she was a baby but life had it otherwise.

On the contrary her baby had to have it rough to keep her alive with her two others children. The situation sometimes had her crying making feel shameful for bringing more trouble to her life. She knew she deserves the world.

Not because she was her child but she was a sweetheart. Blinking to pushed back the tears she fell was trying to roll out of her eyes she wet her lips with the tip of her tongue, swallowing the flow she could sense in her chest, puking was requested in an hospital. They didn't have the money to pay for her.

Taking a seat near her daughter who was still sitting on her bed, Sandra kissed her forehead tenderly just happy to have her there.

"Sure princess. Do not worry okay? There is always a way, what is sure is that I'm not letting you out of my sight for the two months the doc said, at least."

Frowning at her words Eleanor bit the inside of her cheek not saying a words but her mischievous antic didn't fooled her mother.

"Eleanor Heartland do not think you can get away with this one. I'm not putting your health at risk. The doctor said two months and two months it is."

Rolling her eyes at the stubbornness of her mother the young woman wanted to complained when Ariel ran to seat near her his face shining for being near his sister.

"Elli what about two months?"

Making big eyes at her mother to not say a thing Eleanor sighed softly at the movement of her head now that she had her two young children eyes on her.

"Elli will stay home for two months. Her kneecap has to heal first then she can be able to walk again."

"But... Before it heal itself!?... You told me it always does...that you knew when to stop walking when it hurt too much and then it was alright after?"

Her gaze in her big sister one Paula who was already a nerd at her age knew the situation of their family. She knew that Eleanor was the one providing for them, the fact that she wasn't abled to work anymore was frightening.

Thinking back as the conversation she eavesdropped her mother having with the landlord of their flat came ringing at her ear freezing her. Sighing internally Eleanor who had her doubts on her sister understanding things she shouldn't, called her toward her pulling her on her lap attentive to not hurt herself.

"Princess Paula there is nothing to worry about hmm? Everything will be find. See I'm here to take care of it and you my princess and my pumpkin down there we will be find as always okay?"

"You sure?"

"Did I ever lie to you or you?" Flickering her eyes from the three they both shook theirs heads smiles plastered on the younger ones.

"Now up we are going back home."

A knock on the door have all the family looked toward the door at the woman who entered who was none other than Juliana Harris.

"Ah, I see you are ready. We will drop you first at your place, I had my car already waiting outside. When you are ready."

Nodding Sandra helped her daughter to the wheelchair placed near the bed then gathered her belongings under Juliana stare who really wanted to be the one doing that but she felt intimidated by Mrs MacArthur, which was an understatement.

Eleanor heartlandWhere stories live. Discover now