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"Allo, here is Amy Harris, what Mrs Harris my sister tried to say is that we have to take your daughter to a private clinic on the company fees, I don't know if you saw her swollen leg in the morning, it got really bad we had to have a doctor checking on it. Out of that I'm sure it will be alright. Depending of the doctor prescription we will update you. If she can I will have her calling you."

Sitting on her bed holding on her tears, the older woman hummed not trusting her voice. " Please do, and Thanks you very much."

Responding back Amy cut the communication giving her sister a nasty stare. Her hand was still shaking when she took the gadget back making her sister frown at how messed up she looked like.

Standing near her arms crossed one of her foot tapping on the floor her eyes never left her sister who leaned back on her seat mirroring her antic, something she never did before arguing that it was for weak people.

She wiped a tear that left her left eye keeping her head high her face as blank as it could stay, it was a way she always use to cover up her feeling. In the highly decorated waiting room she looked like a statue.

Really if she wasn't her sister she would stop like people always do, what she was doing to look at her. Even in the condition she was in the sadness create an aura around her that freezes the time showing the rawness of her feeling. For once Juliana Harris couldn't hide her feeling that only made her reconsider her position.

Not giving anymore thought at Amy, Juliana mind raced on what could happen wrong. Thing just ran out of hand from the beginning making her the weakest she ever felt, that was the cause of what was happening, her not wanting to depend on someone else.

She was reduce to it, a feeling she never wants to feel ever but she couldn't forbid her heart to stop racing, her will was useless at the point she was, the rush of energy in her kept her on edge in a way it felt like it was her laying there. She felt powerless, at the mercy of two people who could do their work wrongly having her heart crush another time.

In her frantic panicked state, she felt a pressure on her hand that gave her some comfort, staring at the source she met Amy soft gaze on her.

"Hey, she will be alright. It is not something life-threatening. Jill know what he is doing, plus this clinic has everything to ensure her safety."

Breathing out she nodded knowing not to believe her words but her heart need to hear them in a way.

"I... things didn't work like that. I....things escalated, she walked away , Fred searched her but she certainly hide somewhere. I wouldn't have let her returned home alone... I, I freaked okay, I just freaked. I can right...?"

Bitting her tongue at her last words, crushed, she gave her sister a lost stare, for a moment they were looking in each other's eyes, before she knew it Amy arms locked around her body comforting her.

"You are allowed to freak too. It just get out of hand. That is what happens when you meet someone who is as stubborn as you are. She my dear certainly is everyone can tell."

Lifting her head up as she would do to her when they were younger, Amy wiped the remainder of the tears on her cheeks before smiling at her.

"I'm still pissed at you, I'm sorry for slapping you though. I think we can work it from here. I know she's important for you, even if you didn't showed her that at the right moment hence why you didn't existed for her in the morning."

Rolling her eyes at her Juliana resumed her previous position, her arms and legs crossed. Smirking at her reaction the red head shook her head in disbelief.

"It was that good!...Okay, okay! No need to jump on me, my family still need me and you are one of them."

Doctor Jill came back holding a folder her wife behind him, theirs faces blank.
Amy held her hand her eyes on them.

"How is she doing?" The hope present in her voice made them loosened up small smile on theirs face.

"She is fine, for now. After running exams it's clear that her kneecap is very damage she would have to put less or no weight on it for at least two weeks after that long walks are prohibit or if she is the one I know from your shop her work will have to stop for a while, two months maximum."

Relieved by what they just heard they looked at each others breathing out, Juliana stepped forward to be at the same level of Amy who spoke with them now interested.

Her eyes on the woman who had a frown on her face, creases visible between her eyebrows, Dora Jill cleared her throat, cautiously gaving Juliana Harris the paper she had in her left hand.

"This is all the things you should buy. Now we count on you to make it happen or at least someone who can keep and eyes on her, she would have been released today but her state is very deplorable. She is very weak, it's the lack of energy that had her body unable to fight it. She hasn't ate proper foods in three days."

"Wh, how!?" Stunned to hear it Juliana shook her head at Amy that it wasn't her fault, remembering that she didn't ate much of the food the night before.

Pursing her lips Amy looked back at the doctors for much informations at the same time as Juliana allowing the doctor to continue.

"She woke up a bit to confirm what her results already revealed, a bowl of cereal with milk this morning, yesterday an apple in the morning and a bottle of juice in the evening, the day before a slice of pizza in the morning. I,...I speak for both of us, know that it not just three days though, the results showed it. This isn't a good way to eat, she needs foods to keep her energy. There could be reasons to it but I have to warn you that her body needs to be strong to have her immune system doing its job."

Going paler at the doctor words Juliana took in all the informations that was given at lost of words, it wasn't like Eleanor to do that she knew it. She had a good appetite, she had seen that with her own eyes, but now that she could think back lately she picked on foods or rarely eat always staying in the warehouse. The last she had seen her eating was a while ago. Sighing she pursed her lips meeting Dora Jill eyes.

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