Chapter 25: You've Got a Lot to Say For the One Who Walked Away

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"Um, we'll be back with Carly Rae Jepsen right after this," I vaguely heard the host say.

"And we're off," one of the producers said.

"Oh my God, I'm such an idiot," I said outloud, but more to myself as I rested my face in my hands. But it was at that moment I knew what I had to do.

I jumped up off of the chair I was sitting on and ran backstage.

"What are you doing?!" Jamie yelled as he, Nash, and Ian started running after me.

"I'm going home," I replied simply.

"Going home? What do you mean going home?" Ian asked.

I stopped and turned around to face them, "I'm getting Mel back."

"Finally!" Nash yelled, "I thought you'd never come to your senses!"

"Whatever, man. I just need to get home as fast as possible," I sighed.


About 3 hours later, we landed in Nashville.

"Fastest flight ever," Jamie said as we stepped off of the plane.

"Maybe they knew Ryan's plan," Nash said.

"What is your plan exactly?" Ian asked me.

"Can we skip all the small talk and just get to Melanie and Danielle's house, please?" I asked, slightly irritated.

"Calm down, diva. We're going," Jamie said.


We all stepped onto Melanie and Danielle's porch half an hour later and I knocked as quickly as I could, not stopping.

We heard Danielle yell, "I heard you the first 50 fucking times. Calm the f-"

She froze when she opened the door. She smiled when she looked at Jamie and he immediately hugged her as tightly as he could.

She hugged him back, "What are you guys doing here? I didn't think you were supposed to be back for another month."

"Where's Melanie?" I rushed.

She glared at me, much like she has been for the past few months, "I don't know."

"Look, Danielle. I know you're pissed at me and I'm sorry. I'm an idiot. I just... I need to know where she is," I begged.

Her facial expression softened, "I seriously don't know, Ry. She said she was going out for a walk a few hours ago, but she hasn't come back yet."

"And you're not worried at all?" Nash asked.

"I haven't gotten the feeling that anything was wrong with her," she shrugged, looking at Nash.

"You know she goes to the park when she's upset. Try there," Jamie said, still holding his girlfriend. I hopped off of the porch and started running for the park.


"Oh, hey. Come in," I said, stepping out from in front of the doorway. Jamie was still holding my waist as Nash and Ian stepped through the door.

"Do you think she'll forgive him?" Nash asked as we all sat down on the couch.

I sighed, "I honestly don't know. She was hurt pretty badly."

"But he knows what really happened, she'll understand he was just jealous, right?" Ian asked.

"It's not that simple, Ian. He may have realized that what happened wasn't what he thought it was, but that doesn't change the fact he accused her of cheating. She doesn't believe he trusts her anymore," I said before mumbling something else.

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