Dont call me that! •Tommyinit•

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Im sitting on my boyfriends bed scrolling through Twitter while he's streaming. If I wasn't used to all the screaming he does I would have a head ache by now.

"Tom!" His mother yells. "Oh yeah!" "Stop swearing!" "But it's funny mum!" "Stop it! I bet y/n can't stand it!" My eyes widen at my name.

We have been keeping our relationship out of the public meaning social media but let's hope chat couldn't hear it. I go to twitch just to look at the comments. 'Whos y/n?' 'DO YOU HAVE WOMEN TOMMY!'

"Chat the only woman I love is the queen! I don't know what my mum was talking about but I can assure you I'm not dating anyone! I love the queen and drugs no one and nothing else!"

I get that he wants us to be a secret but that kinda hurt.but it's the chat that hurts most 'so your still single?' 'POGGERS!' 'POGCHAMP!' I don't really know why I'm up set it's not the first time he's done a bit like this.

I get more comfortable in his bed cause I kinda can't leave his room cause his chat would see me and know he was lying.

So I wrap myself up in one of his blankets and try to take my mind off it.

It's been thirty minutes and I start to get cold so I grab one of Tommy's jumpers that was in my bag that I already stole from him. I might be a little mad but that doesn't mean I won't wear his clothes.

My eyes became heavy and I fell asleep.

"Hey babe I'm done streaming." Tommy whispers in my ear, since I'm kinda mad might as well as make it known. He starts to lay down next to me. I like making him suffer a bit.

"Ok Tomathy" he stops moving. "What?" I don't say anything else. I didn't think he's was going to do anything but he grabs my chin and turns me to look at him. "Did you just call me Tomathy?"

"No."  "Are you mad?" "No." "Y/n are you ok?" "Your acting like a child." I mumble as I turn around. I cover my mouth with the blanket so I don't laugh.

"Did you just call me 'child' what the-" "you better not swear at me Tomathy!" "Stop calling me Tomathy!" "Or what?" I turn and see he has a devilish smirk I know exactly what he's about to do.

"Don't you dare." "Don't do what?" "Tommy. Don't." "Oh you called me Tomathy and child AND you won't tell me why your mad."

"Tom-" before I could finish my sentence he yanks off the blanket I had wrapped around me and starts to tickle me. "Tomathy! Tomathy! Stop!" "Then tell my why your mad! And stop calling me Tomathy!"

"Ok ok I'll tell you." I'm starting to get out of breath with all the laughing I was doing.

"Your gonna tell me why your mad?" He says still tickling me. "Yes!" "Ok." He stops ticking me. I sit up from the bed and try to run out of his room but he grabs my hand and pulls me pack to him.

"Y/n tell me." He says softly. He's holding onto my waist as he's sitting on the edge of his bed. Even when he's sitting we're still face to face.

I take a deep breath. "I'm mad cause. When your mum yelled my name I thought to were going to say it's one of my friends, or something like that not that you only love the queen and drugs. I know you want to keep us out of the media but I would like to be mentioned." I look at him with tears brimming my eyes.

"Oh y/n I'm sorry! I didn't know you'd be this upset. That wasn't my intention. I'm just scared that you'll get hate cause some fans or stans are toxic and I don't want that for you."

"Well I feel selfish now." I never realize he didn't say anything cause of the backlash I might get.

"No don't feel selfish! I should've told you it got out of hand on my part. I'm sorry. Actually if you want to blame anyone blame Wilbur he told me it might not be the best idea." "Wait you've told Wilbur about me?" "Yeah." He takes one hand off my waist and scratches the back of his neck nervously.

I smile widely and kiss him.

I pull away. "I love you Tomathy." "I love- what did you just call me!" I turn and run out of his room but he throws me over his shoulder and pulls me onto the bed.

He starts to tickle me again. "Tommy!" I yell but I can't stop laughing.

Word count: 819

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Word count: 819

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