Rings • Luke•

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I'm sitting next to Luke in science class as Mr O'Conner talks for what feels like ages.

I start to lose focus and start to fidget with anything. I normally wear rings but I forgot to put them on today.  My leg starts to bounce up and down.

I twirl my pencil around but when I dropped it I stopped.

Drawling on my notes but I then ran out of space.

I look next to me at Luke who's writing in his song book. It's killing me to not ask him what he's writing.

I start to crack my knuckles, pick at my nail beds. Basically anything. "Y/n what's wrong?" He whispers to me.

"I'm just fidgety that's all, and I forgot to wear my rings." I whisper back.

Next thing I know his hand is the table. "Here." I look down and see he's wearing three rings.

I smile and start to fidget with them. I feel the pattern on one (my favorite) and twirl the other around his finger cause it's lose enough, and the third one is so smooth.

I was occupied for the rest of class. My leg stopped bouncing, my hands stopped shaking. I was back to normal.

The bell rung and I kept looking at his rings as he packed up his stuff.

"Y/n? Class is over." "Right sorry." I get up and grab my things. "Thanks Luke." I smile and walk out

The next day.

I open my locker and a note falls out. I pick it up and look around to see who put it in, obviously no one stands out so I opened it.

Dear y/n
  I know you forgot your rings yesterday so I decided to give you this one.

I look in the letter to see the ring with the patterns on it.

  It's obviously to big for you so I put it on a chain. Now you can fidget with it while you write in class.

From Luke.

I put the necklace. And walk to class while messing with it.

Words 350

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