Part 12

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*the next morning*

I woke up from morning sickness and I ran to the bathroom and closed it. I started throwing up and when I stopped I brushed my teeth and washed my face and took my prenatal pill. I walked out and grabbed my phone. I went downstairs and gave Theo his food and water. I sat on the coach and opened my phone. I was really craving Dunkin' Donuts so I walked upstairs and walked into Mattia's room. He was shirtless and no one was in the bed with him. I walked to his bed and sat on him. I hugged him waiting for him to wake up. He wasn't waking up so I started moving my hips. He groaned and grabbed my hips.
You: daddy can you get me dunkin please ?
I whispered in his ear.
Mattia: no getting out
You: please ?!
Mattia: no !
You: ok I'll ask ale to drive me
I tried to get off of him but he held my waist and start choking me.
Mattia: don't fucking play with me
You: well then get me Dunkin'
I pouted. He let go of my neck and he looked at me. I gave him puppy eyes and pouted.
Mattia: fine now get out
You: thank you
I kissed him and walked out. I went to my room and the boys were still sleeping. I laid back on the bed and went on my phone. I had to pee really bad so I went to the bathroom and used it. I washed my hands and walked out and went back on the bed. I started playing Minecraft and then the door bell ring. I ran downstairs and opened the door and it was Cynthia.
You: *sucks teeth* oh 🙄
Cynthia: what you sucking your teeth for bitch
You: i'm waiting for my food hoe
Cynthia: bitch I ain't no hoe
She said raising her voice. I flicked her off and walked away. I seen Theo in the living room and walked up to him and whispered in his ear.
You: enferma Ella (go sick her)
He licked my fingers and slowly started walking over to the door and I walked to the elevator and went up it. I heard screaming and I was upstairs and got out the elevator. I acted like I walked out my room and went back downstiars.
You: omg Theo has ripped some of her skin off
I said in a sarcastic robotic way. I laughed a little. I heard running and I walked up to Theo and whispered to him.
You: Good boy
I picked him up and walked away to the kitchen
Mattia: what the fuck happened?!
You: I think Cynthia was messing with Theo and he attacked her.
Mattia: why are u lying?
You: what?
Mattia: you did this ...
You: no I didn't .
Mattia: yeah ok
You: see this is what I'm talking about your always being mean to me but we're supposed to be in this together. But you keep being rude to me. I'm carrying your child for fucking sake. All you care about is your self.
I said as a tear fell down my face. I walked upstairs and closed my door. I wiped my tear and seen that Kairi was up.
Kairi: woah what happened?
You: nothing everything is fine
I said wiping my tears away. I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes. I heard Kairi get up and walk out the room shutting the door. I walked to the bathroom and just broke down. I sat down on the floor crying for a while and then I got up and washed my face. I continued sitting down for a while and then I ended up falling asleep. I woke up and my back was hurting really bad. I slowly got up and walked out the bathroom to find all the boys gone. I walked to the bed and laid down. I opened my phone and had a bunch of messages from Kai. I opened them and he was basically saying that him and the boys left and that they will see us later. I shut my phone off and relaxed. I walked down stairs and seen blood everywhere. I seen a trail of blood and followed it. It led up to the bathroom and it was just some bloody clothing.

You: Theo!

I heard him whimper and I started walking around and found him all bloody. He had cuts all over him and I ran up to him and screamed. I ran upstairs and got the first aid supplies and wrapped all his cuts up. I was so sick of living here. I pick up Theo slowly and walked up stairs with him. I sat him on his bed and grabbed my lap top and went to my desk. I started looking at apartments far away. I was mostly looking to move out the country. I found a cute little house in Italy. I book a plane ticket for tomorrow and bought the home. I got in the car with Theo and went to home depot and got boxes. We drove home and I grabbed box tape and went back upstairs. I build all the boxes and started packing. When I finished I closed everything and put them in a corner of my room. I brushed my teeth and showered. I changed and climbed into bed setting my alarm and dosing off to sleep. 





Abusive StepBrotherTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang