SA Behind the Scenes!

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Okay, so I was getting, like really really really really really really really really really really (okay I'll stop now) borrrreed. And I thought, why not write another trashy chapter?!😆.

Disclaimer: the scenes from the book: Wild Born and the characters of this story don't belong to me.

Book 1. Wild Born
Chapter 3. Jhi

"And......action!!" The producer, Cassandra, said clearly.

Meilin sat on her cushion, meticulously applying facial paint. After-

"Argh!!!" Meilin yelped, her makeup brush falling to the ground with a loud clatter.

"Seriously, Meilin, you've messed up the makeup at least 5 times!" Cassandra said in exasperation from beside the cameras as the Zhongese girl reached for the cotton pads to remove her failed makeup.

Meilin gave her a steely glare as she redid the pale base. "You try it yourself," she snapped at the reflection of Cassandra in the mirror.

"And it says in the script that Meilin is a perfect young woman who can do things perfectly!" Cassandra complained, pointing a finger at her already tattered copy of the script of Spirit Animals: The Movie.

"Being perfect at karate doesn't make me perfect in doing makeup!!" Meilin shot back, irritated. "And weird gold flecks, no less! Oh, what an easy job!" she said, sarcasm literally dripping from her teeth.

"Oh, well, then," Cassandra threw a mischievous smile over her shoulder at the girl as she pulled out her phone. "Rollan's gonna hear about this," she sang happily.

"Hey, Cass, no!!!"

Chapter 4. Essix

"Come down from there!" Zerif hollered at the top of his lungs with his sword drawn.

"Okay, Rollan, just swing down the fence, swift and don't strain your-" Cassandra called out instructions, but was halfway interrupted.

Rollan stuck out his tongue at Zerif. "Bleh, you can't catch me!!!" he sang while doing a victory dance.

Zerif stopped from running around the building in irritation as he called his Spirit Animal back into passive form. "Rollan, that wasn't part of the script..." he groaned.

"What? I just can't help it... You were acting so annoying..." Rollan doubled over in laughter.

Zerif put his index finger to his temple. "You airheaded idiot. It's called acting," he scolded.

"Well, thanks to Rollan, we'll have to do that scene all over again," Cassandra said tiredly as she raised her eyebrows in a look of "it's not my fault, blame Rollan for this" at her crewmates.

"ROLLAN!!!!" the whole crew groaned, including Meilin and Abeke, who were stopping by to help the cameraman, and earn some free cash.

"You bird-brain!!! Now Abeke and I have to run the whole way around the block with you again!" Meilin shouted.

"Sorry... Heh, heh."

"Apology not accepted."

Chapter 6, Sunset Tower

Rollan whistled. "Essix, to me!"

The bird continued to drift on lofty breezes.

"Essix, come!"

The falcon drifted through another lazy turn.

"Get down here! How hard is it to follow simple instructions? The dimmest kid I know can do that much!"

Bad move. Essix seemed to be flying farther and farther away from him on purpose. Rollan took a calming breath. He had already learned that shouting angry words at the bird would keep her in the sky all day. "Please, Essix," he called with a gentler tone. "Olvan wants us to work as one."

"Now, Rollan, hold out your arm," Cassandra said, pointing at Rollan and the supposed arc where Essix was supposed to coast in on his arm while her eyes were glued to the script. "And 3, 2-"

"Uhh, Cass?" Rollan said a bit timidly, pointing at the sky. "She's not coming."

"Wh-what?!" Cassandra tore her eyes from her papers just in time to see Essix let out a lazy call and glide into the high towers where Greencloaks trained. She came out a few seconds later with a piece of chicken on her beak, then landed on Rollan's arm with a look that said. "What? Can't this go on with me eating?"

"Arghhhhhh......" the other three Fallen groaned from their place by the cameraman, waiting for their scene to come in. Tarik face-palmed himself silently.

"Well, guys, we're leaving. Daylight's fading and this part requires sunlight to film," Cassandra said, picking up her bags.

"Arghhhh....." the other three groaned again.

"Rollan, this is the third day in a row that I've came here for nothing but watching you and your idiot bird redo this scene again and again," Meilin said hotly. "I swear if you do this tomorrow I won't come back to film the day after that," she threatened.

"Whoa, calm down. Uh... I'll treat you three with ice cream?" Rollan said, hopefully wishing they won't be mad at him again.

"Rollan, this is the third time you treated us with ice cream, I demand pizza!" the three said in unison.

"Fine, fine."

Well, what do you think of this? Comment if you want more BTS in the future!! And please answer the last question in the part before this one! Don't you think Zerif behind the scenes and Zerif in the books are like two totally different people 😂.

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