✰ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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                THE NEXT FEW DAYS passed by quickly, and soon Hannah's trip to Chicago came close to an end. However, she still had two major events left on her calendar; the match, and the visit to the set of ' Chicago PD ' where Jesse had promised to give her an exclusive tour. The past few days had been quiet with regards to her life in Manchester; she assumed it had something to do with Marie working on getting Dean, Hannah's younger brother, to move out of their shared flat ( or kicking him to the curb, as Dean would ever so poetically put it ).

               It was odd as the team travelled to training that day, the entire squad–bus being quiet. In fact, Hannah was sure she could hear a pin hit the floor of the bus if she had dropped it, though she chose not to test her theory. Jordan was sitting a couple of rows ahead of her, his eyes closed and head resting against the window as he seemed to be asleep. Next to him, Joe was scrolling through what looked to be Instagram. However, the peace and quiet all went by quickly, as Raheem came stumbling through the aisle of the bus.

                "Hannah, when were you going to tell us you went on a fucking date with one of the actors who trained with us?" He asked, an eyebrow raised as he impatiently waited for Hannah's answer — which he hoped would hold an explanation.

                 "It wasn't a date—,"

                 "She did not go on a date with him." Wayne scowled, narrowing his eyes as he looked at Raheem, who slowly backed away. The Manchester United–striker rose to his feet, eyes scanning the team that was scattered across the various bus–seats. "Didn't we all agree that whatever was written or photographed by paparazzis and meaningless journalists that night, would be not be something of interest within this team?" Hannah was surprised at Wayne's outburst, though found herself rolling her eyes once he sat back down, mumbling words under his breath. "It was totally a date." 

                The rest of the busride was quiet, though she felt Raheem's eyes on the back of her head the entire time. She didn't know what was going through the player's head; was he jealous? No, there was no way he could be jealous. Besides, had it really been a date? They had gone out for drinks, and then Jesse had driven her back to the hotel. She didn't stress about it, but she knew she had a friend in Manchester who was more than upset about not being told anything when it came to going out for drinks with Jesse. Lost in her thoughts, she kept her gaze out the window, noticing how they were getting closer to the pitch. 

              "I need Rooney and the two Hendersons to remain seated; everyone else can get the fuck off this bus and try to get ready for practice on time." Gary scoffed as he rose to his feet at the front of the bus. Hannah sunk her teeth into her cheek, trying her best not to laugh at the sight – a tired, grumpy-looking Gary Neville with the classic bus–tourguide microphone in his hand as he announced his dismay with the team's ability to get ready for practices on time. While both Wayne and Jordan looked confused at their order to remain seated, the rest of the team quietly left the bus, bringing their bags as they headed towards the training–grounds.

              Turning, Jordan's eyes landed on Hannah, an unimpressed look spreading across his tired face. "What the fuck have you done now, and why are you dragging me and Wazza down with you?"

               "Probably something related to her little date." Wayne offered, a smirk playing on his lips, his gaze flickering between Jordan and Hannah, as Gary stepped back onto the bus, simply signalling for the three of them to follow him. "I mean, I find it odd that you were even allowed to go on a date with him; isn't that a little against the rules?"

               Hannah furrowed her brows as he looked at Wayne, trying to figure out how to respond. Instead, Jordan found his words before her, the Sunderland-born midfielder slinging an arm around her shoulders as he spoke. "Technically, I don't think any of us were presented with any rules against dating the crew, which technically means I could've done what Hannah did."

               "You also would have gone on a date with Jesse?" Hannah raised an eyebrow as she turned to look at Jordan.

                  "Oh, God no." 

                   "So it was a date!" Wayne exclaimed happily, clapping his hands together, though returning to a more serious demeanour as Gary turned to look at them, causing the trio to stop. "Sorry, Gary." 

                  "In many ways, I wish I would have the three of you at practice today, but hearing you run around gossiping like a bunch of teenagers, I'm also very happy I'm getting rid of you for the day. Besides, there were no rules against dating the cast of the Chicago–shows, though it would be the best thing for the whole thing that is the England National Team if someone would be able to keep it in their pants." Gary sneered, narrowing his eyes at Hannah. "Please tell that to your little Lover–Boy as you meet him today, and tell him it's with the best regards of Gary Neville." The former footballer cleared his throat, looking at his watch, before turning to see a car pull up in the parking–lot. "The three of you will be spending the day on the set of ' Chiaco P.D ', please try not to get pregnant or make anyone pregnant."

                 "That was directed at you two." Wayne shrugged, turning to look at Hannah and Jordan. "After all, I'm happily married."

                  "I think the biggest challenge will be keeping Jordan from murdering Patrick." 

                   "I want you to know that, whatever I do to him, he has it coming."

                   Gary let out a heavy sigh, as he motioned for them to get to the car. "Do not get pregnant, do not make anyone pregnant, do not make yourselves unpopular, and for God's sake, do not murder anyone. I need you all in good health and out of jail for the match later this week." 

                The three of them saluted the coach, before slipping into the backseat of the car; Hannah squeezed in the middle ( and desperately trying to figure out why she hadn't gotten into the passenger–seat, where no one else were sitting ). The driver remained quiet as he drove them to the set – even when Wayne tried to engage him in a confusing conversation that Hannah had no intentions of paying attention to. He stopped outside a rather large building, where a man ( who Hannah recognized as Patrick  was standing outside, a to–go coffeecup in one hand, and his phone in the other one. She could feel Jordan tense up in the seat beside her – after all, he had not been even remotely impressed with Patrick when the cast had come to visit them in training.

                "There you are!" 

                Jesse's voice echeod through the car as he stuck his head into the car through the passenger–seat window. "You planning on coming out, or? We've got a whole lot to show you, and if we're going to go through all three sets before everyone goes home for the day, we need to get going." One by one, they got out of the car, a sharp Chicago–breeze hitting their faces as they stretched their legs. Jesse motioned for them to follow him, though he slowed his pace to walk beside Hannah, Wayne and Jordan walking in front of them ( Hannah swore she saw stars in their eyes as they walked into the set ). "It's nice seeing you again." Jesse spoke in a low voice, a smile spreading on his lips. 

                "Likewise." Hannah smiled back, turning her head just a little, noticing how the actor was quick to look away, not wanting to be caught as he was looking at her. "Now, I hope you don't mind that I'm going to take a lot of pictures. I need something to rub in my brother's face when I get home to Manchester."

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2021 ⏰

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