✰ 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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               HANNAH STOOD ON THE SIDE of the pitch as she watched the Manchester United-team train. Louis van Gaal had the players doing sprints, and Marie was crouching on the ground in the middle of the field, nearly getting run over as she got pictures of the players running towards her. A chuckle beside her made Hannah turn, facing Ryan Giggs, the team's current assistant manager.

               "I understood we have to survive three weeks without you." The Welsh man raised an eyebrow, turning his head to throw a glance at Hannah. "In many ways, I guess you could call us lucky, but then again, we will all miss our favorite part of the media teams' dynamic duo."

               "I'm your favorite?"

               "I'm sure Juan would beg to differ; he's got his eyes on the one with the camera, but to the rest of us, I'm pretty sure, yes." Ryan smiled sheepishly, extending an arm as he pulled Hannah in for a hug. "It doesn't matter though — as long as you come home, we'll all be happy. Truth is, this whole team — and that includes you and Marie — equals a big, happy and rather dysfunctional family, and if one leaves, everything changes."

               Hannah smiled, leaning into the hug. Ryan had become sort of a second father to both herself and to Marie, though neither one of them spoke about it ( or seemed to admit it to anyone, even seeming as if they were denying it to themselves sometimes ). She noticed that Marie was coming their way, her nose buried in the screen of her camera as she flicked through some of the shots, grumbling something that was out of audible reach for Hannah to hear.

"Looks like there's an angry Scot coming our way."

"Call her angry to her face, and she'll have your head and career on a plate before dinner-time." Hannah rolled her eyes, leaning against the metal fence behind her.

"The fact that she holds that much power, all with a fucking camera in her hands, scares me." Ryan admitted, though the chuckle that escaped his lips told Hannah he wasn't completely serious about it. If there was one person the Welsh coach had been influential in the life of, it was Marie; and though Hannah knew the Scot could be a pain in the ass, she would never do anything of that drastic measure. Not without a solid reason, anyway.

"Ryan, you want to have a look?"

Hannah gasped, pretending to be hurt as she watched Ryan place the neck-strap of Marie's camera safely around his neck, immediately getting around to flicking through the many photos she had taken. "What, I don't get to have a look?"

"No." Marie shrugged, a wicked grin covering the bottom half of her face, brown eyes lighting up with a spark that Hannah recognized as trouble. "You're leaving for three weeks. I need to train a new apprentice to judge the photos— no, no way I'm going with that Ryan." She sighed as the older man turned the camera, showing the photographer a photo.

"Why not?"

"Have one quick look at Juan's face."

"He can't help it, Marie, that's how he looks." Ryan raised an eyebrow, though grinning at the Scot. "Now, I need you both to get off my training pitch. You've got, what — three or four days until Hannah leaves, there's no way I'll allow you to spend the days here. Go out, get drunk, watch a movie, and call me, so I can come pick you up in case you actually do get drunk."

𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 // 𝐣𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now