✰ 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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                 JESSE SIGHED AS HE SANK down into the chair of the bullpen–set, kicking his feet up on the desk in front of him; much to Sophia's dismay. She rolled her eyes, leaning back in her chair, making Jesse shake his head a little. "What? It's my desk, I can put my feet on it if I want to." He chuckled, curling a piece of paper to a ball, tossing it at her. "Besides, I've seen you sit with your feet on the desk too — why shouldn't I be allowed then?"

              Sophia grinned cheekily as Jason entered the room, a script in his hands, walking straight past them without even lifting his gaze. "At least I never do it with muddy boots." With a panicked look, Jesse found himself checking the underside of his boots ( he knew how the directors absolutely hated all the unnecessary mud him, and the other actors brought up to the set of the bullpen ). "Made you look." Sophia chuckled triumphantly, before turning her attention to Jon, who sank down in his chair next to her.

               "Alright, guys — listen up." Eriq spoke up as he stepped into the room, catching everyone's attention. "Remember the England–promo training session we're taking part in? Well, that's tomorrow already. Now, I never got any clear answers from anyone—,"

               "I let you know that me and Paddy show up." Jesse spoke up, watching as Eriq rolled his eyes in return.

               "If you had let me finish, you would know I was about to say ' anyone but Jesse and Patrick ' — though I am thankful you cleared that up. God forbid, I could've mistaken Jesse and Patrick for Jesse Spencer and Patrick Swayze." Eriq scoffed. "Let's get back on track — I chose a little group that will be joining said Jesse Spencer, Taylor Kinney, Kara Killmer, Eamonn Walker, Colin Donnell, Nick Gehlfuss, Yaya Dacosta, and Torrey DeVitto. That group is Jesse, Patrick, Marina, and LaRoyce."

                Jesse turned, recieving a high–five from both LaRoyce and Patrick, before turning back, knowing Eriq was far from done explaining the concept of their training session.

"You will be spending three days with the English national team for soccer, before two of their players will be coming here to play a part of the ' One Chicago ' universe. I don't think I need to remind you that these guys are soccer–players, not actors, so don't be shocked if they're absolutely horrible in front of the camera when they come to set." Eriq paused, looking down at the papers in his hand, as if to remember something he was aware he had forgotten. "I think that was all. I'll make sure to get the message to you if I forgot anything."

               He turned, leaving the room, chatting with some of the directors and producers in a low tone, though Jesse managed to pick up a few of his words. However, without the full context, the Ossining–born actor couldn't direct Eriq's words of ' will be embarrassing ' and ' make there won't be any injures ' at anyone ( though his gut feeling told him the words were directed at Patrick ).

"So, what are you going to do if there are any British girls there?" Patrick smirked, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned back in his chair, eyes on Jesse. "I mean, as a single man, you probably have some sort of fantasy with British girls."

"How were you brought up, Patrick?" Jon asked, eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the younger actor. "Because, quite frankly, whenever you speak, I find myself being both confused, worried and fascinated. Well, and then to top it off, I never see a younger version of myself agreeing with anything you say, ever."

"I thought you had accepted the fact that he is not a young man we'll be able to save." Jason chuckled, making Patrick huff.

Jesse, however, wiped the grin off his face, turning back to his friend and co–star, clearing his throat. "If there are anyone there that catches my attention, I'll do whatever you would not do in a situation like it." Patrick furrowed his brows, looking confused as he waited for Jesse to continue. Jesse, on the other hand, had grabbed his cup of coffee, sipping it as he zoned out, not realizing Patrick was still waiting until he waved his hand in front of Jesse's face.

"What would I do, that you wouldn't?"

"I wouldn't make a fool of myself, or embarrass myself from here on until eternity." Jesse shrugged, throwing one quick glance at Patrick, before chuckling softly. "I'm joking, alright? The ladies find you charming even when you're at the clumsiest point of your day. It just makes you you." He rolled his eyes, ruffling Patrick's hair, before getting. "You know, you should accept your flaws, like I have."

"You've accepted your flaws?"

"Sure, but right now I was aiming at how I've accepted your flaws." Jesse shrugged again, joining LaRoyce, who was heading to get himself another coffee. "Can you believe we'll be spending several days with these British blue–bloods?"

"Blue–bloods?" LaRoyce snorted, shaking his head. "I don't think all British people can be qualified to have the nick–name ' blue–bloods ' — even though it would be pretty fascinating." The two actors found themselves hanging by the coffee–machine, their chatter flowing freely. However, LaRoyce's focus shifted when Sophia passed by them. "Okay, spill the beans Soffer; you and Sophia, what happened there?"

"What do you mean?" Jesse hummed, sipping his coffee.

"The date you two went on is the set's worst kept secret, are you aware of that? Besides, there's got to be something between you two. She keeps teasing and toying with you." LaRoyce lowered his voice, letting out a sigh. "The thing is, you don't seem too interested in whatever she wants to offer."

"There's nothing going on between us. We joke around and have fun, and that's it." Jesse leaned back against the counter the coffee–machine was placed on, the wooden surface creaking underneath the weight of his body. "Besides, I'm pretty sure she has something going on with some guy from the set of Fire? And me, well — I'm free as a bird, just looking for what I can call ' the right one '."

𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 // 𝐣𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now