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Clint woke up to Laura shaking him, he shot her a quick smile and kiss. "Back to bed, I'm takeing the kiddos today." He said as he pulled on a pair of jeans and a white tank. Picking up his red checkard flannel he walked out of his room and over to Coopers. Opening the door he saw his oldest quietly pulling his clothes on. "Hey Coop, i need you to help me out today. We're letting Aunty Nat and mom sleep in a bit longer." Clint said softly as Cooper looked at his dad, he nodded to let his dad know he heard him. "Me, you, your sister and brother are taking Peter to get some clothes for here and some boots. I need you to wake up your sister and make sure that she's quiet. I'll get Nate and Peter." He said before he slipped out of his sons room. Walking into Nat's room he saw Nat on her back and Peter curled up into her side and his head resting on her shoulder. Nat had a protective arm wrapped around him and another one near her head, where Clint knew she slept with a leaded gun under her pillow. He walked over and tapped Peter on the foot twice hoping he didn't disturb Natasha. Peter groggily raised his head and looked at Clint, who then motioned to get dressed and meet him downstairs. When Peter nodded and slipped out of Nat's grasp Clint moved towards her door only for them both to freeze in their spots when she moved. When she settled Clint gave a soft sigh and Peter quickly grabbed a shirt and some cargo pants and quietly booked it to the bathroom. Clint chuckled as he closed the door quietly and moved on to his youngest's room. After everyone was up and dressed Clint moved them all to the truck and started off down to the mall.
Laura rolled out of bed fully about and hour and a half after Clint and the kids left the hosue. Doing a quick check on the still sleeping Nat, she then went downstairs to start up coffee and breakfast. As she was mixing batter for pancakes she heard Natasha start moving around in her room. "Honestly, how Clint can think we could attempt to sleep in is a wonder." Laura huffed as she pourd the batter into the pan. Nat moaned at the smell of coffee and pancakes as she entered the kitchen. "I love the smell of home." She said as she grabbed two mugs and started to pour their coffee's. Laura chuckled and placed the batch of pancakes on the table. Turning she took in Nat's outfit, short demin shorts and a form fitting black tank and a blue flannel. "Done inspecting me?" Nat asked in amusment. Laura smiled and sipped her coffee, glad that she wasnt spaced out this morning. "Just making sure you wont overheat with your horse is all." Laura said as she slid into her seat. Nat rolled her eyes playfully and ate her pancakes. "Clint might take a few hours at the mall, so you can spend as much time as you want with Grimlock, I'm going to be reading anyway." Laura said in between her bites of breakfast. Nat smiled at her and finished off her coffee. Getting up to put her plate in the sink nat picked up her sunglasses and put them on. "Call for me when luch is ready and I'm not in by then." With those final words Nat slipped on her light brown boots and walked towards the stable's. Once she entered the stables Grimlock's keen neigh could be heard instantly. A black stallion's head poked out of one of the paddocks and huffed. Nat smiled and walked over to him, grabbing his brush she opened the door and clicked her toung and pointed for him to stand in the sunlight. The stallion did as told and lowered his head when she walked near him. "Hey boy, Sorry I've been away for so long." She said as she brushed down his long neck, Grimlock have a soft neigh in responce. Natasha brushed him for a bit then went to grab his saddle. Grimlock stood still as she hooked up his sadle and hopped onto it, grabbing the reins Nat smiled and patted his neck for him to know it was time to start moving. He walked them out of the stable and out into the pasture, once he was a few meters away he took off in a run with her on his back. Nat laughed and moved her body with his. Laura watched from the porch as Nat moved with the stallion, watched as all of Nat's stress just melted with each new step from the horse benith her. Yeah, home was always better when she had her whole family there.
As clint pulled into the gravel drive Lila looked out the window and gasped. "Aunty Nat's on Grimlock daddy!" She said drawing Peter's attention to Nat riding a black stallion. Clint grinned and slowed down near her, rolling down Peter's window he called out to her. "Hey Nat, having fun?" Nat laughed as Grimlock ran at the fence. Peter feared the horse wouldnt stop, but before Nat came near the fence, Grimlock jumped over the fence and landed hear the truck. "Cool!" Cooper hollard out to his Aunt who was to busy laughing at the shock on Peter's face and to the look of disdane on Clints. "Hey Pete, wanna hop on and see what its like to ride?" She asked him pushing her Sunglasses into her hair. Peter quickly hopped out of the truck and took hold of her hand. She pulled him up behind her and quickly informed him on where to place his hand's so that he didnt fall off. Once he was situated, Nat smirked at Clint and the kids and tilted her head so her glasses fell back into place over her eyes. Clint rolled his eyes and started up the drive again. "Ready?" She asked him, Peter nodded his head and tightened his arms around her waist. She patted Grimlocks neck and he tore it down the drive and passed the truck. Nat laughed as they made it back up towards the house where Laura was still reading in the porch swing. "I take it that everyone's home now?" She asked seeing Peter on the back of Nat's horse. "Picked him up at the end of the drive, wanted to have a little fun. Grim really wont let anyone ride him when I'm not here?" She asked as Grimlock have little trots in a circle. Laura shook her head and placed her book in her lap. "No, he only lets the kids near him if he needs brushed or fed. He only let's you ride him." She stated as she watched the truck pull up. Grimlock Neighed and stamped his hooves. "Haha Grim, Haha. Pete, I'll take the bags up to your's and Nat's room. Your gonna be on that horse a while, once you get Nat on him, Its hell trying to get her off." Clint informed the teen. Grimlock Neighed and nodded his head making Nat huff a bit. "Grim, your supposed to be on my side bud, that hurt." She said petting his neck gently. Peter noticed everything Nat did with this horse was gentle. "Davay, Grimlok, davay pokazhem Piteru, kak bystro ty deystvitel'no umeyesh' begat'." Nat said patting his neck, Grimlock lifted his and their wheight onto his back legs and raised his front ones. With a loud neigh he took off again, Grimlock launched them back over the fence and took off like a bullet and ran around the perimiter. Peter gave a laugh as he leaned with Nat as she moved with the Stallion. "How do you say 'I think i'm going to love it here.' in russian?" Peter asked over Nat's shoulder. "Dumayu, mne zdes' ponravitsya." She called back, Peter smiled. "Dumayu, mne zdes' ponravitsya!" He yelled out as they past the Bartons, drawing a few laughs from the two adults. Larua looked over at Clint and smiled. "The're going to heal eachother, and our family just grew a little bit bigger." She told him, Clint smiled and watched as Nat and Peter laughed as the, once skittish stallion ran like the wind, carrying the two on his back. "About time she finally got something good for her. She's been suffering long enough." Clint said as he wrapped his arms around his wifes waist as the kids watched their Aunt and soon-to-be cousin ride Grimlock.
Dumayu, mne zdes' ponravitsya.- I think I will like it here.
Davay, Grimlok, davay pokazhem Piteru, kak bystro ty deystvitel'no umeyesh' begat'.- Come on, Grimlock, let's show Peter how fast you can really run.

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