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Clint watched as he and the kids pulled up the driveway. Nat, Peter, and Wanda were a couple miles away from Laura and Steve on their horses. Lila giggled from her seat as she watched Nat turn around on Grimlock and watch the two teens behind her with a smile. Cooper looked towards his dad with a tilt of his head. "Dad, do you think Aunt Nat is happy?" He asked as Steve rode up next to Natasha and snatched her off of the Black Stallion, making said horse chase after them trying to get his mistress back. Clint chuckled as he looked at the Redheaded woman that he has grown to see as sister. "Yeah, Coop, I'd say she's more than happy." He said as he watched her laugh. They finished pulling into the driveway when Steve's horse came to a stop near the truck. Nat was sitting across Steve's lap, hiding her face into his throat as she laughed. "Antie Nat, are you okay?" Lila asked as she climbed out of the cab of the truck. Grimlock snorted, causing Natasha to laugh harder, making Steve shake with how hard she's laughing. Clint locked up the truck and picked up both kid's bags. "She's fine, we're just having a bit of fun is all." Steve answered for the redhead that was getting headbutted by her horse in retaliation. Lila made an oh face before she giggled and walked into the house with Cooper.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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