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After dinner was ate and cleaned up, Laura had the kids a have bath's before sending them off to bed. Nat, Clint, and Peter all sat in the Living room. "You doing okay yourself Nat? Haven't really heard from you in a while." Clint said as he sipped from his beer, Peter looked over at the red head in question and watched as she looked down at her own beer. "She had a nightmare last night, or this morning I mean. It's kinda how she knew I was up at 3." Peter said as he rubbed the back of his neck. Nat stiffened at the mention of her nightmare and Clined leaned forward in his seat. "Naskol'ko oni plokhi?" He asked softly, Nat didnt say anything for a bit then sipped her beer. "Ikh nechasto, yesli vy eto imeyete v vidu." She said putting her beer down. Clint sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Kakoy imenno na etot raz?" He asked as he stood up and walked over to where she was sitting. "Oni ne perestanut menya trogat'." She said softly dropping her gaze down to her hands. Clint squatted down infront of her and took her hands in his own. "O, dorogaya, ya by khotel, chtoby ty prishel k nam ran'she." He murmured softly as he ran a hand through her hair. She looked up briefly then back down into her lap. "YA ne khotel pokidat' Pitera, ne znaya, kak on perezhivayet. ty znayesh', kakoy tam Stark, ya ne mogu doverit' yemu rebenka, kotoryy skorbit." She said her tone changing slightly to defensive. Clint sighed and nodded, grabbing one of her hands he looked right into her eyes. "Skol'ko koshmarov vam snilos' na etoy nedele?" He asked with a hardness to his tone, Nat's shoulder's sank in defeat. "Chestno govorya, ne mogu vam skazat', inogda mne kazhetsya, chto ya prosypayus', no ya vse yeshche v toy komnate." She said as silent tears started to fall. Clint dragged her towards him and held her close. "Shh, Its okay honey." He said as he kissed the crown of her head. Peter watched as the woman next to him crumbled, he didn't know what to do. Laura came down the stairs and saw what was going on. "Oh honey, whats going on?" Laura asked as she took Nat's face in between her hands. "Nat's been having nightmares, about THEM." Clint told her. Laura nodded and pulled Nat up and led her towards the stairs. "Come on honey, lets get you into a bath." She told her as they continued up the stairs. Clint looked over at Peter, he looked kinda lost with out Nat near him. Peter had stuck near Natasha ever since they arrived and not having her near him was making him antsy. Clint placed a hand on his shoulder. "She'll be alright, this happens every now and then. She'll be a bit spaced out after the shower so Laura will lead her to bed, in the morning she'll be back to our normal coffee infused super spy. Come on, lets get your bags out of the car. Nat wont really need her's till morning, but you'll need yours." He said as he took Nat's keys and led the teen to the car. Popping the trunk he noticed the two small duffle's. "I'm guessing she said she'll take you to get some propper clothes?" He asked as Peter grabbed his and Nat's bag. "Uh, yeah. I'm from the city, I don't really have country clothes." Peter said as Clint shut the trunk and locked the car. "Yeah, its not that much different but you will need boots. And I'm assuming that she really just want's to get you some clothe's for here, stating really that she may keep bringing you with her." Clint said as he walked through the front door and led him up to Nat's room. When they walked into the room Laura had just started on brushing Nat's hair. Peter watched as Natasha's glassy eyes looked at the bags in his hands then up to him. "I would have grabbed mine in the morning Pete." She said softly, Peter shrugged and set the bags down in a chair and fished out his sleep clothes. "Wasnt a big deal. Just wanted to give you one less thing to worry about. Sides, I was there anyway. Kinda lazy not to grab yours too." He flashed her a smile and walked across the hall to change into his Pj's. Clint looked over at his wife who gave him a small smile that stated they were talking the moment they were in their room. He gave a little nod then looked back at his partner. "Vam luchshe?" He asked her, Nat closed her eye's as Laura ran her finger's through her damp hair as she placed the hairbrush down. "Da." Was her only reply. Laura smiled down at her and pulled the cover's back and kissed her forehead. "I'm going to take the kids and Peter to the mall tomorrow to get him the clothe's you promised him and to let you girls have more time to sleep." Clint said as Nat rolled onto her side that faced the door. Scrunshing her eyebrows, she looked at him and opened her mouth to protest but Clint raised his hand. "You need sleep, and I owe it to Laura to have a sleep in day. besides, maybe you can go out and spend some time with your damn horse that dosent let anyone near it unless to feed it." Clint said with a roll of his eyes. With one last demand to sleep Laura and Clint left the room, Peter slipped in a few moments later and curled up on the other side of the bed. Nat had just started to doze when she felt Peter move closer to her front and wrap an arm around her side and nuzzle into her throat. "Night Momma Spider." He said softly with a hint of a teasing tone. She smiled softly and kissed the top of his head, wrapping an arm around him she sighed softly. "Night my Spiderling."

Naskol'ko oni plokhi?- How bad are they?
Ikh nechasto, yesli vy eto imeyete v vidu.- They're not common if that's waht you mean.
Kakoy imenno na etot raz?- Which one this time?
Oni ne perestanut menya trogat'.- They wont stop touching me.
O, dorogaya, ya by khotel, chtoby ty prishel k nam ran'she.- Oh darling, I wish you would have come to us sooner.
YA ne khotel pokidat' Pitera, ne znaya, kak on perezhivayet. ty znayesh', kakoy tam Stark, ya ne mogu doverit' yemu rebenka, kotoryy skorbit.- I didn't want to leave Peter without knowing how he was going through.You know what Stark is like, I can't trust him with a child who is grieving.
Skol'ko koshmarov vam snilos' na etoy nedele?- How many nightmares have you had this week?
Chestno govorya, ne mogu vam skazat', inogda mne kazhetsya, chto ya prosypayus', no ya vse yeshche v toy komnate.- I honestly can't tell you, sometimes I feel like I'm waking up, but I'm still in that room.
Vam luchshe?- Are you better?
Da.- Yes.

If any of this is wrong, blame google translate.

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