Ch. 5

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The sun had started to set by the time Natasha had led Grimlock and Peter into the stable. Peter watched as Nat patted the horses neck gently once again before she motioned for him to slip off, once Peter was off the horse and Nat had also slipped off, Peter went to the horses head and tilted it forward. "Thanks for the ride Grimlock. May I pet you?" He asked the horse catching Natasha's attention. Grimlock neighed and thrust his nose into Peter's waiting hand and kept it there. Nat smiled as Peter started to stroke Grimlock's face with care that she was taken off guard when a hand slammed down on her ass making her yelp. Peter jumped at the sound and turned to see Nat place a hand on the part of her ass that the hand landed on and see Laura at the entrance of the stable's with a wide smile on her face. "Get cleaned up and at the dinner table, foods done." Is all she said before she turned and walked out of the stables. "Chertova suka shlepnula menya po zadnitse." Nat grummbled as she rubbed the sore spot on her left ass cheek and motioned for Peter to start heading towards the house. Nat quickly took the saddle off of Grimlock and put him in his paddock and hightailed it after him. "Laura get you Nat?" Clint asked with a smirk as he watched Peter and Natasha walk into the house, Peter making a beeline for the downstairs bathroom. Nat growled lowly as she rubbed her ass again, shooting a glare at the woman, she then walked up the stairs and cleaned up in the upstairs bathroom. "How hard?" He asked his wife as she set the meatloaf on the table, Laura smirked and watched as both Peter and Nat walked into the kitchen. "Hard enough she yelped." She said earning a mumble of bitch from Natasha as she scurted around the woman and into her seat, Peter next to her. Clint and Laura laughed as the two oldest kids looked at the three adults in confusion. "Did mom spank Aunty Nat?" Lila asked her father as her mother placed a peice of meatloaf on her plate. "Yes, now can we please drop it?" Nat answered as she glared at the other woman again. Peter just looked at the meatloaf and couldnt help but be a bit sad. "Something wrong Pete?" Clint asked cutting of anymore chatter. Nat looked at Peter then at the peice of meatloaf on his plate, the peices falling into place, Nat placed a hand on his arm. "Pete, you don't have to eat it if you don't want too....I can make you something else." She said softly drawing the attention of the Barton parents. "I, um, may I be excused?" Peter asked looking over at Nat, tears pooling in his eyes. Nat stood up and took the teen into her arms and took him upstairs and into their shared room, leaving the kitchen silent in their departure. "His Aunt May made him meatloaf before she died. It must be the first time in weeks he's had it." Clint sighed leaning back in his chair. Laura's motherly insticts kicked in at that, she so despratly wanted to go up there and hold the teen. Clint saw his wife's struggle and held onto her hand. "Nat's got him. From what Ive been hearing from Cap, that kid has been following her around since it happened. Apparently, Natasha has went all Mama Spider on both him and Wanda. She dosen't like leaving either one of them by themsleves for too long but Cap decided to take Wanda to Maine for a bit." Clint informed her as they ate. Laura looked at the stairs and over to Clint. "She dosen'e even realise she's doing it does she?" She asked after a few minuets. Shaking his head, Clint looked up at his wife. "No, her and Cap both. When Wanda came back from Sokovia, they didn't realise that they had stepped up to be the parent's that she craved and still does." Clint then turned to his two oldest kids. "I'm going to need you guys to help Peter feel like himself again, but leave the heavy stuff to Auntie Nat okay?" When both kids nodded and continued to eat Clint looked back at the stairs as Natasha decended them. Laura looked up as well, Natasha quickly picked up her's and Peter's plates and walked back upstairs. Clint and Laura shared a sad look but finished eating dinner. After everything was ate, Clint put the left overs away while Laura took the kids upstairs to bathe them. Passing Natasha's room, Laura heard low voices talking. She shook her head and continued towards the bathroom, she will let them talk when they want to. Natasha sighed as she walked out of her room with the plates. Walking downstairs, Nat noticed the silence. "Bath time probably, meaning Clint is doing a perimiter check." Walking into the kitchen Natasha got started on the dinner dishes. Clint stopped in the doorway of the back porch and watched her. "Dishes tend to dry faster if you dry them and not stare at me." Natasha stated over her shoulder causing him to chuckle. "Sorry, didn't realise how domesticated the russian spy i brought back home with me years ago has become." he shot back swiping the towel off the handle on the oven and started to dry the dished in the dish rack. "Har Har." she rolled her eyes and flicked water at him. They continued the dishes in silence after that. Laura poked her head into the doorway and smiled. "Hey, I got the kids all settled in for the night. Tell them goodnight before you come to bed." She said as she walked over to Natasha and kissed her temple. "Goodnight Nat." She smiled at her then walked back upstairs. "Night Laur." Nat called out as she started to drain the sink water. Clint looked at her as he handed her the dish towel. "Night Natalia" He said softly and headed upstairs.

Chertova suka shlepnula menya po zadnitse.-The damn bitch slapped my ass.

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