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Peter sat at the end of his and Natasha's bed looking at his hands. A soft knock at the door drew his attention. "Come in." He called out pulling his leg's up onto the bed, Clint poked his head through the door and smiled at him. He opened the door a little bit wider so he could lean on the door jam. "Just telling the kids goodnight, figured I'd tell you as well. How are you holding up?" He asked him tilting his head a bit, Peter looked back down to his hands and sighed softly. "To be honest, I don't really know, some days I'm fine, happy. Then others It's like a wave has crashed over me." Sighing again he looked back up at Clint. "Tony has tried to be there for me, he really has, but he's so focused on his suit's that he's distracted half the time. Steve and Nat are the only one's that gave me and Wanda what we need." Peter said smiling a little bit. Clint noticed he tends to brighten up when talking about the three, he chuckled a bit and nodded. "Wanna hear something about Natasha?" He asked the Spiderling, Peter perked up a bit and looked towards him with wide eyes nodding. Clint walked over and sat next to him on the bed and patted his knee. "Okay. When I was sent by S.H.E.I.L.D to put the Black Widow down, She had led me into an abandond wearhouse. Now, when I was sent to take her out her file said she was at least early 20's so naturally that's what I expected. When I got her cornered and she looked at me, I couldn't believe it, she was actually 16 years old! I could have strangled Fury for sending me out to kill a child. So I decided on another course, told her I wasnt going to kill her. Should have seen the look she gave me, priceless." He chuckled and shook his head. "I've never had someone tell me that before, what else did you expect? I was the Black Widow, never thought twice about killing someone. So when someone sent out to kill you tell's you that their not going to do what they've been ordered to, It was quite confusing." Natasha said from her place on the doorjam. Peter looked over and smiled at her. Her voice had a hint of her accent showing, telling you how tired she really was. Before Clint could retort Laura leaned on the other side of the doorway and smirked. "He was in trouble for week's with me, Instead of bringing her back to S.H.E.I.L.D he brought her here, a Russian Spy, In my house!" Laura said squinting at her husband who rubbed the back of his neck. "In all fairness, he only did it because Fury and Coulson threatened to not only kill me, but him as well. So here was the only place that he could take me that was safe." Natasha said, her accent getting thicker. Laura noticed and motioned for her to get into her sleep wear. "How was here safe?" She asked as Natasha snatched up her tank top and a pair of men's sleep pants. "Fury and Coulson are scared of you." Was the only response she got. Clint and Laura shared a look at the sleep pants but said nothing as Nat walked into her ajoining bathroom. "So, Nat was only 16?" Peter asked the two remaining adults. Laura nodded and Clint patted his shoulder. "That she was, 16 and seen too much already. Me and Laura taught her a few things and basically showed her what a normal life was like. The town think's she's Laura's neice that came into our care." Clint said puffing out his chest slightly. Laura chuckled and tucked a peice of Peter's hair behind his ear. "Here, Nat was alowed to have fun. To learn how to be her actual age. She was aloud to drop the Black Widow persona at the door and be Natalia Romanova." She said as the bathroom door opened and Nat tossed her clothes into her hamper and climbed into bed. "Tired Natalia?" Laura asked with a smile. "Names Natasha Romanoff, dont go by Natalia anymore." Nat mumbled into her pillow, her accent thicker then any of them have heard. Peter smiled and climed onto her lower back. "Mama Nat?" Peter asked softly. Natasha lifted her head quickly and looked at him, seeing that he just wanted her attention she hummed. "How long are we staying?" Clint and Laura shared a look. "When Papa Steve tells me when he's bringing Wanda back to the compound. Why?" She asked settling her head on her pillow once more but kept her eye on Peter. "Well, what if they came here instead?" Nat sighed at Peter's question and motioned for him to clamber off. Once he did she sat on her knees. "Pete, there's not enough room here for one. And two, Wanda needs the isolation of the mountains right now." She said, Peter looked down and nodded. "Do you want some warm milk?" She asked softly,  Peter nodded then crawled into his side of the bed and under the covers. Sighing Nat slipped off of the bed and motioned to the two confused adults to follow her. Once they were downstairs and in the kitchen Nat motioned for them to sit. "What you just saw was something that me and Steve call Little Peter. He goes into this child like state and it only happens when he's really tired or extremely upset. And currently he's both, me and Steve are the ONLY ones that have been around for him and Wanda, Tony practically ignores him and told Wanda that he could make her a magic dampener so she could act normal." Nat growled out as she warmed some milk for Peter. "Wanda begged me and Steve to find her a place that she could vent her anger with out hurting someone, Steve found the perfect place. And I couldn't take Peter with out Tony's approval due to him being his guardian." Natasha sighed as she poured milk into a small pot and put it on a stove eye. She walked over to her bag in the livingroom and grabbed a small bottle and put three drops into the warming milk. "Its Vanilla, put's him to sleep faster." She said seeing their looks. She grabbed a glass from the cubbared and took the milk off the eye and carefully poured it into the glass. Quickly putting water into the pot she grabbed the glass and walked back up stairs, Laura and Clint following. Bringing the glass of milk into the room Nat handed the glass to a very sleepy Peter. "Vypey malyshku, i togda my smozhem lech' spat'." She said softly brushing his hair asside. Peter smiled up at her as she hummed. Clint and Laura didn't know what to do other then just watch, yes they've seen Auntie Nat with her neice and nefews but never Mommy Natasha. They just didnt know what to do with themsleves. "Sing for me please? And tomorrow we call Papa?" Peter requested with a smile, Natasha smiled and pulled him towards her as she crawled up the bed and settled in. Peter laid his head on her chest as she took the now empty glass and set it on her nightstand. "Trust in me, just in me Shut your eyes, trust in me You can sleep safe and sound Knowing I am around" She sang softly as Peter wraped an arm around her middle. "Slip into silent slumber Sail on a silver mist Slowly and surely your senses Will cease to resist" Peter's eye's slowly slipped closed. "Just relax, be at rest Like a bird in a nest Trust in me, just in me Shut your eyes and trust in me" Peter's breathing started to even out as he slowly slumped into her side. Smiling Nat kissed his head before finishing the song. "Trust in me, just in me Shut your eyes and trust in me" She slipped lower into the bed with a peacfully sleeping Peter on top of her. Clint walked over to her bedside and picked up the empty milk glass and turned off the bedroom light. "Night Nat. See you in the morning." Clint said silently as he and Laura walked out of the room. Laura and Clint walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Did you see how quick Nat went from sleepy to momma mode? Like holy shit!" Clint said after he put the glass into the sink. Laura could only shake her head. "Look Clint, I would love to continue with this, but i feel wrong talking about this with out Nat and Cap, I mean, they hid this as well and Fury hid the farmhouse." She said placing a hand on his bicep. Nodding his head Clint agreed softly. "Alright, up to bed then. We'll try to see if we can get Cap and Wand's here. Pour kid looks like he wants both of them, and honestly, i kinda miss Wanda." Clint said pulling his wife up stairs.

Vypey malyshku, i togda my smozhem lech' spat'. - Drink baby, and then we can go to bed.

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