department of mysteries

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you started running down the corridors of the ministry in the search for the department of mysteries, standing impetiantly for the lift to get to the bottom floor

"this is it" harry says as we step out of the lift, "hes behind that door" he sighs, and you start walking to the door with the knob in the middle. you take hold of it and push it open, and you enter to find a room full of crystal balls, shelves stocked with them from bottom to top.

"well lets go!" you call and start walking blindly into the room, "now... hes supposed to be on... 95" harry says and starts walking to raw 95, but theres noone there. "he should be here!" harry calls, and you immediatly start looking around, annoyed.

"{Y/N}" neville says, and you move to look at him, "what?" you ask quickly, "this one has your name on it" he says, and you push through him to find a crystal ball with smoke inside.

you stand infront of it, slowly lifting your hand to take it while harry found his own. you put your fingers on it and lift it from the stand and infront of your face, and sudennly, hear a womans voice inside your head.

"youve seen hell, and now hell lives in you... your heart is troubled... a part of shadow and a part of light.... which will prevail? where will the greatness decide to go? your choices will shape our destiny"

the voice stops, and you take a few steps back, shaking your head. even your prophacy doesnt know what will happen?

"h-harry... {Y/N}..." hermiome calls and you turn around to look at her looking forward. immediatly, you break through the group and stand in the front to see a man with a mask over his face. "wheres sirius?!" you grumble, angry, at the death eater.

"you really should learn the difference... between dreams... and reality" and with that he disolves the mask from his face, revealing himself as lucius malfoy. "you only saw what the lard lord wanted you to see... now, hand me the prophacies" he says, putting his hand forward.

"if you do anything to us, ill break mine" you threanten, and hear a sickening laugh from behind lucius. "oh she is family! she knows how to play..." and from behind him click the heels or bellatrix lestrange. "iity bitty... baby" she smiles as she walks forward, revealing a set of dead teeth. the thought of being even half related to her made you gag.

"bellatrix lestrange..." neville gasps behind you, lowering his wand, shocked. "neville longbottom is it? hows mum and daddy?" she asks with a smug smirk, "better now that theyre about to be avanged" he calls and takes a step forward, but you raise your hand to stop him behind you.

"turn around! now! kill them and join where your powers will be appriciated!!" you were struggling to make up words with gellert shouting in your head for you to betray them.

"now... lets everybody... just calm down... shall we?" lucius asks, carefully raising his arms. "why did voldemort need me to come and get this?" harry snarls at the death eaters, and bellatrix scoffs. "you dare speak his name? you filthy half blood!" she yells, her voice echoing off the walls and crystal in the big room.

"its alright... theyre just curious, arent they?" lucius asks calmly, "oh my god this man is kinda hot..." "right?!" sometimes, you could agree with gellert, your toxic gay best friend.

"prophacies can only be retreaved by whom they belong too. which is lucky for you, really" he says as death eaters start to circle you around from the allys of the shelves. "havent you always wondered... what was the reason for the connection between you and the dark lord?" he asks harry, slowly coming closer, "or his fasination with you?" he asks, eyeing you.

"all the answers are there... in your hand..." he whispers slowly, outstreching his hand forward. "ive waited 14 years..." harry says, and lucius forrows his brows and clicks his tounge, as if in pity, "i know..." he says carefully. "i could wait a little longer" he says, and you shout "now!" and everyone casts stupify at the death eaters and start running between the shelves.

"whats the plan?" hermione asks. "run" you pant as you run between the shelves, looking for the door, turning a corner only to be faced wuih lucius again. "patrifius!" you cast at him and turn to run the other way, the death eaters splitting you up, but you found each other rather quickly, battling the death eaters carefully until you stood in the middle again with everyone.

"everyone alright? we need to get to the door" you say, and they nod, and you hear a hoosh from behind you. before you can turn around, ginny points her wand and calls "reducto!" and the prophacies start to fall down.

you grab onto hermiones hand and start running again, looking for the door as the shelves fell and broke behind your feet.

you got to the door, you kicked it open and ran through, only to fall down, being stopped right before you hit the ground, the prophacy still in your hand. "department of mysteries... they have the name right dont they?" ron asks as you stand up, "people actually work here" you laughed, and turned around to look at the archway in the middle of the room, inside it gentle smoke.

"voices?" you ask, not sure if its only gellert in your head, "what are they saying?" harry asks. "cant tell" you sigh, "there arent any voices" hermione says, and your face twiches. "lets get out of here..." she beckons. "i hear them too..." luna says, and you sigh gently.

"harry, {Y/N}, its just an empty archway..." hermione repeats, "please-" before she can finish, you turn around and point your wand up at the door, hearing russtling-the death eaters. "behind me" you simply say and everyone dissapears behind you and harry, pointing their wands. "dont be scared... to do whatever it takes... to not get hurt..." you say carefully.

but instead of the door opening, the death eaters flew in with their black smoke, causing you to close your eyes and shuffle, and again, seperete everyone, one of the death eaters grabs a fistfull of your head and points his wand at your neck as you hold the prophacy under the hem of your shirt, standing beside harry.

"did yoy actually believe..." lucius chuckles as he walks over to you and harry, "or were you truly naive enough to think... that children stood a chance against us?" he asks, his cane clicking on the floor, echoing off the tiles. "ill make this simple for you... hand me the prophacies now, or watch your friends die" lucius says, outstreching his hand.

you could feel anger pool inside of you, you started to shake in the hands of the death eater, body doing on its own and almost letting the angry terrorist take over your body.

harry looks around the room at all of his friends strangled by death eaters, your smirk turning into a grin, harry tries his best not to linger and go to you, scared for his friends, watching as you slowly pull the prophacy out of your shirt.

"dont give it to him!" neville calls, and bellatrix tighten her hold on him. "take it!" you shout, and lucius turns around to you, and walks over with a setisfied smirk, offering his hand forward, signaling for the death eater to let go off you.

you take a step forward, and with a shaking hand you put the prophacy in his hand, the smoke inside it becoming dark. he lifts it up to his face with a setisfied look, and turns to look back to harry, right when a bright light flashed behind him.

lucius turns around, and youre met with the clean face of sirius, your dad. "get away from my family" he says before he punchs lucius sqaure in the face, more flashs of light coming from the archway.


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yours, the red demon♧

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