the fall down

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new years is over, and you went back to hogwarts, half releaved that arthur was alright, the other half a little concerned about the future. but now, back in hogwarts, things could be controled.

you walked into the great hall beside hermione after the talk with hagrid about the giants he tried to recruite. "dumbeldore warned us something like that would happen" hermione grumbles, "theyre getting us all killed since they cant face the truth" she whispers angrily, and you bump her shoulder, reasuring her without words that its going to be ok.

"harry" you stop walking and turn around to see seamus. "would you look at that" you breathed out lowly, turning to him. "i... i wanted to apologize. now even me mom says the prophits version sounds off. so... what im really trying to say it that... i believe you" he says in his scottish accent, his fingers rubbing together nervesly.

smiling, you looked over to harry, waiting for his reponse. we dont have time to start battling within ourselves, he better just let him in.


at the end of practice with dumbeldores army today, you stayed behind to gather your things back into your bag, gulping down a bit of whiskey from your flask while noone was around. or so you thought.

when you stood back up and turned to the room, you saw neville infront of the mirror. "neville?" you ask, walking behind him and setting your hand on his shoulder, standing infront of the mirror with him.

"14 years ago" his voice is really low, and carefuly. "a death eater named bellatrix lestrange used the cruciatus curse on my parents" he lets out, and you look up at the picture of the order your father gave to you. "she tortured them for information, but they never gave in" he sighs out, and you nod carefully, ignoring as best as you could gellerts cackling in your head.

"im quite proud to be their son" he clears, looking down at you. "but... im not sure im ready for everyone to know just yet" he whispers, looking at the mirror again. sighing, you look up at the picture. his parents, harrys parents, your own. "we are going to make them proud neville. and you can take that to the bank" you smiled, patting his shoulder.


"so, i think we should teach the patronus charm next time" harry says. "yeah, sounds good" you reply, and harry turns around from the desk he is hunched over, to see you sitting with both your feet up on a desk, throwing food in the air and trying to catch it in your mouth, your flask on the table.

"were you even listening to me?" he asks, and you snap your head towards him. "yeah" you reply coyly. "what was i saying?" he asks, challenging. "you said we should teach them the patronus charm" you said, and he squeented his eyes at you as he turned back to the desk he was working on.

"you werent listening, you just heard it" he says as you slowly nod, throwing another bean into the air and catching it with your mouth. "thats.. right" you smirked. "so you think its a good idea?" he asks. "harry, im pretty sure you can make decisions for yourself" you laughed.

"i can {Y/N}, im just asking for your opinion" "my opinion is that barties beans should come in more flavours" you smirked as you throw one on the back of his head, making him quickly turn around as you laughed. "{Y/N}, im trying to work here, will you stop" he smirks as he picks it up and throws it at you, turning back to the desk.

"fine fine.." you dismissed him, and he went back to planning the lessons as you kept on being distracted for about half an hour, until into the room came hermione and ron. "hey you two, what are you doing?" ron asks, stepping to stand beside you and you handed him the box, which he gladly took one of.

"wow" hermione giggled, leaning on one foot. "youre just an image of teenage life, you two" she smiled, looking from harry who was working, and then over to you, in your own world, eating and not paying attention.

divided mind (fred weasley x reader) book 2 {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now