Chapter 3

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~Y/N pov~
I was finally regaining consciousness. I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was in the Homestead. I couldn't remember how I got here nor how long I've been unconscious for. I was confused and lost. It was probably the middle of the night since only one fire torch was lighting the room and no noise disrupted the heavy silence. I felt some slight pressure on my stomach and looked down to see the back of Newt's head, sleeping on me. His hands were holding mine and it automatically made me smile. Newt was somehow always there to pick me up at the end of the day, no matter what. Our friendship was growing more and more everyday, and I wasn't mad at it.

After running my tired hand in his hair for a few seconds, I felt pain on the right side of my neck. I touched it and could feel a bandage over it. I gradually started to remember what happened earlier that day. How Minho and I almost died running through the shallow corridors of the maze. Just thinking about it made me sick. I was so afraid.
I was afraid and also knew that my body was weak. My neck was in aching pain and the cold of the night was progressively taking over my body, like it does every night. But tonight, that coldness was hitting me like a brick wall.

~Newts' pov~
I woke up on Y/N stomach in the middle of the night. I was still holding her small hands and could feel her heart beating. I turned my head to face her and saw her Y/E/C eyes looking at me.

"Hi there." she whispered to me.

I immediately got my head up from her stomach and detached my hands from hers to run my fingers gently over her face. Once I heard her voice, I felt all the pressure and the stress I've accumulated over the day just quit my body. I was so happy to see her awake.

"Y/N! Oh thank God you're conscious. Are you feeling alright love? Do you need anything? You have no idea what kind of shuck-"
"Newt." the girl interrupted me. She looked at me deep in the eyes and smiled at me, even though it looked like it hurt. The first thing I noticed after her eyes was that she looked very weak; her skin was paler than usual, her lips were dry and dehydrated and her body was slightly sweating because of the frozen air of the Glade. Her body was simply trying to adapt to the change of temperature, but couldn't for some reason.

"You look exhausted love. You're very pale. Let me grab you some water already." I said to her while reaching out for water. She nodded and accepted the water I offered. She only took a little sip because as soon as she swallowed the water, she grunted in pain and reached for her neck. I could see she was still hurt, which chipped off a part of my heart. Seeing her this way made me realize that she could never be fully safe around here. And that realization made me miserable.

"Thank you Newt." she said to me. "My throat feels very dry." she whispered. Her voice was very quiet and it was understandable, due to her injury.

"No problem." I answered while letting out a slight yawn. I was really tired and hungry from skipping dinner. I barley got any sleep because I was afraid that if I slept, something even more terrible would happen to her. I was glued to her, couldn't leave her alone through this.

"You're so tired Newt. Why aren't you with the others getting some rest? I can't imagine how today must've been difficult for you. I don't want to be the reason you're sleep deprived." she admitted.
"Don't worry about me. I'm fine as long as I'm next to you. And you really should only be worrying about yourself right now. Your neck doesn't look too good to me. I disinfected it and I-"
"You took care of me?" she asked delicately. "Newt you didn't have to, really."
"Well I did. I know you told the medjacks to take care of Minho and I didn't have time to wait for them. As soon as Alby got you in this bed I started to treat you. When the medjacks arrived to take over I wouldn't leave. They let me stay and I guess I fell asleep." I told her.
"I don't know how to thank you. You literally saved my life." she thanked me while resting her hand on my arm. I could feel her grip onto me with strength, like if she was scared. I grabbed her hand and noticed how cold it was.

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