Chapter 13

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~Newt's pov~
I was laying down in my hammock, waiting for sleep to hit me. Most of the Gladers were asleep by this time. Y/N was still in the map room with the runners and Alby. They hadn't come out in hours, even just to grab some food. Obviously I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about her so much. I also kept wondering why they were in there for so long. I was secretly hoping she would come back soon, just so I could see her face one last time before I would close my eyes and fall asleep.

As I was trying to find sleep, I heard some little noises coming from my side; I opened my eyes to see Y/N, trying to make it to bed without waking anyone up.

"Hey love. Long meeting today?" I asked as she was tying her hair up.
She visibly didn't know I was awake since the sound of my voice made her slightly jump out of surprise. She turned around to face me and sighed in relief.
"Shuck! You just scared the hell out of me Newt!" she answered whispering. "Why aren't you sleeping, it's really late."
"I don't know. Sometimes I can't find sleep. It's alright though because I get to have a nice talk with you when you come back from mysterious meetings that last forever." I said sarcastically.
"Very funny. I'm sorry, I hope I didn't make you wait for me for dinner, I should've came out and told you we were going to run late. I didn't see time go by. We just had a lot of discussions and we made some theories about the news paths we found." she explained sitting down in her hammock.
"You got a good feeling about this one?" I asked sitting in my hammock as well.
"I don't know. It's convincing enough to make me explore it again tomorrow. It's just that we've followed so many leads and yet, none of them were successful. I'm just tired of wasting all my hopes on fake clues." she said looking at her dangling feet.
"It's alright love. It's by following all those that we will find our way out of here."
"I hope so. I'm not even sure about that anymore."

I looked at her in shock; she was always the one person telling everyone to keep going and reassuring the Gladers about how they were going to get out soon. And there she was losing the hope she's been giving out.

"You can't say things like that. I believe in us. I believe in you. You'll find the way out of here I'm certain." I said trying to be comforting as I could tell she was getting saddened by the situation.

~Narrator's pov~
Y/N heard him. He was trying to make her feel better. She thanked the darkness for not letting him see that she was actually tearing up. Everything was so hard on everyone especially in the last few weeks. But being a runner was the most dangerous job, the most important and unfortunately the hardest. She was drained from energy and hope. She was discouraged everyday after running back in the Glade with so little information. The maze was always evolving and keeping the runners on their toes. It was hard to even locate themselves from time to times. She wanted to find a real clue this time. She prayed the lead they followed earlier was real.

"I know, but doesn't everyone think it?" she answered after a few seconds of thinking.

Her voice was slightly breaking as she spoke and Newt immediately knew she was on the edge of giving out. Poor girl was acting all strong and tough in front of the guys but really, she was as scared and even more sensitive than them.

He got up from his hammock to go sit on her's, right next to her. He placed his arm around her shoulders and pulled her warm body against his side to wrap his other arm around her tightly. She rested her head in his chest and hugged him around his torso. She wasn't crying, but she was shaking a little.

"Love you're shaking, you're alright?" Newt asked concerned.
"Yeah I'm fine, I just had chills for a second." she lied.

In reality she was holding in her tears so hard that it was causing her body to shake. She didn't want to look vulnerable in front of him anymore.

"This is so lame." she said laughing quietly after a few minutes.
"What do you mean?" he asked still not releasing of her.
"I don't know. I'm constantly complaining and so confusing and yet, you're always there for me. All the time. I feel terrible for not letting you know I'm there for you as much as you are for me. And that I care about you. I'm boring. Lame."
"Y/N don't even start with that. I always know that you're there for me whenever I need and that you care about me a lot. I really don't expect anything back from you. Really. I'm happy to help you out. Help you make it through this. And you know, you help me a lot too without even knowing. Your simple presence makes everything bad go away. Thank you for that."
"That was beautiful." she said looking up at him. "Thank you Newt." she said burying her face back into his chest.
"We're keeping each other alive remember?" he asked.

She nodded her head and shortly after, she fell asleep still in Newt's arms. He played with her hair and rubbed his fingers on her back as if she could even feel it while she was sleeping. He just felt protective of her and felt those actions kept her secure.

He laid back into her hammock, still with the girl on him. He quickly fell asleep too, knowing the love of his life was by his side.

The next morning, Y/N woke up feeling a presence next to her; it was Newt.

"Oh shuck, did I really sleep on him like that? I totally crushed him! I hope he was able to get any sleep." she thought as she saw the way she took a lot of space in the hammock.

Newt woke up almost immediately after her, feeling some movement in the hammock. The first thing he did was pull her into his chest even closer. Maybe the sleeping position wasn't the best he experienced, but at least he was with her.

"Good morning love." he said with a deeper morning voice. This gave her butterflies, flying throughout her body.
"Hey there. I'm sorry that I made you sleep that way, you could've woken me up, I was monopolizing-"
"No trouble there really. I actually slept pretty well." he said wanting to reassure her.
"Hey look out. It's my favourite time of the day." she said pointing at the sky smiling.

They could see the sun rising into the Glade, giving them enough warmth so start the day. The bright hot colours of the sky were slowly disappearing to give into soft colours.

"I have about an hour before Thomas and Minho come grab me. I need to go eat soon." she explained breaking the silence.
"I don't feel like getting up this morning." the blonde admitted.
"For once, me neither. Moments like these just comfort me I guess."
"Are you able to go run today?" he asked looking right into her eyes.
"Yeah. I need to know if those paths are going somewhere or not. We found them a little before section 7. That section is open today so there might be something different about the paths. I really don't know. All I know is that section 7 seems promising."
"That's great news to hear love." Newt answered, feeling happy that she was being so positive.

The pair stayed in the hammock for almost half an hour talking about the Glade and remembering old times. They felt happy just this once. Truly happy with each other.

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