~Chapter Eleven~

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AU: none
Type: Logan angst
Ship: Logicality (Patton x Logan) Demus (Janus x Remus)
Triggers: Yelling, Unintentional hurting of someone's feelings Unsympathetic Roman and Virgil

It was just another normal afternoon for the sides, Roman was singing loudly to Disney karaoke in his room, Patton was baking cookies in the kitchen, Virgil was listening to loud music in his room, and Janus and Remus were in the imagination on a date.

Everyone was happy and doing productive things, except Logan who was currently crying in his room.

Now you may be wondering why logic would be sobbing violently in his room, you may be thinking "But logic doesn't have feelings, right?"

Wrong, but you wouldn't be the only one to believe that. You see the others thought the same thing, they were way too blunt with him because they thought he could handle it since he's emotionless.

They didn't check on him they just assumed he was working and didn't want to bother him, they never reassure him because they assume he doesn't need it.

The focus is always on Virgil because of his past and they're too busy with him to notice that Logan is falling apart.

Logan hasn't seen the others in days, he had locked himself in his room. The only one who cared even a little was Patton, he was the reason Logan remembered to eat and drink

Logan knew he needed help but he didn't want to bother Patton and the others would just tell him to get over it.

But Logan finally left his room one day. As he walked downstairs Virgil and Roman stopped talking.

"Where have you been, Calculator Watch?"

Logan looks to Roman

"I wished to conclude my paperwork without distractions"

Virgil rolled his eyes and put his headphones on leaning into the couch

Logan noticed and took the hint, he started walking towards the kitchen

"Hey, Lo!"

"Salutations, Patton."

Patton grinned at him kindly

"I'm glad you finally came out of your room."

Logan simply nodded and leaned against the counter

"Why did you lock yourself in there anyway?"

"I simply wished to complete my paperwork."

Patton looked skeptical

"Are you sure Logan?"

Logan dodged the moral traits eyes and nodded

"I know that's not the only reason Logan you can talk to me I promise."

"I don't know what you're talking about Patton I'm fine."

"You can be honest with me Logan."

Just then Roman and Virgil walk-in to the room

"Hey, Popstar"

"Hi, kiddo!"

Roman looks at Logan and Patton raising an eyebrow

"What were you and Teach talking about Padre?"

"I was just asking why he locked himself in his room."

"Why do you care anyway he's logic he doesn't have emotions."

Patton looked angry

"Hey! Don't say things like that!"

"What, It's true!"

Patton takes a deep breath and absolutely goes off on Roman

Roman runs off shocked and Virgil follows after him

"Are you okay Lo?"

"I assure you I'm fine Patton."

Patton looks worried but the oven beeps for Patton to take out the cookies


A couple of hours later Logan finally came clean about his feelings and the two cuddle and watch movies the rest of the night.


This was bad ahhh!!!! I hate this one but yeah hope you enjoyed it.


Sanders Sides Oneshots and Headcanons!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora