chapter 4

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Trigger warning!!!!



Third person pov

The two brothers held each other for a while until they both calmed down enough for Ghostbur to explain what it's like to be a ghost. "We can't touch anyone except other ghosts and you can faze through objects if you want to. We can travel to the land of the dead but honestly it's a bit depressing so I just go there every so often and spend most of my time here." Tommy giggled a bit and asked "What else can we do?" At this point the two had built a small shelter from the light rain. "Well, we can't touch water because that burns us, but we can walk through snow if we are quick enough as it doesn't give as much damage as the rain. We can't fly but we can float over the ground, we also can remember things or people depending on how much they hurt us when we where alive, that's why you can't remember some people." Tommy nodded the morbid information. "But I can't remember anyone, what did they do to me?" more sadness filling his eyes. "You'll remember in time, it might seem confusing now, but you're memory will return."

Ghostbur's pov

I just hope you're ready for what happens when you do...

Tommy had to do through so much when he was alive, a large amount of the trauma was Alivebur's fault, and I always felt guilty of the things that I did from what I read in my sewer's library. Wilbur was so harsh on him, I can't be sure if it has to push Tommy to success or to push him away, either way I'm going to spend the rest of my afterlife making it up to Tommy and make him happy whether he's living or not.

"Will I meet the people I've forgotten or not, I'm scared.." Tommy looked at me seeking comfort, his wings covering him in a protective manner like when I found him. "I will see what I can do to make you remember as much as you can, but you have to remember that we can't force the memories and not all of them are going to be good ones." I have to tell him the truth and prepare him for the fact that Aliveinnit did not live the happiest life no matter how much he tried to have fun. He was just a kid having some fun playing pranks.. he crossed a small line and was given the worst punishment and all his friends left him thinking he was selfish but he was always the one to step in and take the blame for others. Tommy sighed and looked down "I don't remember much... just flashes of memories... voices..." I put a hand on his soft feathers "Hey, hey it's alright Tommy, it's disorientating at first but you start to remember more. For me I remember the goods things from when I was alive, but it's a lot harder to remember the bad stuff. As nice as that is for peace of mind it's not always good for those around me." Tommy looked back to me and gave me a weak smile.

I looked out to the sky and could see the rain was slowing to a stop. "Come on Toms, there's a place that I've been staying at recently, let's go there because this place is not looking to good." I know Techno, Phil and Tommy have had their history but it's the only place away from the others that I can think of that'll be safe for us. "Y-yeah ok where is it?" I stand up and help Tommy up and start walking "It's over this way, but there's a few people that you knew... I want you to be prepared for any memories that might come." Tommy held my hand and said "It's okay, I'll be fine but you have to stay with me, promise?" I squeezed his hand and looked at him. "I promise I will always be there for you. Alivebur wasn't the best brother near the end of my life so I'm going to make that up to you in any way I can." Tommy then pulls me into a warm hug. "Okay come on Toms, we've got to go before it rains again." He nods and we set off again towards The Blade.

I really hope I don't regret this....

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