chapter 2

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Trigger warning!!!!

Mentions of su1c1de and death


Tommys pov


Endless falling.

The feeling of sadness and loss overwhelmed me.

Suddenly it stopped, I felt still and at peace. My eyes fluttered open and blinked at the bright stars. I was lying on my back outside next to a tall, daunting pillar of dirt and wood. I lay there confused, trying to collect my thoughts for a while until I sat up, a slight headache buzzing in the back of my head. I know that my name is Tommy and I'm in a place called Logstedshire, but I'm not sure why though. I think I was sent here? Whatever place I was sent away from I can't remember though. I also remember I have a family including a dad and two brothers, I don't know anything about them though but whenever I think about them, I get very mixed emotions and feelings. I hear the clink of something metal and look down, there is a glowing compass that read, Your Tubbo. I held it as it gave me comfort although I couldn't remember why. Tubbo. That word gave me very mixed feelings, mostly of longing, sadness, betrayal, but also happiness? I wonder what a Tubbo is...

I look around the place I woke up in, it's all blown up, sadness creeps into my head as I start to wonder around. There is a broken portal and path that leads to the remains of a tent and a Christmas tree. Tnret. A sign lay depressingly on the ground beneath my feet, cracked and broken like almost everything in this place. My feet! They where transparent and pale. I ran to the water flinching as a drop touched me, and my reflection shocked me. My entire body was transparent with a small grey glow around it, my red and white shirt was filled with small holes and had patches of dirt in a lot of places and my beige trousers had rips and tears littered down each leg. My eyes where a bright blue, complimenting my pale features and the small blush across my freckled face. I was covered in bandages, plasters and bruises and my most shocking feature was my wings. I had large pure white wings, not a feather out of place. How did I not notice this before?! What am I?

Third person pov

Tommy stumbled back a bit confused and shocked at his discovery. He gathered the courage to look again and yep, they were still there. Angelic type wings hung gracefully off of his back waying like nothing, looking so pure compared to Tommy himself. Eventually he tore his gaze away from his discovery and began exploring a bit more. His memory was very foggy, and he didn't really know what was going on. He did know that this place brought good and bad memories .mostly bad ones though. He felt alone and scared in this place, it reminded him of bad things and a person behind it all. The name and face just out of reach of his memory. The lack of memories and his emotions overwhelming him, Tommy whimpered and his wings unfurled and wrapped around him as he sat with his arms around his knees against a large oak tree confused, alone and scared.

Ghostburs pov

I wanted to visit Tommy again today since he had been pretty sad recently. Not even blue could cheer him up sometimes! I drifted closer to Logstedshire only to see it was all gone! Rubble surrounded the crater and the only standing things left where the Christmas tree and the portal, oh wait that was broken as well, and a really big dirt and wooden pole I hurried over to the crater that use to be Tommy's home. When I arrived, I began frantically look for my energetic little brother before I hear the faint sound of crying near the small patch of trees next to the hill and another crater. "Tommy! Tommy! Where are you, are you okay?!" I shouted loudly, a nervous wreck. I may be very much terrified of Dream, but I would be brave for my brother. The sound of a sob and a ruffle of feathers lead me to.... "Tommy?" I gasped.

He scrambled up looking scared, his dirty clothes where all wrinkled and he had tear tracks running down his transparent face with small burning sounds and had blood-shot eyes and he had massive wings wrapping themselves around Tommy in a protective manner. "Who are you?" he spoke in a shaky voice. Who am I? What did Dream do to him to make him forget me and grow wings! "Its me Ghostbur." I say in a calm voice, Tommy seems panicky and shouting hasnt helped his state, I need to keep calm. "Do you recognise me Tommy?", I need to know more about what happened here if Im going to help. "A-a bit, I don't know what's happened to me. I woke up and I can't remember anything. I just remember falling." Tommy spoke in a panicked voice. My eyes widened, thats what it felt like when I died. "O-okay Tommy it's going to be okay, I'm Ghostbur and I'm your older brother." I spoke hoping to bring back some memories, that's what Tommy and Techno did to me. "Brother ...I remember I have two brothers and a dad." Tommy spoke his voice getting steadier as he continued talking. "Okay that's good you remember that Tommy, can I come closer and hug you?" Tommy tensed a bit at that but nodded. I drifted slowly towards him and pulled him gently into a hug. He tensed for a second but the relaxed, hugging me back and holding on for dear life sobbing into my shoulder. "shhh shhhh its okay Tommy youre going to be okay." I tried to comfort Tommy best I can until I realised something. "Wait how are we touching? Im a ghost I normally go right through people unless theyre a....." I look down and see Tommys tear-filled eyes and breathed in shock at the confirmation that I wish wasn't true "Oh Tommy, youre a ghost. You died."

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