The End

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Hi guys

Long time no see... Heh..
I'm sorry!!! I completely ghosted you guys, my motivation went poof for this story. I've kinda moved on from this fandom (not completely but still not watching as much) and I'm not really sure were I wanted this story to even go. So, I'm going to end it here. You guys have been so supportive and lovely in the comments and it means so much to me as a writer <3.

People can adopt this story if they want to (please credit me if you do).

Also if you follow me then you know that I've been obsessively watching Naruto and I'm thinking of writing a story in that universe so we'll see how that goes :).

I'm sorry if any of you wanted me to continue this but if I did my heart just wouldn't be into it and I wouldn't be happy showing half-hearted work to you guys.

Thank you for all the support and stay safe.

I love you,

Bee x

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