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time skips in this chapter cause i want the juicy stuff lol

Also should I go through the chapters and start putting dates so that when there's a time skip the timeline kinda makes more sense?




I missed her. God, I sounded clingy as all hell, but it was true.

Time was moving all too fast. One second I was still in Florida was Dream, the next minute, I was back in Texas packing up my room at my parent's house. And still yet, the moment after that I was back in Florida.

I didn't know how long it had been since I'd seen Bee in person, although it was well into October, so it had to be at least a month. It was easy to keep my mind off of her, though. I mean, I had Dream, streaming, Florida in general...that didn't stop me from missing her.

I'll admit that it was hard. I hated long distance relationships with a passion. Just being in a different city, only three hours away, was hard. And now it felt like we lived on different sides of the planet.

I'd been streaming a lot to get my mind off things. On the contrary, Bee was hardly going live anymore. When she did, she looked tired and upset. I dared not to ask her about it. I had to assume that she was just trying to adjust to live in the north.

Our phone calls got shorter and shorter. She was falling asleep earlier and earlier. How would I talk to her about it? I asked Dream, but he seemed uninterested.

"I'm just worried that something's happened, dude,"

"She's fine, Nick, seriously. I talked to her yesterday and asked how she was doing. She's fine,"

I sighed in frustration.

"Yeah, she can say that she's fine, but she could be minutes from like, throwing herself off a bridge."

"She's fine, I promise. You're just stressing out. Long distance relationships are hard, I know. I used to drive up and down the east coast for one of my exes. It never gets easier." Dream shrugged like it didn't bother him at all. "And she really likes you. So if you're thinking she's gonna cheat on you, that's low."

"I don't think she's gonna cheat on me," I admitted, although now that Dream had put that thought in my head, I started to get a little paranoid. I mean, there was that Tom guy she was always talking about. Granted, she hated him and always called him creepy, but still.



"Hey, Bee," I said offhandedly after answering the phone. I was focusing on something on my computer, too busy to pay attention to our conversation.

"...and Tom was just, like, creeping up my ass like a total himbo." God, there's his stupid fucking name again.

"Elisabeth!" I finally exclaimed, my fists clenching in frustration. Silence filled my ears. "Can you stop talking about him for once, please? I'm--trying to do something."

"Oh...I--sorry." I could almost hear her shrink into herself. I tried to return to what I was doing. I didn't notice that she'd hung up after a few minutes.



Bee was barely streaming anymore. I wasn't the first to notice, although I knew that I should have. There were plenty of people on Twitter that had noticed from the get go.

Then, she stopped calling me as much.

What was wrong with me? I never used to be like this--why was I suddenly acting like a bitch?

I called her, but she didn't answer.

I asked Dream, but he only gave me an offhand stare. It was almost like he was telling me that I'd fucked up.

I tried calling her again, and again, and again.

"Hello?" She finally answered, sounding annoyed.

"What's wrong?"

"What do you mean, 'what's wrong'? I'm fine,"

I groaned.

"No you're not. You're not streaming, we're barely talking. Does this have something to do with Lydia? Tom? What's the problem?"

She was quiet for a minute.

"No, I'm just stressed out with my school stuff," Bee finally spoke slowly. It sounded like she'd been crying, almost.



are you there?
I miss you
what'd I do?
are you mad at me?

She wouldn't answer me. She always said she was sleeping, in the shower, busy.

I felt really bad. Really guilty. I don't know what was happening. Was I just oblivious? God--I was being cheated on, wasn't I? Was that what it was?

I sat in my room, racking my brain. I knew I'd been distant, but we could move past that, yeah?

Dream asked if I wanted to go to a party with a few of his friends. I wasn't really one for social gatherings, but decided to get my ass out of the house and go.

We drove out to his friends house--in a gated community, no less--and I turned my phone off, trying to erase the Tweets and posts that theorized about Bee.

It was like everyone knew something was wrong with her, except for me. And everyone refused to tell me what it was. I sat on a couch with a red solo cup, watching as Dream went off with some guys, enjoying his life.

I took a sip.



I woke up to a pounding headache.

Dream's yelling was not helping.

He stood in my door, shooting daggers at me.

"What the fuck did you do?" He hissed.

I didn't know. I felt my head hit my pillow again, everything around me blurry. My ceiling fan spun around and around--making me dizzy.

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