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I woke up exceptionally early that morning, noticing that somehow I had teleported from the guest bedroom to my own without moving there myself. I remembered that Nick was in the room across the hall from me.

Sun streamed into my room through my blinds. I threw off my blankets and change out of my work clothes--I'd never gotten changed the night before.

I inhaled the scent of Nick's sweater again before pulling it over my head. It was too big on me, and I liked it that way. I pushed the sleeves up past my elbows and walked into the rest of my apartment.

I started to clean up what I had not fixed earlier. I finished the dishes, cleaned the bathroom, and even tried to vacuum without waking Nick. I finally felt like my house was presentable. I shoved the boxes and bins out of sight.

I sat on the couch with my earbuds in, scrolling through Twitter as music blared in my ears. I felt someone sit next to me and almost had a heart attack when I glanced over.

Nick had finally emerged from his room, his hair tousled and messy.

"Morning," He said, smiling.

"Morning," I replied when my heart had calmed down.

I didn't know how it happened, but by noon, Nick and I were standing of the middle of my living room floor, desperately trying to get a perfect score on Paranoia Survivor Max, one of the hardest songs on Dance Dance Revolution. I shoved him out of the way, laughing victoriously as the game ended.

"No! I demand a rematch!" He complained, trying to restart the song.

"This is the fifth time you've tried to rematch me! Just admit that I'm better than you,"

"Never. I just keep letting you win,"

"Fine then! This is the last time, and if I win then you have to publicly admit on Twitter that I am so much better than you," I say almost snarkily.

"Okay, and if I win, you have to publicly admit on Twitter that you love me." Nick shoots back.

"Deal! Get ready to have your ass dragged through the mud, Nicholas,"

"You're on, Elisabeth,"

I gagged.

"Never call me that again."

The song started over again and I could almost feel Nick's energy radiating off of him. I knew he didn't want to admit that I was better, but I didn't want to say that I loved him, like a total loser.

Perfect! Good! Miss! Miss! Ok! Good! Perfect! Miss! Ok! Miss! Perfect! Perfect! Perfect!

I held my breath as the song finally ends. Nick quite literally screams in victory, seeing he'd beat me by just over twenty points. I frowned.

"That's so unfair!" I complained, collapsing onto the couch behind me. "God, you suck!"

"You have to admit that you love me," He taunted. "Go on then, tweet it out. You made a deal! YOU PROMISED!"

"I'm kicking your ass at Rainbow Road after this,"

I am totally and definitely in love with Nicholas Armstrong. I have been in love with him for years. I love Nicholas (Nick) Armstrong (Sapnap). BeeNap confirmed. I love Nick Armstrong. I have never loved another man ever in my life.

Nick was practically dictating what I wrote, and I begrudgingly typed it.

"I fucking hate you," I muttered, throwing my phone at him. He caught it and looked at my lockscreen.

"Awhh, your lockscreen is me? That's so cute,"

"UGH! Why are you so intolerable? I'm gonna kick you out," I tried to reach out for my phone, but he held it high above my head. "Oh--well now that's just not fair. You're such a douche."

I stood on the couch trying to get my phone back, but somehow it was always just out of my reach. Finally, in retaliation, I snagged his phone tauntingly.

"Sucks to suck, loser," I teased, sticking out my tongue. I was surprised to see that I was also his lockscreen. I didn't let him know that I thought it was cute.

"Give me back my phone," He demanded, holding mine out as ransom.

"What, afraid I'll see all of your messages to Alex talking about how much you looooove me?"

"Yes," Nick deadpanned. "Give it back!"

"Calm down Jamal, don't pull out the nine," I tried to hide my obnoxious laugh. As we stood and stared at each other, handing each other the phones, we broke into fits of laughter. It got to the point that I grabbed my side, cramping in all the wrong places. I didn't even know why we were laughing.

I was laughing because I was with him.

I finally stumbled away, smiling like an idiot as I went over to the fridge. I danced wildly to the music that still played through one of my earbuds, searching for something tasty.

"D'you have any jello?" Nick asked from behind me. I ignored him. He asked again. I continued to dance. "Can you move?"

"I am moving," I say, swaying my head with the beats. "Just not in a way that's beneficial to you."

Nick was quiet for a moment, and right when I finally stopped to look at him, he practically scooped me up and carried me back to the couch, despite me kicking and screaming for him to put me down.

"Let me go!" I yelped, giving him the death stare. He shrugged and I felt his arms leave me, dropping me into the cushions. "Oh fuck you! You come into my house, you sleep in my guest room, you kick my ass at DDR, and now you're dropping me on my own couch. I hate you."

"You'd do the same thing at my house," He pointed out.

"Okay, but that's not the point."

I didn't want to tell him that I didn't care what he did as long as he was there with me.



That night I sat on the couch, reading a book as Nick did...whatever he was doing. I wasn't paying attention. I knew he was facetiming someone, and would come over to me sometimes to say hi, but that was about it.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched him come back to the couch and sit next to me. He was certainly making himself at home. I didn't mind. I had to close my book for a second as he laid down, head on my lap, smiling up to me.

"You're so weird," I mumble, although I don't make him move. Pure serenity filled the room as he did something on his phone and I read my book.

"How would you describe me in three words, Bee?" He says after a while.

"Mmm. About a five," I say carelessly, winking down to him.

"Well fuck you too, then."

"Why? How would you describe me in three words?" I put my book to the side and glanced at him. He was looking at something on his phone.

"I was gonna say smart, pretty, and annoying, but now I think I'm changing my answer to 'annoying times three'."

"You're mean." I pout.

"You were mean first!"

"It's okay when I do it!"

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