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"SUCK IT, BITCH!" I screamed, watching as Nick fell from the island and 'Victory!' spread across my screen.

"Are you joking me?" He groans. "I'm going to deck you. I know you have that stupid, smarmy,  goofy grin on your face. Fuck off."

He was right, I was grinning victoriously and rubbing it in his face as much as possible.

"You love me," I teased, catching up with my chat and thanking a few people for their donations.

"You're terrible and I absolutely despise you. Never text me again."

"Okay, chat, I think we've played for long enough to drag his ass through the mud. I'll hopefully see you all at Wilbur's stream tomorrow night! Alright guy--good evening, good morning, or goodnight!" I said with a smile, saluting the camera before switching to my 'stream ending' screen and muting my mics.

"I totally let you win," Nick said defensively. "You're still trash."

"Mhm, because me knocking you off while you screamed in agony means that you let me win," I shot back, drinking some water. I finally ended the stream after a few minutes and leant back in my chair.

"I'll see you at Wilbur's stream tomorrow, okay? I have to boast about my win on Twitter while it's still fresh on our minds."

"I hate you," Nick muttered. Such a sore loser.

"You love me," I said, hanging up the call with him and shutting down my PC. Henry jumped into my lap and I scrolled through my social media, liking something Nick had tweeted out earlier. There were a few comments on my recent Instagram post that I had to delete, all along the lines of 'she's probably trying to get with every guy on the SMP' or something like that.

You win some, you lose some, I guess.


I sat on video chat with Wilbur and a few others as we waited for his stream to start. Henry was curled on my legs, and I scratched him slowly as I chatted with my friends.

When we did eventually start, we were all sort of talking amongst ourselves waiting for some questions--and when they finally did start asking, they came in large masses. Wilbur pick and chose instead of trying to catch everything that came through.

"Oh, okay Bee, this one is for you. 'Bee, do you think you'll ever want to meet the rest of the SMP? Also are you going to be more involved on the server?'"

I thought about it for a second.

"Well, it would obviously be great if I could meet like, Sapnap or Dream or something, cause I know George and Wilbur aren't in the states so it would make it a little harder to meet. And...yeah, I'm pretty sure that I'm getting written into the lore a little bit." I chuckled. "But I don't know how much I'm supposed to say."

It's true; they were trying to write in some Bee Lore, and I was pretty excited. Dream had this whole thing where he was trying to get Tommy's discs, Wilbur had died, Tubbo was the president at one point--I honestly wasn't a hundred percent sure what had happened, but I was interested to see how they would incorporate my character. I sat and thought about it. I'd never actually role-played or been in an ARG of sorts. I mean, I used to play DnD, but that was it.

"Okay, here's another one for you, Bee," Wilbur said after a while. "'Why did you start streaming? How did you get so popular so fast?' 'How did you get your name?'"

"That's a good one, actually, I don't even really know the answer. When I was in high school I really wanted to be an influencer of sorts. I've always wanted to help people, make them feel better, help them through tough times, so when I got to college I used the money I'd saved up to start streaming. My mom wanted me to be something, and I guess I thought if I could be someone's comfort streamer, that was good enough." I fidgeted with my fingers. "As for getting popular, I really don't know how it happened. I know a couple of my TikTok's blew up, but then Dream raided me, and it just escalated from there. But I really got popular after that Manhunt. I'm so so so grateful for everything that's happened in the last two years. I can't believe it's already been that long."

"As for how I got my name, Libbee was the nickname my mom gave me as a kid, and then we shortened it down to Bee, and now everyone calls me Bee unless I'm bad at them."

There were a few more questions going late into the night. Someone asked me how I felt about being shipped with other people.

"I honestly don't care. I'm perfectly fine with fanfictions or fanart or being shipped with someone, but I draw the line at super inappropriate stuff, and for the love of GOD, don't ship ANY of us with minors."

I had already seen something that shipped me and Tommy--I had to message the writer and tell them to take it down. I may only be nineteen, but he made it clear he was uncomfortable and I don't want to have people think it's ok for me to date a literal child.

After a while we all said our goodbyes and I left the stream. I'd been seeing a lot of fics about Dream and I because we were always at each other's throats in streams, but at least it wasn't as bad as the whole "DreamNotFound" trope. Heatwaves is one of the only decent fics I'd seen--and it was also the only one I read.

I posted something on Instagram--just a picture of Henry and I. Nick and Dream both commented.

SapnapIG: amazing, creative, magnificent, never before seen, extraordinary

| Buzzy-bee: please leave

DreamWasTaken: shut the fuck up

| Buzzy-bee: why don't you love me.

As aggravating as the to were, I still liked to talk to them. I was a lot more abusive towards Nick because of our...history. I liwked to remind him sometimes that he tried flirting by bringing up toilet paper. In turn, he reminds me that I swiped right first.

I wondered if ever thought about our conversations. We had returned to normal, and in fact, I liked talking to him over messages a lot more than Tinder. But if we hadn't ever discovered who the other was, would we have gotten somewhere?

The way he made me smile, blush, and laugh, both on and off stream. And then someone asked if any of us would ever meet up...I almost wished someone would've answered for me. If anything, I wanted to meet Dream. But Nick...he lived in Texas. We could literally meet up whenever.

I'd only know him for what, eight months or so? Dream, George, and Nick had been friends since they were kids. I didn't know why I was worrying about it so much. Maybe I was just desperate to meet the people who had made me so happy lately.

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