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The next couple of days were hard, but he and I tried to enjoy them as much as possible. Constantly playing video games, breaking out in stupid dances, reading late into the night on the couch. I didn't want to imagine how cold the couch would feel when he left.

I walked down the hallway into the kitchen, yawning. I had slept terribly the night before, tossing and turning and trying to drown out my sleep anxieties. Nick was talking somewhere in the apartment--maybe on the balcony or in the living room. I wondered how empty the house would be when he left.

I grabbed a bowl of cereal, lazily pouring some milk in and spilling half of it on the floor. My eyes were barely open as I walked back into the living room with my breakfast.

"--And over here we have Bee, in her natural habitat. Let's observe," I heard Nick say. I turned to looked at him, about to question what he was doing, when I tripped over a roll in the carpet and fell to the ground, my cereal pouring everywhere.

Nick deadpanned his phone, staring into the camera.

"Natural selection is coming for this specimen. Looking to the right we have Henry Lenord the third, Bee's wonderfully amazing cat, who I definitely do not give beer or alcohol to, ever."

"God you're such a fucking asshole!" I yelled from the floor, although I only managed to speak through fits of laughter. "You're terrible and I hate you, never speak to me again. Leave my presence."

"I can't leave your presence, I am your present," Nick said with a wink. I stared at him in an awkward silence as a smile formed on his face.


"Okay, understood, won't happen again," He whispered meekly, causing me to snort with laughter.

"Is that going on Twitter?"

"Everything is going on Twitter. Twitter owns us now. We must appease the Twitter Gods!" He knelt to the floor and held out his still recording phone to me. I picked it up and stopped the video.

"You are...so irritatingly weird." I admit, handing his phone back.

"Yeah," He took it from me. "But you love me."

"I never admitted that. Maybe I loathe you. Maybe I've poisoned every meal I've made for you."

"Well, if I die I die, I see no downside."




I yelled in delight as I knocked someone off of my island in Bed wars. Nick was laying on my bed, listening as I talked to my stream.

"Hey, Juliana, thanks for the donation! Oh--yeah, Sapnap is still here, but he's gonna be leaving soon and I don't want him to." I pretended to pout. "You guys should totally bully him on Twitter for making me sad."

"Do NOT!" He yelled from the back. I wondered how many people would clip this. Then I started to wonder how many more people would start shipping us. Then--how many would start shipping Nick and Dream? I wanted to gag. As I was focusing on Nick, my chat started to yell at me to get my attention. It was too late--I fell off my island and my bed was destroyed.

"FUCK! God, fuck you Sapnap, you made me lose."

"How did I make you lose? You lost on your own. That was your own fault." He stated matter-of-factly.

"If you weren't sitting there looking all cute maybe I wouldn't have been distracted," I teased, wiggling my eyebrow towards the camera. Nick wasn't in my webcam, but I watched from across the room as he glowed a bright red.

'I'm gonna fucking kill you,' he mouthed, although at first I thought he said 'kiss'. I raised my eyebrows. I don't think he appreciated it.

After a few more minutes, I'd finally returned my focus to the game. I didn't notice that Nick had stood up, but I heard him leave my room. I tried to kill someone but they had pinned me in a corner and finished me off with ease.

I started a new game. Nick came back, although I didn't realize until he was standing behind me. His arms draped over my shoulders and his face came desperately close to mine.

"Did you finish all the animal crackers that I brought?" He whispered. My eyes were wide, almost in fear, but not quite. My ears grew red, not used to him being so close.

I nodded guilty.

"I got midnight cravings," I whined, turning my head slightly to look at him. "What are you doing?"

"Finish my animal crackers again and I swear to God I'll kill you," Nick spoke lightly. I don't think the stream would've heard him.

My face red, I started to laugh awkwardly. Nick began to walk back to my bed and sat, checking his phone.

"Well if you're gonna get that close to me, you might as well just kiss me," I teased, my stomach in knots.

I turned back to my screen, watching as the chat sped by, going absolutely ballistic. My hands shook--I didn't know why.

I heard Nick move behind me, and when I glanced over my shoulder to look at him, he swiftly cupped my face in his hands and kissed me softly. I froze at first, confused and embarrassed, but my eyelids could not keep themselves open as I let myself kiss him back.

It only lasted a moment, but when we broke apart Nick looked into my eyes and I saw hundreds of memories, hundreds of important conversations, our weird dates, or stupid dances, the night we played Dance Dance Revolution.

I couldn't breathe. I looked at my webcam, and ended the stream as quickly as I could with my mind fuzzy and my breath caught in my throat.

"Thanks for coming, guys," I croaked out, before hitting end stream and spinning around to Nick.

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