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UGH another filler chapter was 39, let's get the show on the road people



We reunited with Jimmy and his friends at just after four. Somehow, he had managed to convince the park to let them do a hide-and-seek challenge around the main part of the park, and the winner got 10 grand. Karl had won--surprisingly--but Jimmy asked if the three of us wanted to participate in a bonus round since we didn't have a part in the main round.

I had to say yes--I loved hide and seek, and although I wasn't playing for money, I planned on winning.

I hid behind a building (don't worry, everything was authorizied), inside of a small crawlspace, and crawled out a little to pull a green trash can in front of the hole so hopefully no one would think it was suspicious. I wasn't Live on Instagram for that, because I didn't want my followers to go and start spamming Jimmy with my hiding spot. I sat there for what felt like hours, hearing people distantly shout out that they'd found someone.

I wondered how many people were left. Jimmy had made an announcement a while ago that half had been found, but it was radio silence since there.

I faintly heard someone run past the building, but with the darkness of the crawlspace and night setting in, I couldn't even tell who it was. Nobody seemed to think the placement of the trashcan was suspicious, so clearly I had positioned it just right.

Nick texted me.

Where are you?

I'm not telling you, tf

i haven't been found yet

okay and? I'm not telling you

cheaters never win Nick

My brightness was all the way down, yet it still felt too bright.

I heard Jimmy's voice somewhere.

"Attention hiders!" He must be using a loudspeaker. "There are two of you left! Nick, and Bee--who will win?"

I was grateful that we weren't required to move, because this was the best hiding spot I could possibly think of. I was also half-hidden by some boxes and shit that I assumed was storage for whatever building was above me.

I heard someone walk above me. I held my breath--I didn't know we were actually allowed to go in the buildings.

"God, they're so good at hiding," I recognized the voice. It was Dream! Ha! Is this considered a manhunt? Did I beat Dream at the IRL Manhunt?

Minutes passed. Dream finally left the building. I breathed a sigh of relief.

Through cracks in the crawlspace, I could see flashlights roaming the ground. I could barely see anything, but my eyes were fixated on a shadow that looked like it didn't belong. It creeped along on the other side of the street, trying not to be seen, but someone heard it. Their flashlight immediately swiveled and fixated on the shadow, revealing Nick trying to discretely move to a different hiding spot.

"I found him!" Karl yelled, and the flashlights took off running behind Nick. The rule was that they had to actually touch the person for them to be out, and in no time, Nick hollered in disappointment, indicating that someone had got him.

"So it appears that Sapnap, the hunter himself, as been found. So it leaves just Bee--you can come out now!" Jimmy's voice came a few minutes later. I scooted over to the entrance and pushed aside the trash can, standing and stretching before walking in the direction of Jimmy's voice.

I almost wished we'd played for money, because I definitely would've won that ten grand.



The idea that time flies when you're having fun is very realistic. I did not realize it at first, but before I knew it, it was just about time for me to leave.

I'd been enjoying my time at Dream's house. I would always bother him while he was streaming, or we would go to the beach, or I would make fun of my friends on Twitter. Disney was the highlight of the whole trip, but everything else was still amazing.

I crammed all my new clothes and merchandise into my suitcase, trying not to focus on the fact that I'd be flying home by myself this time. Nick leaned in my doorway, hands in his pockets.

We'd been officially dating for about three weeks, yet I felt like we'd been dating for years. A long distance relationship couldn't be all that difficult, right? I mean--Nick and I were great together. Things would be okay, even with the distance. I believed in it. I had hope.

"Do you really have to leave?" He asked sullenly. I sighed.

"We've talked about this. Nick...I don't wanna leave either. But this is just something I have to do. We'll still call, and facetime, and of course I'll still be streaming with all of you. Shit, I talked to Wilbur yesterday and my Lore as a ghost starts right when I get back. So...I promise you I'm not going anywhere except to North Dakota. And don't you ever think that, even though I'll be far away, I wouldn't drive to you in a heartbeat if I needed to. Okay?"

I put my suitcase on the floor and took a look around the guest room I'd been staying in. I had a plane to catch. God, I already knew I was going to cry the second they dropped me off at the airport. But I'd be okay.

Nick enveloped me in a hug, refusing to let go until I did. He and I walked out to the garage, where Dream was already waiting. I hated to leave, and the two of them didn't want to see me go either.

We drove to the airport. Dream helped me get my things out. Nick gave me one last hug. I walked through the big glass doors and disappeared into the sea of people. When I turned to look back at them, I saw nothing but families rushing to catch their flights.

s t r e a m {SAPNAP}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora