Well Hello there

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You stood there in silence watching Ydris and slowly the sound of your happy friends fading away.

You just groaned knowing you are staying at the circus for a while instead of now planning how to save Anne.

" Ydris why me out of all the powerful Soul Riders why.me.? 

"Because ma cherie, you are special" and he tapped your head. You just rolled you eyes at him.

"yeah okay blah blah I'm going out I need fresh air" You got up and dragged yourself out with the tired and relaxed body you always had and saw a purple flamed around the circus. So you simply ran back in.

"Are you kidding me, did you seriously put up flames outside to prevent me from leaving?" You panted out.

"Yes little dove it's just for a short time, but of course they will be out later but don't even dare escaping or your little friend Concorde as you call him will be back instead" the voice echoed, you looked around but no trace of Ydris.

You facepalmed you forehead. Oh great now I gotta play his little games. This is defently going to feel longer than it is.

The next things you knew ropes appeared on your waist and you flew up in the sky. You were hanging there shocked yet had that expressionless face.

" I swear to Aideen , what the heck is this for?" You snapped

" I have some uh..Business to take care of ma cherie and you shall stay there until I come back and the real fun will begin~" he purred and snapped his fingers and he was gone.

I swear to god this sicko! But then you remembered you always carried a knife with you. You looked down and noticed it was quite a height. You whistled over to [H/N] and started explaining. " [H/N] listen , I need you to get under me and I will cut myself free, I do warn it will hurt your back a little tho, is that okay with you?" You asked because you obviously did not want he/she getting hurt in any way.

"Of course honey, I'll do anything for you" [H/N] nickered. And you gave that tired smile in return

You reached for your back pocket and instantly stopped when you saw the Circus Freak enter, you did not want him knowing what you carry in your bag or pocket.

"Did my little dove miss me?" He asked while coming up since i was so high up there.

"No" you huffed

"Is that so" He asked raising a brow. And before you could nod, you were falling! At this point you didn't care you just let it flow. You closed you eyes to hit the ground but you never did. You opened one eye at a time and when you got a clear sight of what happened you were in Ydris' arms. You instantly jumped out and said " Ew get off me you Circus Freak I wish I hit the ground hard instead" You growled that but Ydris eyes just got fury.

You were dusting yourself off  not wanting even wanting any of Ydris' dust particles on you. 

Ydris pushed you on the ground hard. You tried to stand up but you were pinned there. "Well,well isn't someone a little confident today~" Ydris looked at you seductivly but you could see in his eye why your face barely changed. You tried getting out but he was too strong you were pinned down hard.

" Someone's a little stuck I see , and do NOT call me a circus freak little flea we wouldn't want that,no?" You did not know what to do but you mind simply got this stupid idea and you just let you face relax and you put on a smirk and said 

"Yes Daddy~" You joked but Ydris was defiantly the shocked one there, he tried to hide it it was too obvious his face started turning red. He couldn't help it. And then you got up easily since he wasn't holding you down so hard anymore.

"Heh works every time " you mumbled. You knew he'd be in shock after that because honestly you would too.

He was just able to mumble out " Im tired ma cherie, let's go to sleep it is late after all and we'll finish off what we started tomorrow" and he smirked

You defintly did not expect that last part. You kind of cringed but you shlock it off a followed him to the wagon outside.

Before you entered the wagon you went to see [H/N] which was still playing with Zee.

"Hey boy/girl! How are ya did you eat?" You asked just wanting to make sure that he/she was being well taken care of while you were here.

"Yes, don't worry about me . I'll be fine go get some rest you look more tired than usual" he/she reassured everything was fine and you gave him/her a pat and entered the wagon.

The wagon was humongous from the inside something you could of never expected. You went into the bathroom and changed into some fresh new pajamas. You wondered where you where gonna sleep but all the rooms where locked except of course Ydris'.

You knew it was a trap and that you had to end up being in that room with him. You entered the room . You noticed Ydris peacefully sleeping or maybe even pretending. You smiled to that and shoock your head and said to yourself wait what the hell am I thinking I will literally jump off a cliff if that happens again you warned your heart.

You threw the pillow  on the ground and grabbed a blanket which was sitting on a side and layed down on the cold floor. You could hear that Ydris let a huff , he was obviously disappointed that instead of choosing   the space he left beside him you choose the floor.

But you could not care less and it went black and you drizzled away.

Start Of The End (Ydris x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now