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5 Years Later

Let me catch you up on everything thats happened over the years. Corbyn and I got married about 2 years ago. Unfortunately we'll never have children because of the fact that he can't procreate. I can because of werewolf side but it doesn't matter if he can't.

Sam and Colby never lost there magic and they are still vampire/warlock hybrids. The most powerful creatures on earth aside from me, Kian, and Jc.

The boys all got married to there significant others shortly after Corbyn and I did.

We all decided to move out to LA and leave our old life behind. Hell even Blake came with us. We left our family but we call them everyday and visit every once in a while. The boys took my advice and started a faceless band. No one knows what they actually look like so they don't know that they don't age. Kian and Jc are faceless YouTubers along with Sam and Colby so they all wear masks in there videos that cover most of their face.

I walk into the house we all live in together and get meet with the best group of friends anyone can ask for. "I'm really glad I meet all you guys. We went through hardships over the years and I know there's more to come but we'll all get through them together. I love you all so much and I don't know if I'd be here with out all of you." They all gather around and we do a big group hug together.

"We love you too Madi. We can get through anything together if we made it through the hardships of Arlington Heights." Wesley said as we all pulled away.

This right here is my greatest achievement of all time. Having these friends for all of eternity will be one hell of a ride but I'm ready for. And to think this all started with one stupid mistake of falling for a vampire. This all started because of My Mistake. But it's the greatest mistake I've ever made.

A/N: Hey everyone! This is the end of the story and I hope you all enjoyed. I believe my next story will be for Zach but I haven't checked the final results of the Instagram poll yet. This story is honestly my favorite out of all the stories I've written so I hope you all liked it as much as I liked writing this one. Thank you for reading this story.
Until next time.

Word Count: 425

My Mistake-Corbyn BessonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt