Part 7

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"Care to explain why you didn't mention that my sister killed your ancestor?" Wesley asked after Liam had left.

"That's why i messaged you to come here. I found out tonight when i read his journal. There's this hidden area in the wall of the master bedroom closet and one of his journals was in it." I say.

"I had no idea she did this. I had already left town before i even knew she turned. I didn't know she was alive until she showed up here in Arlington Heights a few weeks ago. If she went after you great grandfather then she probably went after the rest of founding members." Wesley stated.

"She did. They weren't as lucky as Hendrix and they unfortunately actually died. The only reason there are founding family members left today is because she went after the parents of the families and not the children. I don't blame you for the actions of sister. She's her own person and whether or not you knew she did it, i don't care. The past is in the past."

*Time Skip*
*A Few Weeks Later*

Let me catch you up on everything that's happened over these few days.

Wesley and i are dating now. I got to know the boys a little better and they are really amazing people. I wish i remembered them from when we were little. The boys are very interesting people. I got closer with Kian and Jc because i'm trying to make sure they're careful. They lose their temper easily but with Wesley there to restrain them it's a lot easier to handle. They usually get most of the aggression out when they play football.

I've been trying to find out more about the whole vampire/werewolf/witch-warlock thing. I had to tell Sam and Colby about Kian and Jc being werewolves. I can't keep something like from them especially because they can take them down easily. They've gotten a lot better with controlling the magic they can use but they use to much it could possibly kill them. They've learned multiple spells through the grimoires their ancestors left them. Colbys grandmother have been helping them a lot lately and soon they'll be powerful enough to take down a vampire without even blinking.

We're in history class when i noticed something. The ring on Mr. Harrison's finger looked a lot like the one my uncle wore. Liam explained that the reason he wore his was because it was family heirloom and it meant to much to him to not wear it but that doesn't explain why my teacher has one that looks almost identical to it. I pulled out my phone and texted the group chat i have with the boys excluding Kian and Jc because this is the one where we talk about the supernatural stuff. Anyways i typed the message "Look at the ring on Mr. Harrison's finger. It looks a lot like the one my uncle wears" I sent the message and set my phone down. A few minutes later i checked my phone to see if they had replied and fortunately Sam had. "Madison and I will stay after class to ask him where he got it from. It will look suspicious if all of us stay." The boys replied with "Oks" and we set our phones down.

Class had just ended and Sam and I had stayed back. When everyone had left the room we walked up to his desk. "Mr. Harrison, i'm curious as to where you got that ring?" I say.

"Oh, my late wife gave it to me a little before she died. I swore to her that i would never take it off and i'm gonna stick to it. Why did you want to know?"

"My uncle, Liam Nash, wears one very similar. He said that it's a family heirloom so he wants to keep it with the family." I pull my phone out so i can show him a picture of Liam wearing the ring. I hand him my phone and he looks at the picture of the zoomed in ring on Liams finger.

"You know now that i think about it the symbol on the ring is the Nash family crest from decades ago. I always thought it looked familiar but i could never pin point what it was." He said.

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