Part 9

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Madison's POV

A/N: A little warning. There's a lot of swear words in this part. If your sensitive to those words then i'd recommend you don't read this part.

I wake up and Wesley had already left. I'm guessing he went home to get ready for school but i'm not sure.

I was making my way to school today when i got a call from someone. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Wesley. I pressed answer and put it on speaker. "I'm driving Wesley. What do you need."

"Come to the boarding house we have some things to discuss." A female voice chimed through the phone. I knew it was Lily.

"What the hell did you do to Wesley?" I ask in a rude undertone.

"I didn't do anything unless you count stealing his phone and snapping his neck as something. Be here in five minutes or the next person to get there neck snapped will be you. Oh and bring your witch friends." She says before hanging up.

I pull up to the school and Sam and Colby are by the front doors. I yell for them and they come over. "Get in. I'll explain on the way."

The quickly get in the car hearing my rushed tone. "Explain!" Colby yelled.

"You know how Wesley said he had a sister?" They nodded. "Well..." I explained everything to them and as i finished we arrived at the boarding house.

We quickly got out of the car and ran inside. We ran towards the living room area to find Wesley on the floor appearing dead, but he obviously wasn't, with Lily standing by the fire place. "Nice to see you made it on time. Wouldn't want another vampire running around no would we. Now on to you two. Which on of you is the Brock witch?"

"Well we prefer warlock but i am." Colby says.

"Oh, he's snappy. I like him." She says looking over at me and i just roll my eyes. "Here take this. Find the spell that closed the tomb under the Seavey church. You should be able to figure out how to reverse it." She told him handing him the grimoire. "And you call your other vampire friends. We are gonna need all the help we can get when we open this tomb." She said looking over to Sam. She turns to me, "And you, go get some blood bags. He's gonna need it for when he wakes up."

"I don't know where you keep them." I reply in snarky attitude.

"There in the basement in a fridge. You'll know when you see it." A male voice says from behind us. We all turn around to see who it was. I was relieved to see that it was Connor. If it was someone else i probably would've left.

"Thank you Connor. Someone does have very good manners." I say turning to Lily and laughing a little. He laughed as well.

"You do realize i can here you right?" She says aggravated.

"That was the point." I say with a fake smile as i make my way towards the door Connor had pointed at. I opened it to reveal stairs. I walk down and saw what looked like cells. Next to it there was a little room, and inside that room was a freezer and some weird looking objects that i didn't know what they were. I opened the freezer and inside it there were a lot of blood bags. I grabbed about five. I knew Lily would take some so i grabbed extra. I made my way back upstairs and the boys were already here. "Hey guys. I'm so sorry you had to be dragged into this."

"Well i guess this is what we get for being vampires. A manipulative bitchy vampire forces us to do as she says or our loved ones die." Corbyn said and chuckled at the end. I chuckled as well.

"Wow, you guys are really looking towards losing someone today. I'd stop with the bitchy remarks." Lily said.

"And the queen of all bitches strikes again." Connor said laughing causing everyone else to laugh excluding Lily.

She groaned and walked over to me grabbing a blood bag out of my hand. She quickly opened it and drank some of it. I walk over to Wesley and wait for him to came back to life. Wow never in my life did i think i'd say that about someone.

After a few minutes of silence i heard Wesley gasp for air. I grab a blood bag off the table before handing it to him. "Here, Lily said you'd need it." He grabs it and opens it quickly drinking the whole thing.

He stands up and looks around the room. "I see you still have your old habits. Forcing people to do your dirty work. What did you threaten them with this time?" He asks annoyed.

"Oh you know, the usually. These people have no shortage of loved. Hell there's two that we can get that have no idea that vampires actually exist. I can take them down easily." She says.

"I'm not so sure about that. They are pretty strong. May even be stronger than you." He says laughing. Lily charges at him but he quickly throughs her at the wall. "Don't forget sister. I'm older, stronger, and a hell of lot angrier than you right now. Stay the hell away from Kian and Jc or so help me god i will kill you." He says.

Lily stands up and tries to charge at me this time knowing i can't take her. She's once again grown against wall but it wasn't by Wesley this time. "You do realize you have two warlocks in the same room that quickly take you down right? Try it again and it'll be worse the next time." Sam said angrily

She stands up and storms out of the house. "You guys stay here. I'm gonna head to school and get Kian and Jc somewhere where she can't hurt them Along with the rest of your families. I can't take here but this will at least knock her out if she tries to attack me. I won't let anything happen to them i promise." Connor said before walking out of the house. We all sat in silence as Sam and Colby searched for the spell to open the tomb. After five minutes they found it and began studying it.

About an hour later Connor walked into the house with Lily in his arms. "Your families are safe and inside a place Lily can't get into. Now Sam, do you know how to do the tomb?"

"Yeah, something similar to it, why?" He asked confused.

"I need you to make it to where Lily can't get out of this house. It's just until we figure out how to open the tomb. We can't risk her hurting innocent people."

"Ok i need something that belongs to her like a
bracelet or a necklace." He said.

Connor took the necklace she had on, off and handed it to Sam. He held it in his hands and closed his eyes as he chanting something in Latin. "Colby i need more power." He said reaching his hand out. Colby took his hand standing up. They both closed there eyes and continued chanting in Latin. They stopped slowly opening there eyes. "It's done." Sm said.

As if on queue Lily woke up. Zach through her a blood bag to help her get her strength back up and she quickly drank it. "What the hell is wrong with you Connor? I wasn't gonna hurt anyone!" She yelled.

"I find that hard to believe, but please if you want to leave be my guest." He said gesturing towards the door.

She sped over to the door opening it a only to be stopped by an invisible wall. "What the hell! Why can't i leave?" She asked.

"Connor asked us to spell you so you couldn't leave. We'll let you out when we know how to open the tomb. We can't take any chances of you hurting anyone. Oh, and here's your necklace." Sam said extending his hand for her to take the necklace.

She grabbed the necklace and put it back on. Sam and Colby studied the tomb spell even more until they finally figured out how to reverse it.

Word Count: 1411

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