Part 17

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It's been my usual day here in Arlington Heights. Dealing with vampire things has become a normal thing to me by now. Today I have to tell Blake what the hell happened yesterday. He agreed to meet me at the grill so that's where i'm headed right now.

Kian apologized earlier for biting Corbyn but Corbyn didn't really care that he but him in the first place. It was out of Kians control considering he's a slave to the moon now.

Anyways I just got to the grill and went inside. I saw Blake sitting in a far corner away from the people here. It's good to know he actually listened when I said no one can know about this. I walk over and sit down in front of him which pulls his attention away from his phone. "I've got a lot of explaining to do, so you better get comfortable." I say. He adjusts in his seat and I start to explain. "So, let's start with what happened last night. I'll explain more in detail after i finish the story of what happened last night because you aren't gonna know what half of i'm about to tell you means, so stick with me. My friend Corbyn Besson, he's a vampire. Kians a werewolf and last night was his first turn. Corbyn, Wesley and I were trying to get him to the old cellar so he could chain himself down but we were to late. He was halfway turned and ended up biting Corbyn. A werewolf bite is fatal to vampires so I instantly thought, 'We need to find a cure'. Luckily, with Sam and Colby being warlocks, they were able to contact there ancestors. They didn't give us an exact answer but they kept saying 'Blake and Sofia'. This is we're me needing your blood came in. I assumed that since your both the doppelgängers that it was your blood that cured the bite. That's why I went to you. I knew you still had a soft spot for me so i used it to my advantage and i'm sorry for that. After you had gave me your blood the liquid I told you to drink was vampire blood. It healed your wound but I must warn you to not die within the next 24 hours or your gonna come back as a vampire. Just be careful and try to stay out of harms way. I know you saw Wesley and I speed off last night and that's because he's a vampire as well. After he had ran us back to my house I mixed your blood with Sofia's and gave it to Corbyn. There were a few complications before he drank but once he did the bite started to heal meaning we had found the cure. I know this is already a lot to take in but there is a whole lot more behind all of the supernatural beings i just talked about. Which one do you want me to explain first?" I say all of this and you can see the shock on his face as I finish.

"Uh, can you explain what a doppelgänger is? That's the only term i've never heard before." He replied after escaping his trance.

And so I did. I explained everything to him. He promised he wouldn't say a word about anything especially since it would him in danger as well with him being the doppelgänger of a vampire how you could literally be anywhere right now. I was making my way home when I hit something on the bridge and my car swerved off the bridge landing into the lake. As my car sank I tried to unbuckle my seat beat to get out but it was stuck. I was loosing air quickly and there was no way out of the car. Not long after I fell unconscious in the car but before I did i saw a human like figure swim up to it.

A Few Hours Later

I wake up shooting off of whatever it was that I was laying on. I look around and notice that I'm in a hospital bed. I also notice all my friends gathered around the room along with my uncle and Blake. Hell even Lily was there for some reason. The doctor walked in and looked at me. "Ms. Nash. I'm so sorry but I didn't have a choice. I can't stand watching a patient die when I know that I can do something about it." She began but I cut her off.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" I say looking her dead in the eye.

She didn't say anything but Corbyn spoke up, "Uh Madi, she um... she gave you vampire blood. You flatlined after she did. It should've healed you but with all the water in your lungs it didn't do anything. Madi, you died with vampire blood in your system." He said. He gave me a sympathetic look.

"Oh my god. What the hell is wrong with you? You should be fired for this but you know what, I guess I have to thank you. In some way you saved my life but at the same time you ended it." I say looking back at the doctor. I can tell she truly was sorry. She walked out of the room for some reason but I don't know why.

"Madi are you gonna complete the transition?" Liam asked coming over to me.

"I can't leave you here with Sofia by yourself. I may not what this but I can't just leave you guys. You all mean to much to me and I can't be selfish by leaving you all here. I'll complete the transition." I say exactly what i think about this whole situation.

Sofia came over to me hold her wrist out for Corbyn to bite it. He did exactly that and she moved her hand out for me. "I guess it's only right that it's your sister blood that turns you." She said chuckled.

I laughed a little and grabbed her wrist bringing it to my mouth. I started to drink her blood but quickly pushed her arm away. I started to feel my fangs grow in and I screamed out in pain. It was honestly a lot more painful than I thought it would be. It stopped after a few seconds and I could feel the veins pulsating under my eyes. I could still smell Sofia's blood and it was so hard to fight the urge to run over to her and just drain her blood. It seemed as if Daniel had noticed because he bit his wrist and held it out for Sofia. She drank a little before pushing it away in disgust. She wiped her mouth off and looked down at her wrist as it healed.

The smell had died down but it was still there. "We should probably get her out of here. It's not a good idea to keep a new vampire in a hospital." Wesley said walking over to me.

He put his hand out for me and I gladly took it. "I already signed the release forms so we're good to go." Liam said behind us.

We all walked out of the room and made our way out of the hospital. I could smell blood literally everywhere I stepped and it was so hard to resist the urges. We had finally made it out of the hospital with successfully not killing anyone. We hopped into different cars and made our way back to my house.

So this was it. I'm really a vampire.

Word Count: 1276

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