Part 10

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Madison's POV

We made our way to the remains of the old Seavey church. We walked down the steps and into this strange looking room. To the side there was a huge stone with some kind of witch symbol on it. Lily grabbed and moved it out of the way like it was nothing. "All you have to do is open the tomb. I'll go in and get Shane then leave Arlington Heights forever." She said as she took a blood bag out of her pocket. I'm guessing that to give him strength to get out of there.

All of a sudden Colbys grandma walks into the room. "Grandma? What are you doing here?" He asked clearly shocked to see her.

"Did you really think i'd let you to do this by yourselves. You can't harness enough energy to perform this type of spell." She replied.

"How did you know we were opening the tomb though?" Sam asked.

"I'll called her. I was worried for you guys. I didn't think you'd be able to do it by yourselves so i called your grandma knowing she'd help no matter what." I said.

Everything went quiet. "Well, what are you all doing there standing in silence. That tomb won't open itself." Colbys grandma said.

The three of them formed a circle and put down a little of all the elements to harness more energy from. They started chanting in Latin and the flames on the torches shot up. "It's working. We don't know how long we can hold it so make it quick."

Lily grabbed me and started walking towards the entrance. "Woah, what are you doing?" Wesley asked.

"I need to know you won't close me in here. She's my insurance." Lily replied.

Wesley looked at me and shook my head saying i'd be fine. We walked in and Lily stared looking around to see if should could find this Shane guy. I turn away from for a second and when i turn back around she's gone. "Lily!" I call out, but didn't get a response, "LILY!" I call again but still get no answer. I turn around again and there's a guy standing there.

"Oh, you must be Madison. Your sister spoke quite fond of you when we meet. I'm Eben by the way." The guy said holding his hand out.

"What the hell do you want?"

"Well that's no way to speak to someone. I came in here to find my mother and just so happened to stumble upon you. The only reason she's in here is because of your great grandfather. She swore that the Nash bloodline is what would help get her out of here. Just so happens i'm in luck." He said. He sped over to me biting my wrist. I screamed out in pain as he drug me over to who i'm guessing is his mother and put my wrist to her mouth.

All of sudden he was thrown to the wall. I turn around and see Corbyn standing by him. I pull my wrist away and he runs over to me. "Go, i'm right behind you." He said.

I ran towards the entrance and made it out quickly. Corbyn walked up to the doorway but didn't walk out. "Corbyn what are you doing come on." I say walked more towards Wesley.

"Uh, I can't." He said in a hushed tone.

"What do you mean?"

"The spell we did only opened the tomb, the seal is still on it. Vampires can get in but they can't get back out. He knew that when he went in to save you." Colby said.

"You went in there not knowing if you'd be able to get back out?" I ask turning towards Corbyn.

"I heard you scream. I didn't think about the fact that i wouldn't be able to get out because i knew you could. I couldn't just leave you in there." He said with a sympathetic look.

"I was gonna go but he had already ran in before i could even think about it." Wesley said.

"It's ok. Do you guys think you can break the seal?" I ask turning towards the three witches.

"I think so but i don't know how long we can keep it open. You'll have to have Lily out here ready to leave." Sam said.

"I'll go look for her." Corbyn said.

"Corbyn wait," Wesley said, "thank you for helping her. It means a lot to me. And for going after my sister, but i must worn you, she can be a bit stubborn."

"I think I'll manage. I'll try my hardest to get her out here." Corbyn said before running off further into the tomb.

They starting working on the spell and shortly after Even came out with someone. "I just wanted to get my mom. I'm sorry about you being met in the cross fire." He said as he walked out.

I didn't say anything and watched as he left the room thing. "We can't hold this much longer. Tell them to hurry." Colby said.

"Corbyn, you need to make this quicker! They can't hold it much longer!" I yell through the doorway. I didn't hear anything but Wesley sped in. I'm guessing he heard some commotion going on.

Shortly after all three of them walked out. Lily looked frustrated and a sad expression was on her face. She didn't say anything and walked away from all of us. As the three witches finished holding the seal open they fell to the floor exhausted.

A few hours later

I had found out that Lily couldn't find Shane in the tomb and now she's pissed off about it. Wesley and i tried cheering her up but it didn't work. The boys had gone home and i was about to leave the boarding house and head home. "I think i'm gonna head home now. Liams probably gonna be worried." I say walking towards the door.

"Let me go with you. Lily needs some time alone." Wesley said walking towards the door as well.

I nodded and we walked outside. As we were walking home we talked a little. We were passing the grill when i noticed Mr. Harrison outside. "Well well. Look who finally showed." Mr. Harrison said.

"Look Mr. Harrison. I'm sorry i didn't show up today the future of the founding families was at risk and i needed to help. I can meet you tomorrow if your still willing to keep my secret." Wesley replied. "I'll explain what happened today as well."

"Fine, if your willing to meet with me tomorrow i'll show. If you don't show again i won't hesitate to tell people." He said.

"I'll be there." Mr. Harrison turned away and Wesley and i continued our walk to my house.

We had finally made it to my house and i walked up to the door. "Thank you for walking me home. I probably wouldn't have made it back if i went by myself." I say laughing slightly.

"You're welcome." He said.

I turned back to the door and opened before turning towards Wesley. I waved and smiled at him. He waved and smiled back. I closed the door and when i turned around i was met with Liam. "Why are you back so late?" He asked.

"Can i tell you tomorrow. It's a long story and i'm really tired from the day." I reply.

He nodded and i walked upstairs to my room. I got ready for bed and laid down. Shortly after laying down i feel asleep.

My Mistake-Corbyn BessonWhere stories live. Discover now